Planet Coaster 2 is a complex but colourful park builder | Hands-on preview

Planet Coaster 2 is a complex but colourful park builder | Hands-on preview

As a seasoned gamer with a soft spot for city sims and theme park builders, I found myself diving headfirst into the vibrant world of Planet Coaster 2. With my previous experiences limited to the first game and a few other management sims, this new entry felt like an ocean instead of a pool – overwhelmingly deep yet brimming with potential.

I’ve never been very inclined towards entrepreneurship. I don’t possess a strong competitive drive and I’ve never really enjoyed the notion of exploiting the public, which makes most management simulations challenging for me. However, there are usually two exceptions to this: city sims and theme park builders. The reason behind my interest in city sims is that it’s amusing to observe districts expand like gardens. As for theme park builders, they evoke a sense of wonder that I find captivating. Nevertheless, as I discovered while testing Planet Coaster 2, the more enchanting these games become, the more intricate their systems (much like Park Beyond).

Spending an hour with Planet Coaster 2 during a private demo session left me feeling a bit overwhlemed, yet if I had prior experience with the original game, it might not have been as intimidating. However, this isn’t meant as criticism; instead, it showcases the intricate detail, customization options, and creative potential that the game offers.

Planet Coaster 2 is a complex but colourful park builder | Hands-on preview

In the second part of the story, your amusement park is facing tough competition from a wealthy, technologically advanced neighbor who happens to own some of the same land. To stay ahead, you’ll need to construct rides that have a high level of prestige to outdo them. In the scenario I experienced, the goal was to build an aquatic attraction consisting of slides, which needed safety checks before being opened to guests, in order to boost my park’s reputation.

Initially, Planet Coaster 2 seemed incredibly simple, but it turned out to be quite challenging in reality. While it isn’t necessarily complex, per se, the user interface is quite intricate and requires a good deal of processing. Being thrust into the game without any tutorials or clear instructions left me feeling overwhelmed with all the icons, menus, building commands, and limited starting funds. It wasn’t as simple as placing attractions on the map, as it required careful path planning, ensuring that paths are not only laid out but also connected seamlessly. Guests wouldn’t mind a bit of litter, but they certainly dislike walking on grass. With some assistance from the developers, I eventually managed to get the hang of it, but it wasn’t an easy or straightforward process.

Planet Coaster 2 is a complex but colourful park builder | Hands-on preview

To operate rides, you’ll need generators, whether they’re electrical or solar. Safety checks are essential, as well as constructing facilities for guests and staff. You’ll also need entertainers and shops to keep the spending going. At first glance, Planet Coaster 2 looks like it will be a massive management challenge at launch. Fortunately, I didn’t have to delve into the details too much. My objective was clear though not easy, and I resorted to cheating tactics such as excessive prestige postings of scenery items to boost my rating.

As a gamer, I’ve come to realize that this setup isn’t sustainable in the long run. Although it managed to earn me a Bronze rating and complete the hands-on demo, continuing with it would lead to some significant problems. For instance, I’d frequently find myself dealing with upset guests who couldn’t reach the rides due to haphazardly placed artificial islands. To make matters worse, I’d likely need to replace the path that allows staff to exit their restrooms, adding to the chaos.

You might not have had much experience in the sandbox setting, but this is an ideal place to exercise your creativity and let loose a bit. With unlimited resources and room at your disposal, you can construct the water park or rollercoaster masterpiece you’ve always envisioned, while also testing and honing various strategies for tackling campaign obstacles.

Planet Coaster 2 is a complex but colourful park builder | Hands-on preview

What stood out, perhaps more than anything else, was the meticulous attention to detail everywhere. This could be seen in the natural movement of the crowd and the realistic depiction of water dynamics. By getting close and personal, you can truly savor these details. You have the option to use heat maps for park assessment or single out specific guests to identify areas that might need improvement.

Managing staff and entertainers, setting prices for rides and merchandise, ensuring safety by maintaining the park, and creating an engaging experience are all aspects of Planet Coaster 2. If you enjoy intricate and immersive simulations, this game is sure to keep you entertained repeatedly. With a few months until release, Frontier Developments still has time to refine some of its complex features. However, even if they don’t, they will have a well-designed, vibrant, and addicting park builder on their hands.

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2024-09-14 21:46