Pokemon Fan Learns About Important Gameplay Feature After 18 Years of Playing

Pokemon Fan Learns About Important Gameplay Feature After 18 Years of Playing


  • Pokemon fan discovers STAB feature after 18 years of gameplay, changing battle strategies forever.
  • STAB system boosts damage for Pokemon using moves that match their type, maximizing effectiveness.
  • While some players may have won battles without knowing STAB, knowledge of the feature is crucial for competitive play.

As a seasoned Pokémon player with nearly two decades under my belt, I can’t help but feel a bit sheepish about discovering the STAB feature just recently. It’s like finding out that your favorite dessert has been missing a crucial ingredient all this time! However, better late than never, right? My cousin’s enlightenment has opened up a whole new world for me in terms of battle strategies, and I can’t wait to test them out in future games.

As a dedicated Pokémon enthusiast with nearly two decades under my belt, I’ve just recently uncovered the STAB gameplay feature while immersing myself in the world of Pokémon once more. It’s astonishing to think that this crucial element has been part of the games since their inception, and I can’t believe it took me this long to grasp its significance!

Back in 1998, games titled “Pokemon Red” and “Pokemon Blue” hit the market, marking the beginning of a hugely successful series. Over the years, this franchise has produced numerous hit video games, several anime seasons, multiple movies, and a thriving trading card game. Key features that have been present since the inception include capturing and releasing Pokemon, TMs (Technical Machines) and HMs (Hidden Machines), type advantages, and more. Due to the competitive nature of many Pokemon enthusiasts, there’s always been a drive to find the best Pokemon teams, effective moves, and so on. After 18 years of playing these games, one player has recently discovered the STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) feature, which could potentially revolutionize battles against trainers and players alike.

Reddit user Froggiegorl recently posted about discovering the STAB mechanic in Pokemon while demonstrating their team centered around Cinccino in Pokemon White 2. Initially, they were utilizing Cinccino as a Grass-type to use Bullet Seed with Skill Link. Upon observing this tactic, their cousin clarified the concept of STAB (same type attack bonus), suggesting that using a Grass-type Pokemon with moves corresponding to their type would optimize damage output. Essentially, when a Pokemon employs a move that matches its own type, it will inflict more damage. For example, this principle would apply to a Charmander employing a Fire-type attack, Mewtwo using a Psychic-type move, and so on.

This Pokemon Fan Discovered STAB After 18 Years

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience playing Pokémon games, I can confidently say that I was quite surprised to learn about STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) only recently, during my adventures in Gen 5’s Pokémon White 2. You see, I’ve beaten countless Pokémon games and even completed multiple playthroughs without ever knowing of this hidden statistic. It wasn’t until a conversation with my cousin that I began to understand the significance of STAB in future battles.

Though knowing STAB may be key for players to win some Pokemon battles, it’s likely that other players have beaten the Elite Four without knowing it. As Game Freak continues to release Pokemon games, future games will almost certainly retain the mechanic.

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2024-08-04 16:33