Pokemon Fan Shares Fourth Elemental Monkey Design

Pokemon Fan Shares Fourth Elemental Monkey Design


  • A fan has designed a Fairy-type monkey Pokemon named Panroll that fits with the elemental trio of Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour.
  • The artist, EliDwebster, cleverly incorporates wordplay with the new Pokemon’s name to align with existing concepts in the series.
  • Fans of the Pokemon series have shown excitement and approval for the new design, showcasing the endless creativity inspired by the franchise.

As a lifelong Pokemon enthusiast with over two decades of experience collecting, battling, and dreaming up new creatures, I must say that EliDwebster’s latest fan-made creation, Panroll, has left me utterly charmed! The clever wordplay and playful design elements are a testament to the endless creativity inspired by this beloved franchise.

A Pokemon fan has created a Fairy-type monkey Pokemon to fit in with the elemental trio of Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour. The new design has intrigued Pokemon fans and includes a clever play on words while also playing into the existing concepts behind the three original Pan- monkey Pokemon.

In every major Pokemon game, fresh Pokemon are introduced to the franchise, yet fans continue to imagine and design their own characters. These enthusiasts may concoct new evolutions for existing Pokemon, regional variations, or entirely novel inventions. The boundless potential of the Pokemon series consistently motivates players to dream up captivating fan-made Pokemon.

EliDwebster, a passionate artist who specializes in Pokémon art, recently unveiled their latest creation: a new elemental monkey Pokémon named Panroll, which serves as a complement to Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour. This Fairy-type monkey is unique because its name incorporates dual meanings – the “Pan” in Panroll refers both to the Chimpanzee genus, similar to the other three Pokémon, and also to the Japanese word for bread, which is “pan.”

Fan-Made Elemental Monkey Pokemon Abilities and Stats

When Panroll reaches its advanced stage, it transforms into Simiroll if it has Sparkling Sugar. Most Panroll and Simiroll are female, with a ratio of about 1 in 7 being male. Both Pokemon possess the Glutton ability, and their hidden ability is Sugar Rush. This ability doubles the Pokemon’s speed and causes them to have a 10% chance of confusing opponents when using Fairy-type moves if either Pokemon drops below half health. Panroll symbolizes “smell no evil” as an extension of the proverbial “See no evil, hear no evil, do no evil.” Similar to other elemental monkeys’ evolved forms, Simiroll represents a failed attempt at wisdom, taking inspiration from Japanese delinquent “boss girls.”

Enthusiastic Pokemon enthusiasts are loving the fresh designs, many finding them adorable and clever ideas. This aligns with the artist’s past work over the years. EliDwebster has been sharing fan art depicting new evolutions for existing Pokemon and regional forms that have also resonated with fans of the franchise.

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2024-08-17 03:43