Pokemon GO Alerts Players to Tornadus Raids at the Worst Possible Time

Pokemon GO Alerts Players to Tornadus Raids at the Worst Possible Time


  • Pokemon GO players amused and concerned by game alerting them to Tornadus raid during active tornado warnings.
  • Fans find clash between Pokemon GO alerts and dangerous circumstances funny but potentially dangerous.
  • Niantic should implement safeguards to prevent players from risking lives during severe weather events.

As a long-time Pokemon GO enthusiast who has braved many a cold winter night and scorching summer afternoon for rare catches and battles, I find myself both amused and alarmed by the latest development in the game. The timing of the Tornadus raid during an actual tornado warning is nothing short of ironic, if not downright dangerous.

Many Pokémon GO players have found themselves in an unexpected predicament, with a Tornadus raid scheduled right when a genuine tornado alert is sounding. This irony has led to a mix of humor and concern among the gaming community as they discuss their experiences with Pokémon GO.

As a devoted Pokémon GO enthusiast, I can’t help but get excited about Raids! These events offer an excellent chance to capture powerful Pokémon that are hard to find otherwise. However, the game itself advises us not to engage in Raids during potentially hazardous situations and encourages us to stay alert to our surroundings. This advice, unfortunately, seems to contradict the timing of these alerts, which often coincide with less safe moments.

At least two enthusiasts of Pokemon GO have disclosed an amusing yet potentially risky situation where the game encouraged them to catch a Tornadus during severe weather conditions on July 31. Users xMarioFromOvOx and TheShmud posted screenshots from their phones, revealing that they received alerts about a tornado warning in their vicinity. Surprisingly, alongside this alert, Pokemon GO notified the user of a Tornadus Raid Hour and advised them to “conquer this tempest.”

Pokemon GO’s Tornado Timing

Needless to say, going outside to participate in a raid during a tornado warning would be an incredibly foolish and dangerous thing to do. Even if it were a remote raid, players probably had more important things to be doing to ensure their safety at that time. However, the simple fact that Pokemon GO wanted players to go catch a Tornadus of all things when weather was severe enough for a genuine tornado to spawn has struck both of the users and commenters as being pretty funny. TheShmud joked that it was “a little too much” augmented reality, while another player called it immersive gaming. xMarioFromOvOx notes that they got a chuckle out of the moment while the intense weather stormed.

At the height of its popularity, fans of Pokemon GO went to great lengths to catch rare Pokemon, even abandoning their daily routines to chase after sudden appearances. While such behavior may seem extreme, no one should put themselves in harm’s way for a game. Some might suggest that the developers of Pokemon GO, Niantic, could implement safety measures, such as halting local spawns or raids during severe weather alerts or shelter-in-place orders to discourage players from venturing outside when it’s unsafe. Regrettably, this isn’t a new issue for Pokemon GO, as the game has been criticized for promoting play during tornado warnings in the past. For now, the responsibility lies with the player to exercise caution and common sense.

As a dedicated fan, I’m delighted to share some good news: You still have a chance to join in on the Tornadus raids if you missed the last one! The Tornadus Incarnate raids are continuing until August 3 at 10 am local time. Here’s hoping our luck holds up and the weather stays safe during this period, allowing us to keep catching Tornadus!

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2024-08-02 01:03