Pokemon GO Player Has Collection of Nearly 2,000 Wailmers

Pokemon GO Player Has Collection of Nearly 2,000 Wailmers


  • Ridiculous collection of nearly 2000 Wailmers amuses Pokemon GO fans, sparking curiosity and admiration among fellow players.
  • TheMisterTango’s obsession with Wailmer extends to TCG cards, showcasing a deep passion for the Pokemon in every form possible.
  • Fans express awe at the absurdity of the Wailmer collection, highlighting the unique and individual ways players celebrate their favorite Pokemon.

As a seasoned Pokemon GO player and collector myself, I must admit that TheMisterTango’s Wailmer collection left me utterly astounded! With nearly 2000 of these sea-faring behemoths in his digital menagerie, it seems this fellow fan has truly found his niche.

A dedicated Pokémon GO enthusiast recently displayed their extraordinary accumulation of approximately 2000 Wailmers to other game fans. This unusual collection has garnered much attention, particularly when asked about their vast number of this specific Pokémon.

It’s quite common for Pokemon enthusiasts to cherish a handful of favorites, yet some fans become exceptionally passionate about a single Pokemon, be it the iconic Pikachu or an uncommon one. These dedicated fans often express their affection through fan-made artwork and collectibles, or they might strive to capture as many as possible in the Pokemon games. However, this specific fan has possibly taken their love for one particular Pokemon to an extraordinary level.

As a fellow Pokémon enthusiast, I was blown away by Reddit user TheMisterTango’s extraordinary collection of no less than 1967 Wailmers, showcased on the platform! A snapshot serves as proof of this staggering number. The fanatic further breaks down their collection: 5 Shiny Wailmers, 138 Lucky ones, 6 Hundos, 6 Shadow Pokémon, 48 XXL-sized Wailmers, with the rest being average catches. This isn’t all TheMisterTango has in store for celebrating this unique Pokémon, though; they’re also on a mission to gather every single Wailmer card ever made by the Pokémon TCG! Their English collection is almost complete, and next up, they aim to conquer the Japanese Wailmer cards.

Pokemon GO Player Really, Really Likes Wailmer

It’s no secret that fans are thrilled about TheMisterTango’s peculiar collection of Wailmer in Pokémon. One fan even joked that they ran out of storage space for their own Pokémon due to TheMisterTango’s vast number of Wailmer. Another player admitted to being similarly obsessed, boasting 1153 Chansey in the game. TheMisterTango admitted that not all these Wailmer were caught by them alone; friends frequently give them any Wailmer they find and catch. However, people often ask why TheMisterTango has so many Wailmer, to which they simply respond “Wailmer.” Interestingly, their fondness for this Pokémon doesn’t seem to extend to its evolution, as they only have two Wailord and a massive amount of Wailmer candies.

As a dedicated gamer, it’s no secret that among the multitude of Pokémon out there, we often find ourselves gravitating towards certain ones. Interestingly, one of the original creators of Pokémon, Junichi Masuda, has openly admitted to having a soft spot for Psyduck. It’s not always about a Pokémon being battle-effective; it could be their design, their on-screen antics, their character development in the anime, or even the quirky Wailmer that sparks our enthusiasm.

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2024-08-08 01:13