Pokemon GO Player Makes Two Extremely Lucky Catches in a Row

Pokemon GO Player Makes Two Extremely Lucky Catches in a Row


  • Pokemon GO player catches rare treasures back-to-back, impressing others.
  • It’s not easy to catch rare Pokemon; preparation and luck are key.
  • Using high-quality Poke Balls and berries increases chances of catching rare Pokemon.

As a dedicated Pokemon GO player, I can’t help but feel envious and amazed by HappyZombies’ recent back-to-back catches of a Shiny Alolan Exeggutor and a Galarian Articuno. The screenshot of their impressive finds has left me feeling both inspired and a bit disheartened, as I’ve spent countless hours trying to catch rare Pokemon with little success.

A fortunate “Pokemon GO” player succeeded in capturing two exceptionally rare Pokemon consecutively. These extraordinary finds included a Shiny Pokemon and a Galarian Legendary. This achievement has left an impression on other “Pokemon GO” players, sparking feelings of admiration and envy alike.

In Pokemon GO, enhancing the appearance of specific Pokemon types through items and events is possible. However, this doesn’t make them simple to capture. The real challenge begins when players encounter rare Pokemon but are unprepared with enough Poke Balls or face a difficult-to-catch creature. Consequently, they might leave empty-handed, disappointed over losing a valuable catch. A devoted fan experienced this very predicament but is now proud of two impressive back-to-back captures.

I, an avid Reddit user and Pokémon GO enthusiast named HappyZombies, recently had an unbelievable run of luck while playing the game. In a playful jest, I remarked that it was time for me to buy a lottery ticket due to my recent string of amazing catches. A quick screenshot reveals that within just one minute, I managed to capture a Galarian Articuno and a Shiny Alolan Exeggutor. Although the individual IVs on the Galarian Articuno weren’t impressive, many fellow players would consider these catches sheer luck.

Catching Rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO is No Easy Task

Fellow fans have shown an abundance of jealousy and admiration towards the player after their successful capture of the elusive Galarian Articuno. One inquisitive fan asked about the technique used to catch this rare bird, to which HappyZombies revealed they employed a Master Ball. However, HappyZombies had justification for their decision as they hadn’t spotted a Galarian Legendary since April, and this one had slipped away from them during their previous encounter. To avoid any regrets, they decided to play it safe with the Master Ball, but let’s hope they don’t miss out on using it for something more valuable in the future.

Some Pokemon GO players were surprised and confused because they hadn’t encountered the Galarian Legendary birds at all. A few weren’t aware that using Daily Incense could lead to their appearance, while others expressed frustration despite frequently using it. Previously, some fans had success catching Galarian Legendaries with the Pokemon GO Plus+ accessory, but not everyone is fond of relying on an automated system for rare catches. Ultimately, players can only prepare by ensuring they have excellent Poke Balls and a variety of berries to enhance their chances once a Galarian Legendary appears.

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2024-07-20 01:53