Pokemon GO Players Set Up Eeveelution Gym After Months of Trying

Pokemon GO Players Set Up Eeveelution Gym After Months of Trying


  • Gyms in Pokemon GO are important for trainers to battle rivals and claim control, allowing for team progression and bonus rewards.
  • A dedicated team filled a Gym with Eeveelutions, showcasing patience and dedication in the game’s community of trainers.
  • Upcoming Pokemon GO events include a new Community Day.

As a dedicated Pokemon GO trainer and longtime fan of the beloved franchise, I can’t help but be amazed by the sheer determination and creativity displayed by the community when it comes to taking over Gyms in the game. The recent screenshot of a Gym filled with nothing but Eeveelutions is a testament to the patience, dedication, and teamwork among trainers.

A player of Pokemon GO posted a picture on social media showing their Gym populated exclusively with evolved versions of Eevee, the beloved character from the original 1996 Pokemon Red and Blue games. Although Gyms are a standard element in Pokemon GO, amassing one with particular pocket monsters requires considerable effort and commitment, as demonstrated by the sharing player.

In Pokemon GO, gyms play a crucial role for trainers aiming to enhance their team’s performance. By engaging in battles at rival gyms, trainers can seize control of these landmarks and designate one of their Pokemon as the defender, contributing to a team total of six defending creatures. The act of defending or assaulting a gym results in earning progress towards badges that bestow extra rewards when spinning the gym’s Photo Disc – including experience points, Poke Balls, Berries, and various in-game items.

A committed group of Pokemon GO players made an extraordinary accomplishment by stocking a Gym exclusively with the evolved forms of Eevee. One of these players, who participated in this mission, posted a picture of the Gym on Reddit to express their joy after numerous attempts to conquer their community’s Pokemon GO Gym using only Eevee evolutions over several months. The Chace’s Pancake Corral Gym showcased six distinct Eeveelutions at that moment: Flareon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, and Espeon.

Pokemon GO Trainers Team Up To Fill Gym With Eeveelutions

Players on this Reddit post praised the dedication of Pokemon GO trainers for filling their Gyms with Eeveelutions. Many shared pictures of their own Gyms filled with different Eevee evolutions or themed Pokemon. Some even wondered what a Gym full of shiny Eeveelutions would look like, providing a new goal for committed trainers.

Trainers aim to seize control of Gyms to populate them with their preferred Pokémon, yet an exciting development from Pokémon GO is the announcement of a new Safari Zone and City Safari event in South Korea and Indonesia for September. For players unable to attend in person, mark your calendars for the upcoming Community Day on August 31, between 2pm and 5pm local time, featuring Popplio as the special Pokémon. These events promise new captures for showcasing in Gyms, potentially leading to future images of Gyms teeming with similar-themed pocket monsters.

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2024-07-25 02:23