Pokemon Go’s “trash” Adventure Week 2024 skips highly-anticipated spawns

Pokemon Go’s “trash” Adventure Week 2024 skips highly-anticipated spawns

As a long-time Pokemon Go player who has been eagerly anticipating Adventure Week since its inception, I must admit that this year’s edition left me feeling more like a fossil than a trainer. The lack of Fossil spawns in the wild and the limited availability of shiny finds has made this event feel more like a Research Day or Hatch Day disguised as an Adventure Week.

Among the highly anticipated events in Pokémon Go, Adventure Week stands out. However, the 2024 version of this event has fallen short of expectations, causing frustration among players.

Throughout all prior iterations, the event had consistently showcased the star attraction: Fossil Pokemon, which were commonly found roaming around. Consequently, the community eagerly anticipated capturing an ideal IV or rare, shimmering variant of these creatures.

Nevertheless, the exotic creatures won’t be part of this season’s festivities, sparking frustration among trainers such as Reddit user ‘Physical_Stuff6787’.

Me @ this “fossil event”
byu/Physical_Stuff6787 inpokemongo

The original trainer was excited to find Tyrunt, the well-known Pokemon that combines Rock and Dragon types and resembles a T-Rex. However, since these creatures are not typically found in the wild during normal events, another player commented: “This event is essentially a research day or hatching day disguised as an adventure week, with a very poor shiny rate.”

A growing number of people criticized the wildlife species being offered, with some referring to them as “unexceptional” or “common Pokémon,” similar to those often encountered daily, and others using a harsher term, calling them “junk.”

In the storyline of this game, fossil species are considered extinct but have been revived. Many of these creatures are effective at launching Rock-type attacks during raids and in the Go Battle League, which makes them very popular catches among players.

However, it appears that the scarcity of Fossil spawns isn’t the sole issue at hand. During Adventure Week 2024, there was an enhancement in the chances of encountering shiny versions of popular finds such as Tyrunt, Amaura, Cranidos, and Tirtouga.

Having spent countless hours grinding away at Field Research tasks and Egg-related activities in Pokémon Go, I can confidently say that the shiny chance feels like a hoax to many of us dedicated trainers. After hundreds of attempts, I have yet to see any proof that these elusive creatures actually exist. The frustration is real when you’ve invested so much time and energy, only to come up empty-handed. It makes me wonder if Niantic has some sort of hidden algorithm that prevents certain players from ever encountering shinies. As a longtime fan of the Pokémon franchise, I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed by this apparent discrepancy between the game and reality.

From August 1st to August 12th, 2024, Pokemon Go will host an event called The Adventure Week. During this period, certain Fossil-type Pokemons won’t be found in the wild. However, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in engaging Collection Challenges and Timed Research instead!

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2024-08-05 13:36