Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Alright, let me tell ya somethin’, mate! I’ve been through my fair share of battles against all sorts of trainers and Pokémon, but Professor Ebano here seems to have a knack for assembling quite the formidable team.

When discussing fan-made Pokemon games, it’s hard to overlook Pokemon Opalo. This game is known for its heartwarming narrative featuring intricate characters, meticulously designed locations, and exceptional Fakemons (fake Pokemon) that include numerous real-world references and thoughtful critique of the colonial era.

In “Pokémon Opalo,” you’ll instantly perceive the affection poured into its creation. This game is designed not only to entertain but also to test your skills, offering battles that may push your limits, even when you think you’re well-prepared.

Don’t worry, dear Pokémon fans, this guide is designed to assist you in quickly understanding the game. Let’s dive right in and begin.

How To Download And Play Pokemon Opalo

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

The Spanish-made fan game, Pokemon Opalo, was developed by creator EricLostie. Since it’s his native tongue, the game is in Spanish. However, there’s an English version available thanks to Raizen, a diligent Pokefan who specializes in translating games from other languages into English.

To get this specific version, navigate to Raizen’s channel. From there, you can download it directly. Look for the video’s description section, where you’ll find the various platforms to choose from for your download. Once you’ve selected one, you’ll download a ZIP file. Extract this file, and inside, you’ll find the main folder that contains Game.exe – simply double-click on it to open the game. If you prefer, you can also create a shortcut for easier access.

Which Starter Is The Best In Pokemon Opalo?

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Kick off our journey in Céfira! The game begins with a straightforward storyline: you’ll pick your character, have a chat with Professor Ebano over TV, and then follow up on a letter from your old friend Apolo by heading to the Pokemon Shelter.

Here, you’ll choose your starter. You have three options:

  • Flasinge, the Fire-type starter. It’ll evolve into Lunaye, a Fire/Fairy-type Pokemon. This one is a sweeper with a great Special Attack.
  • Swolphin, the Water-type starter. It’ll evolve into Narvalor, a Water/Ice-type Pokemon. This one is also a sweeper but with a bit more resistance, and it’s specialized in physical Attack.
  • Snampery, the Grass-type starter. It’ll evolve into Gastela, a Grass/Electric-type Pokemon. Gastela is more of a tanky Pokemon but has a decent Special Attack stat as well.

1. These three choices are outstanding; none of them will disappoint you! Since there are numerous powerful Pokémon available right away at these gyms, it boils down to what matters most to you personally.

If speedy aggression is your choice, opt for Swolphin. If you’re leaning towards defensive Pokémon that act as barriers, Snampery is the way to go. For a Pokémon specializing in powerful, strategic attacks, Flasinge is an excellent pick.

The only thing you might take into account is that it is easier to find Grass and Fire-types rather than Water-types at the earliest stages of the game.

First Gym Battle Against Mundánez

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

This is Mundánez’s team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Cefiran Meowth 12 Pickup or Unnerve
Slakoth Normal 13 Truant
Lickitung Normal 14 Oblivious

Céfiran Meowth’s type will depend on your starter:

– Picking Snampery: Normal/Fire

– Picking Flasinge: Normal/Ice

– Picking Swolphin: Normal/Electric

It’s important to know this as Mundánez will be one of your rivals during your adventure.

To swiftly overcome Mundánez, consider employing a Pokémon specialized in combat. You can easily obtain one by capturing a Mareep along Route 2, then returning to Jaloque City’s Pokémon School and trading it with a student for a Machop. This Machop is particularly beneficial early in the game, making it advisable to include it on your team.

In a simpler form, here’s how you could rephrase the given text: “Machop can perform a Low Kick, which is particularly effective against Lickitung because it’s quite heavy. On the other hand, Slakoth and Persian Meowth are more of a nuisance than a challenge, and they can easily be overcome by most other Pokémon.”

Second Gym Battle Against Acacia

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Following a brief, thrilling escapade across the Dusty Steppe, encountering Team Gatling, and passing through Poniente and Siroco Town, it’s now time for you to challenge Acacia to claim your second Gym Badge. Here’s her roster of Pokémon:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Mudbray Ground 21 Stamina
Piloswine Ice/Ground 21 Oblivious or Snow Cloak
Cefiran Tangela Ground/Grass 22 Dry Skin

In a battle, if you allow Mudbray to accumulate Defense buffs using its Stamina ability, it could become troublesome. Begin the fight with a Pokemon of Grass or Water type to eliminate it swiftly. The Cefiran Tangela isn’t much of an issue; you can defeat it using Fire or Flying-type attacks. If you have Swolphin and it has learned Ice Shard early in the game, use it against this Pokemon.

A Piloswine might be overcome by a Pokemon of the Fighting type, such as the Machop you can acquire in Jaloque City. (Or) In Jaloque City, you can find a Machop, a Fighting-type Pokemon capable of defeating a Piloswine.

Third Gym Battle Against Biel

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Biel is the Gym leader of Austral City, the metropolis of the Cefira region. This is her team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Klank Steel 27
Torkoal Fire 28 White Smoke
Cefiran Golurk Fire/Steel 29 Water Absorb

Beyond just being a Gym Leader specializing in Steel-Type Pokémon, Biel harbors a deep affection for steampunk aesthetics. This is evident in the composition of her team, which includes both Steel and Fire-Type Pokémon.

Her standout Pokemon are Torkoal and Golurk. You can’t lower Torkoal’s stats due to its ability, White Smoke, so avoid attempting that. Instead, stick with Water or Ground-based attacks. Employing Special moves against Torkoal will simplify the battle.

The Céfiran Golurk, being a beast, uses Water Absorb to shield itself from Water-type attacks, which are its main vulnerability. However, its move set is not particularly strong, so you can use Pokémon of Ground or Fighting types to defeat it effectively. This battle underscores the importance of having a Fighting-type Pokémon in this game.

Fourth Gym Battle Against Romero

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Your upcoming location is Orvallo Town, a town known for its fishermen. It’s here where you’ll encounter Romero, the Water-type Gym Leader. Here’s who he has on his team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Swanna Water/Flying 31 Keen Eye or Big Pecks
Dreadnaw Water/Rock 31 Strong Jaw
Araquanid Water/Bug 31 Water Bubble
Cefiran Abomasnow Water/Grass 32 Poison Heal (Equipped With a Toxic Orb)

In this situation, although Grass might be suitable, all of Romero’s Pokémon are equipped to overcome their Grass-type vulnerabilities using various items. For instance, Dreadnaw carries a berry that reduces the effectiveness of Grass-type attacks, while Swanna and Araquanid compensate for their weaknesses with Flying and Bug-type moves respectively. To handle these, it would be wise to have an Electric-type Pokémon on hand.

The Abomasnow with the name Cefiran is challenging to defeat, but surprisingly, its ability and item setup make it vulnerable to moves of the Poison type. This weakness can be exploited as a means to defeat it. You might find an effective Poison-type attacker in either Roselia or Roserade within the initial routes of your journey.

Fifth Gym Battle Against Silene

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

In Caligine City, there’s a Gym Leader named Silene who carries an air of mystery. Here’s her team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Drifblim Ghost/Flying 37 Unburden
Chandelure Ghost/Fire 37 Flash Fire
Mimikyu Ghost/Fairy 38 Disguise
Cefiran Froslass Ground/Ghost 39 Shadow Tag

In this scenario, “Ghost-types” are an excellent choice, however, they can be somewhat elusive. The only dependable one is “Gastly,” which can be discovered near Orvallo Town, at the deserted settlement west of the prior route. As an alternative, concentrating on the secondary types of Silene’s Pokemon, particularly the “Dark-types,” is a wise decision. They are also effective in this area.

Drifblim is vulnerable to Electric-based attacks, Chandelure dislikes Ground-type assaults, and Mimikyu, once unmasked, can be readily defeated by Steel-type attacks or any powerful physical move.

In the case of the Cefiran Froslass, its unique Shadow Tag ability makes it tricky since it prevents you from switching Pokemon during battle. Therefore, pick your moves carefully against this Froslass, as it possesses Confuse Ray (a Ghost-type move), Earth Power, and Destiny Bond. To overcome it effectively, opt for Dark-type attacks such as Bite.

Sixth Gym Battle Against Dalio

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Following your departure from Caligine City and venturing through the Perilous Marsh, you’ll eventually reach the city of Galerna. Interestingly, this metropolis is governed by Dalio. After an amusing underwater encounter, you’ll face a Gym battle against his Electric-themed team.

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Galvantula Electric/Bug 43 Compound Eyes
Toxtricity Electric/Poison 44 Soundproof
Magnezone Electric/Steel 44 Sturdy
Lanturn Electric/Water 44 Volt Absorb or Illuminate
Cefiran Altaria Electric/Dragon 45 Static

In this fight, a Pokemon with a Ground-based type will be greatly valued, as Toxtricity, Magnezone, and Cefiran Altaria struggle significantly against opponents like Mudsdale, Golem, or any other Ground-type Pokemon you decide to use.

Intriguingly, the battle between Galvantula and Lanturn presents an engaging test, given that Galvantula boasts a considerable speed advantage, while Lanturn is bulky and tough to defeat due to its massive size.

As a devoted fan, I’d say for Fire-types, they’re more than enough for my team. However, the other one packs Ice Beam, which helps it overcome its Grass and Ground-type vulnerabilities. In such a scenario, my best bet would be to either counter with a neutral Pokémon or try to strategically use sleep or poison moves on it.

Seventh Gym Battle Against Peonía

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

As you solve the puzzle behind your hallucinations, corner Winchester, and liberate the Astral Tower from Team Gatling, the next move involves confronting Peonía and her duplicate. Since this is a two-versus-one battle, make sure to strategize your team composition wisely.

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Sigilyph Psychic/Flying 49 Wonder Skin
Claydol Psychic/Ground 49 Levitate
Gardevoir Psychic/Fairy 50 Synchronize
Cefiran Hariyama Psychic/Fighting 51 Thick Fat or White Smoke

To triumph in this battle, it’s crucial to launch an all-out assault on both Peonías. However, if your plan is to weaken their defense or alter your target’s condition with poison or paralysis, you might encounter difficulties because Sigilyph, Hariyama, and Gardevoir possess abilities that shield them from such effects.

In a Pokémon battle, consider starting with an Electric or Water/Grass type Pokémon (Water might not be your best choice initially), and if possible, choose one that knows Dark-type moves like Crunch, Night Slash, or Knock Off. This setup could give you an edge right from the start of the fight.

Céfiran Hariyama can be defeated effectively using moves such as poison, ghost, fairy, or flying types. It has recently acquired a new special move called “Pipe of Peace”, which belongs to the psychic type. Poison-type attacks are particularly effective against Gardevoir.

Derringer At Mt. Boreal

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Immediately following your departure from Tempest City, events become intricate when you infiltrate Team Gatling’s base. There, you uncover a hidden partnership between the government and Team Gatling, and learn that President Mustang is involved in questionable, corrupt activities.

However, the situation has improved, and it’s time for you to journey towards Mount Boreal in search of Astrem, the elusive Pokémon you’ve been seeking. Be aware that Derringer shares your goal and may act aggressively to beat you to it.

This is his team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Dragalge Dragon/Poison 53 Poison Point
Durant Bug/Steel 54 Swarm or Hustle
Grimmsnarl Fairy/Dark 54 Trickster
Gliscor Ground/Flying 54 Hyper Cutter
Cefiran Glalie Ghost/Flying 54 Intimidate
Greninja Water/Dark 55 Torrent

To defeat Derringer effectively, you should initiate battles with a Pokemon that specializes in Ice or Psychic types. If Dragalge isn’t vulnerable to Electric-type attacks, having Thunderbolt will prove beneficial. However, Grimmsnarl, Gliscor, and Greninja could potentially pose challenges within Derringer’s team.

Grimmsnarl, a formidable Fairy creature, can be defeated using Steel, Poison, or moves of its own kind; it’s advisable to defeat it swiftly as it has the ability to Bulk Up and could pose difficulties. Gliscor is easily vanquished by Ice-type attacks, but if you lack these options, Water is a dependable substitute. Greninja is an aggressive attacker, however, it lacks defense. Fighting and Ground-type moves prove effective against it.

Last Gym Battle Against Brezo

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Upon reaching the summit of Mount Boreal, you’ll find yourself approaching Cencellada City. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to earn your final badge in a challenge against Brezo, a Gym Leader specializing in Ice-type Pokémon. Here are the members of his team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Frosmoth Bug/Ice 55 Snow Warning
Beartic Ice 56 Snow Cloak
Walrein Ice/Water 55 Thick Fat
Mamoswine Ice/Ground 56 Thick Fat
Lupice Ice/Fighting 57 Iron Fist

Generally speaking, Fire, Fighting, and Steel-based attacks are highly effective against Brezo. Walrein and Mamoswine appear to be his strongest Pokémon. Walrein is particularly susceptible to Electric-type moves, and his move set seems relatively weak. He tends to repeatedly use Sheer Cold, an attack that can instantly knock out your Pokémon, but it has a tendency to miss its target.

Instead of Mamoswine, opt for attacking it with Water or Fighting-style attacks. It’s less advantageous to use Grass or Steel moves against it, as Mamoswine possesses Earthquake and Stone Edge abilities that counter these types.

Pokemon League

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

Hey there, game enthusiast here! Kudos on making it this far – it ain’t been a walk in the park, that’s for sure. Now, we’ve got one more hurdle to conquer: the Pokémon League. Let’s see if our training pays off and we can claim that elusive title!

The competition consists of three distinct stages. The initial stage involves facing your competitors. Moving forward, you’ll encounter three unspecified Gym Leaders in the second phase. In the final stage, the opponent will be none other than Professor Ebano, who holds the title of Champion!

In this competitive league, we will present you with a rundown of all potential opponents you may encounter. We’ll follow that up by providing you with strategies to tackle them effectively. Since you’ve already encountered many of them in the game, you can expect a smooth and predictable experience.

First Round

Trainer Team (Level) Notes
  • Her Starter (61)
  • Lycanroc (59)
  • Xatu (60)
  • Mienshao (60)
  • Turtonator,
  • Lapras, or Roserade, depending on your starter (59)
Lead your battle with a Water or Fighting-type Pokemon. Go with Electric-type moves against Xatu.
  • Pidgeot (59)
  • Gyarados (59)
  • Snorlax (60)
  • Poliwrath (60)
  • Raichu (61).
Snorlax, one of the best Normal-types in the game, has Thunder and Fire Punch. Gyarados has Earthquake; opt for Ice-types to avoid extra damage. Avoid Flying-types against Poliwrath; it has Ice Punch.
  • His Starter (61)
  • Cefiran Persian (59)
  • Medicham (59)
  • Lickilicky (60)
  • Copperajah (60)
Use Fighting-types against Copperajah. Lickilicky has Explosion.

Second Round

Trainer Team (Level) Notes
  • Bibarel (60)
  • Heliolisk (60)
  • Sawsbuck (60)
  • Pyroar (61)
  • Exploud (62)
Fighting-types will be highly appreciated here.
  • Hippowdon (60)
  • Mudsdale (60)
  • Mamoswine (60)
  • Gliscor (61)
  • Cefiran Tangela (Ground/Grass, 62)
Try to take Mudsdale down as soon as possible. Special Water or Grass moves can do the job.
  • Bronzong (60)
  • Klinklang (60)
  • Torkoal (60)
  • Aggron (61)
  • Cefiran Golurk (62)
Fire-types are good here, but be careful with Aggron’s Earthquake. Use Earthquake against Golurk.
  • Swanna (60)
  • Araquanid (60)
  • Drednaw (60)
  • Dracovish (61)
  • Mossfoot (Water/Grass, 62)
Use Poison-types against Mossfoot. Try to take Swanna down quickly with Electric-type moves.
  • Drifblim (60)
  • Zippectre (it’s not Mega Bannette) (60)
  • Chandelure (60)
  • Mimikyu (61)
  • Cefiran Froslass (62)
Zippectre is only Ghost-type. can’t do much against Dark-types.
  • Galvantula (60)
  • Toxtricity (60)
  • Magnezone (60)
  • Lanturn (61)
  • Cefiran Altaria (62)
Dalio’s strategy is exactly the same as the one you faced at his Gym.
  • Sigilyph (60)
  • Alakazam (60)
  • Gardevoir (60)
  • Claydol (61)
  • Cefiran Hariyama (62)
Alakazam and Gardevoir have Dazzling Gleam. Bug-types can be a good option here. Sigilyph will focus on increasing its defenses and healing with Roost. Go full force against it.
  • Frosmoth (60)
  • Beartic (60)
  • Walrein (60)
  • Mamoswine (61)
  • Lupice (62)
This is a pretty similar team to what you saw last time against Brezo. Use the same strategy, and you’ll be fine.

Professor Ebano

Pokemon Opalo Walkthrough and Guide

This is Ebano’s team:

Pokemon Type Level Ability
Mega Steelix Steel/Ground 61 Sheer Force
Scrafty Dark/Fighting 61 Moxie or Rough Skin
Bouffalant Normal 62 Sap Sipper or Reckless
Mandibuzz Flying/Dark 62 Big Pecks or Overcoat
Haxorus Dragon 62 Mold Breaker or Rivalry
Krookodile Ground/Dark 63 Moxie

Ebano’s team leans towards the Dark type, which means that Bug, Fighting, and Fairy types are particularly effective against him.

In this battle, Steelix aims to lay down Stealth Rocks, causing harm when your Pokémon enter the field. Start off with a Pokémon of either Ice or Fighting type as your initial pick, and aim to defeat it immediately once it’s out.

The powerful attack of a Bouffalant, known as Head Charge, can be effectively countered by using a Ghost-type Pokemon. Alternatively, a Fighting-type Pokemon could do the trick, but watch out for its Mega Horn. On the other hand, Mandibuzz is quite durable and may attempt to poison your Pokemon with Toxic. It also employs Protect and Roost to recover health.

Other than that, an Electric-type move can be more than enough to take it down.

To wrap things up, let’s not forget about Krookodile. It will attempt to boost its attack with ‘Work Up’ on the first turn, so try to strike it forcefully as soon as possible. Effective types against it include Fighting, Water, or Grass.

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2024-08-14 11:40