Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved


  • Not all Pokemon need to evolve to be strong in battle – Clefairy and Chansey are prime examples of this.
  • Eviolite boosts like those on Rhydon and Dusclops can make unevolved Pokemon even more powerful than their evolved forms.
  • Certain Pokemon like Pikachu and Vigoroth shine with unique abilities that make them more competitive than their evolved counterparts.

As someone who has been training Pokémon since the days of Red and Blue, I can attest to the fact that the dynamics between evolutionary lines often surprise us. In this case, it seems that the pre-evolutions have taken the stage, shining brighter than their fully evolved counterparts.

The concept of evolution is a defining feature in the Pokémon franchise, where these extraordinary yet peculiar creatures are consistently changing and metamorphosing into entirely new entities with unique skills. However, contrary to popular belief among players, not all Pokémon derive the same level of advantage from evolution.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that some Pokémon, despite not being fully evolved, can really hold their own in battles. These guys have abilities, moves, and items that make them surprisingly powerful. In fact, some of these underdogs outshine their evolved counterparts! Here are a few examples that prove evolution isn’t always the key to success in this beloved franchise.

8 Pikachu

Utilize The Light Ball

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

Since Pikachu is the iconic symbol of the entire franchise and one of the most famous fictional characters globally, it’s natural that Game Freak would favor Pikachu when it comes to items, moves, and abilities. However, this often results in Pikachu outperforming its evolution, Raichu, which is unfortunate because Raichu is a strong Pokémon in its own right.

The “Light Ball” item boosts Pikachu’s Attack and Special Attack, but has no effect on Raichu. Moreover, Pikachu stands out in the Pokémon franchise with exclusive mechanics such as its own Z-Move and Gigantamax form, making it a valuable choice in battles. Additionally, the special Pikachu from “Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu!” can learn unique moves that Raichu cannot replicate due to its inability to evolve.

7 Clefairy

A Better Hidden Ability

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

Generally speaking, many fans find the original Pokemon character, Clefairy, more appealing than its evolved form, Clefable, due to its perceived friendlier and cuter appearance. However, there’s more to this preference than just aesthetics; Clefairy is also advantageous in battles. In other words, while both have similar designs, the un-evolved form of this Pokemon family line, Clefairy, is commonly chosen by players because it offers an edge in combat as well as a friendlier appearance.

In double battles – a favorite format among serious Pokemon players – Clefairy possesses the Hidden Ability called Friend Guard. This ability shields allies from taking too much damage during these battles. However, when Clefairy evolves into Clefable, it loses this beneficial trait. The popularity of Clefairy skyrocketed with the advent of Generation Six, as it not only became useful in double battles but also received some robust resistances against other types due to the addition of the Fairy Type.

6 Rhydon

Eviolite Makes Rhyperior Unnecessary

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

For a long time, Rhydon was a renowned, fully evolved Pokemon, admired for its flawless design by many fans. They generally believed it didn’t require any additional evolution. However, the introduction of Rhyperior in Generation 4 took everyone by surprise, and opinions have been split ever since. While it’s acknowledged that Rhyperior has a handsome appearance, some believe its design is excessive and unnecessary.

Additionally, Rhyperior’s strength was challenged by the arrival of Eviolite, an item that enhances both a Pokemon’s Physical and Special Defense, particularly for those not fully evolved. With Eviolite in its possession, Rhydon transformed into a sturdy defensive powerhouse capable of dishing out reasonable damage. Given that it had spent many years as the final form in its evolutionary line, Rhyperior managed to maintain its appeal, largely due to the impact of Eviolite.

5 Chansey

Another Great Eviolite User

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

Initially in Generation 1, Chansey stood out as the epitome of support Pokémon due to its high HP, robust defense, and ability to heal itself with Soft-Boiled. However, Blissey, its evolution, appeared only a generation later and was considered superior for many years.

Initially, the dynamic between Pokémon was different, but the introduction of Eviolite flipped things once more. With its remarkable boost to defensive stats, Chansey can now match Blissey’s bulk, sometimes even surpassing it. This transformation has led to Chansey being showcased more frequently in competitive battling. While Blissey remains a robust support Pokémon that is widely utilized, it’s Chansey that takes the spotlight in tournaments, and for valid reasons.

4 Murkrow

Honchkrow’s Hidden Ability Isn’t As Useful

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

In Generation 2, several small or weak Pokémon were introduced that seemed primed for evolution, but alas, they didn’t get one. An exception to this was Murkrow, which received a formidable evolution called Honchkrow in Generation 4. However, the addition of Hidden Abilities in subsequent generations significantly altered the balance between these two forms.

Murkrow possesses the hidden ability named “Prankster,” which makes its status-inflicting moves take precedence over others in battle. This trait is highly valued in competitive play, but Honchkrow trades it for an alternative ability called “Moxie.” While Moxie is useful, Prankster’s benefits are significantly greater. Consequently, Murkrow is frequently employed in tournaments with moves like Tailwind or Taunt, which can drastically alter the course of competitive battles.

3 Porygon2

Better Stats All Around

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

In the world of Pokemon, there are plenty of special sweepers that you can find easily. Even though Porygon-Z showcases impressive power, there are numerous other creatures with similar abilities who can perform the same role. However, heavy defensive tanks aren’t as common, making the pre-evolution of Porygon-Z, Porygon2, more valuable in strategic gameplay due to its scarcity.

I’ve got to hand it to Eviolite – yet again, it’s proved its worth! By significantly increasing Porygon2’s defenses, it allows this Pokémon to withstand moves that Porygon-Z would crumble under. Interestingly enough, without the Eviolite, the total base stats of these two evolutionary family members aren’t vastly different – Porygon2 even boasts better defensive stats naturally!

2 Vigoroth

Doesn’t Skip Turns Like Slaking Does

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

As a passionate Pokémon fan, I’m always amazed by the intricacies of each creature’s abilities, but even I was taken aback when I realized that Vigoroth, an unevolved Pokémon, outperforms its evolution, Slaking, which was introduced in the same generation. This is quite unusual because it’s typically the other way around!

Slaking is known for possessing the Truant trait, which makes it unable to take action every other turn. On the other hand, Vigoroth does not have this trait and instead has Vital Spirit. This means that even though its stats might be weaker than those of its evolution, Vigoroth can prove to be more effective and active in battles. Consequently, many experienced trainers often opt for using Vigoroth over Slaking, whether during casual playthroughs or within the competitive arena.

1 Dusclops

Eviolite Wins Out Again

Pokemon That Are Better Unevolved

Many people view Dusclops as the emblematic Pokemon that outperform their evolved forms, a title it holds due to the increased popularity and competitiveness of this Hoenn Region Ghost Type since Generation 5. The primary reason for this is an item that frequently appears on such lists: the unique Eviolite. Although Dusknoir might appear strong and intimidating, the classic Pokemon has gained more favor among trainers due to this powerful item.

Dusclops and Dusknoir share similar Defense and Special Defense abilities, yet Dusclops can use Eviolite to enhance these defenses significantly, making it a formidable barrier in competitive battles, and overshadowing its evolution, Dusknoir, for quite some time. Moreover, Dusclops’ lower Speed stat makes it a potent threat on Trick Room teams. Despite the fact that Dusclops is not weak by any means, it doesn’t hold as much utility or effectiveness as its previous form. As a result, some fans have overlooked the fact that Dusclops has an evolution at all.

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2024-08-02 09:04