Project Orion Using One Feature Cyberpunk 2077 Missed Would Be a Knockout

Project Orion Using One Feature Cyberpunk 2077 Missed Would Be a Knockout

Key Takeaways

  • Cyberpunk 2077‘s sequel Project Orion has entered production.
  • Project Orion should feature a New Game Plus option, which the previous game skipped.
  • CDPR didn’t feature NG+ in 2077 for structural reasons, but Project Orion could be built with NG+ in mind.

As a seasoned gamer who has traversed the treacherous streets of Night City countless times, I can confidently say that Project Orion, the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, holds immense potential. While the original game was an epic journey through a dystopian metropolis, it fell short in one crucial area – New Game Plus (NG+).

While Cyberpunk 2077 had a rocky start initially, it’s become one of the most remarkable comeback stories in contemporary gaming, thanks to its grand sci-fi RPG design by CD Projekt Red. Now that the franchise is getting an official follow-up, we can expect even more expansion for Cyberpunk 2077. Known as Project Orion, the sequel is now in production. Despite being in the early stages of development, there’s already much speculation about what the game might offer.

In the realm of Cyberpunk 2077, there’s an abundance to discover – from its rich lore, captivating characters, to the bustling Night City itself. The introduction of the Phantom Liberty DLC makes the game feel more expansive than ever. Nevertheless, Project Orion has a unique opportunity to surpass its predecessor by implementing a feature that many gamers have grown accustomed to: New Game Plus. While Cyberpunk 2077 excels in character development and storytelling, it falls short on this classic gaming aspect.

Project Orion Needs to Feature a New Game Plus Option

Correcting Cyberpunk 2077’s Initial Mistakes

New Game Plus has become a staple for many games to feature through the years. Being able to restart a game after beating it with all, or most of, the equipment and upgrades one acquires through the story has become an incredibly fun way to experience a story in a new light. Although there is plenty to do in Cyberpunk 2077, New Game Plus can really bring a power fantasy to life. That said, a New Game Plus mode in Project Orion may be just a pipe dream.

From the time Cyberpunk 2077 was first released in 2020, players have been eagerly requesting a New Game Plus update. However, CD Projekt Red has stated that this won’t be happening, due to the game’s intricate design posing challenges. In a recent interview, Lead Quest Designer Pawel Sasko explained, “Creating a way for New Game Plus that wouldn’t disrupt the game’s structure is extremely difficult.” It’s easy to see why the complexity of Cyberpunk 2077’s universe might make developers hesitant about introducing a New Game Plus mode. Yet, concerns that a New Game Plus wouldn’t fit coherently into the overall storyline could be an overthought concern.

In most New Game Plus modes, the storyline doesn’t quite fit when playing through a game for the second time because the purpose is to offer players an overpowered experience after finishing the story. The rich array of features in Cyberpunk 2077 can make your character V seem like a deity by the game’s end, but starting with those powers could be incredibly engaging instead.

In the final analysis, a New Game Plus isn’t always about making logical sense. Instead, it’s all about being enjoyable.

Project Orion Should Give New Game Plus Another Chance

CD Projekt Red might want to rethink their approach towards the New Game Plus mode in Cyberpunk 2077. While Project Orion is expected to enhance the game in multiple ways that are yet unknown, New Game Plus could serve as an excellent starting point for these improvements. Playing a game on its initial run, as intended by the developers, is logical. However, players should be given the choice to play Night City as a powerful V. Ultimately, a New Game Plus doesn’t need to follow a logical sequence; it just needs to be enjoyable.

Even though there’s already a buzz surrounding it, it seems that we’re still several years from seeing Project Orion become a reality. As time unfolds, CD Projekt Red is expected to share more details about it. Fingers crossed, New Game Plus might be unveiled in future updates.

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2024-08-30 18:04