`Ranking the Best Resident Evil Movies`


  • Resident Evil movies vary in quality, but many are still enjoyable for fans due to references and callbacks.
  • CG films in the franchise are often regarded more favorably for focusing on game characters and lore.
  • Individual movie highlights include Afterlife for action, Vendetta for lore, and Death Island for a fan-favorite reunion.

Most Resident Evil video games have generally been well-received by players, but the films associated with it present a more varied reception. Over the past two decades, numerous Resident Evil movies have surfaced, encompassing both Paul W. Anderson’s live-action productions and animated ones. Despite the fact that the Anderson movie series, which stars Milla Jovovich as Alice, is often criticized, there are still a few films from this collection that offer an entertaining viewing experience, particularly for fans who can appreciate the subtle references and nods to the original material.

Instead of the CG films, however, we tend to remember them more fondly. This is not just because they feature characters from the games but also because they are considered canonical, meaning they often include fascinating elements of lore and character progression. Let’s delve deeper into which of these movies are most worth watching and compare their overall quality and lasting impact on us.

8. Resident Evil: Afterlife

Afterlife Is A Movie That Can Be Enjoyed Without Needing To Think Too Much About The Story

  • Release Date: September 2010
  • Length: 97 minutes

Essentially, Resident Evil: Afterlife isn’t celebrated for its deep narrative or well-developed characters, but rather for its eccentric action scenes that, despite their absurdity, are delightfully entertaining to behold. The film has a tenuous connection to the fifth game and includes characters like Chris Redfield, Wesker, and even some familiar antagonists such as the fearsome Executioner.

Due to Alice’s transformation into a near-superhuman character in the live-action narrative, it enables her and her clones to engage in numerous thrilling, high-speed action scenes that are incredibly captivating. Despite the story and characters not being particularly remarkable, Afterlife is still worth watching for those seeking some classic zombie combat sequences.

7. Resident Evil: Vendetta

Vendetta Features Some Nice Lore Nuggets And A Fantastic Villain

  • Release Date: May 2017
  • Length: 97 minutes

In addition to reintroducing Rebecca Chambers, who last appeared in the canonical story of Resident Evil 0, Vendetta also boasts the presence of both Leon and Chris – characters who rarely have extended interactions in the games. Watching these three iconic figures with their distinct personalities interact is a delight for long-time fans. While Vendetta’s narrative can be considered relatively straightforward, it is elevated by its villain, Glenn Arias, making it an enjoyable experience overall.

In a chilling manner, Arias emerges as an unsettling and menacing adversary, not only due to his warped mentality but also his exceptional physical combat abilities, posing a formidable challenge for both Leon and Chris. The film is renowned for some of the saga’s most memorable action sequences, with the corridor scene where Leon and Chris seemingly massacre hundreds of zombies in mere seconds being a standout example.

6. Resident Evil: Degeneration

A Simple, Fun, And Straightforward Thrillride Featuring Two Fan-Favorite Protagonists

  • Release Date: October 2008
  • Length: 96 minutes

Some of the Resident Evil movies, and even a few of the games, can suffer from their stories being a little too outlandish or complex, but Degeneration strips things back to basics. The movie revolves around Leon and Claire, who must prevent a mysterious terrorist group from spreading the deadly T-Virus across the entire country. While the movie contains plenty of original characters who all bring something new to the table, it’s really the relationship between Leon and Claire that shines most here.

Watching the two characters reflect on Raccoon City and how the harrowing event impacted their lives creates some of the most captivating moments in the movie, providing fans with enlightening glimpses into their post-outbreak activities. The film also delivers numerous action sequences to balance out the expository parts, thus preventing it from feeling monotonous or clichΓ©. However, Leon’s portrayal in this film has drawn criticism for lacking depth compared to his previous appearances; nonetheless, it is a minor issue in an otherwise excellent movie.

5. Resident Evil: Extinction

Extinction Takes Alice’s Zombie-Killing Adventure To The Mojave Desert

  • Release Date: September 2007
  • Length: 94 minutes

In a typical fashion for zombie movies, Resident Evil: Extinction doesn’t break new ground, but it excels in stunning visuals and an exceptionally distinctive setting – the arid Nevada Desert. The story unfolds with Alice navigating through sandy wastelands, while Claire and Carlos traverse separately in the initial stages. As the tale progresses, they reunite at the midpoint, joining forces to combat zombies and endure the harsh desert conditions, all while contributing to some thrilling zombie-killing escapades.

Although Claire, Carlos, and Alice are significantly different from their initial characters, they all undergo significant development within the film. Similarly, Alice tirelessly struggles against Umbrella’s control. In addition, the cinematography in this movie is exceptional, offering an enjoyable visual experience for viewers.

4. Resident Evil: Death Island

Longtime Fans Finally Get To See The Grand Reunion Of The Series’ Main Protagonists

  • Release Date: June 2023
  • Length: 91 minutes

In the Resident Evil series, the protagonists can get a bit peculiar since many characters have taken on this role, and some of them, like Leon and Jill, haven’t crossed paths before. This is why fans were looking forward to the movie Death Island as it would be the first time the primary five characters from the franchise unite to combat a common enemy. However, the film might not offer much in terms of plot, but it certainly delivers on fan service in abundance.

Fans have long fantasized about witnessing scenes like Leon and Jill battling hordes of Lickers or Claire and Rebecca investigating how Alcatraz became overrun with zombies, but now they can actually see these scenarios play out. The Alcatraz setting provides a distinctive backdrop, and the film is filled with nods to the main games, such as Jill’s remorse after being brainwashed in Resident Evil 5.

3. Resident Evil (2002)

The First Live Action Movie Succeeded In Replicating The Horror Aesthetic While Also Offering Something Unique

  • Release Date: March 2022
  • Length: 100 minutes

In the initial Resident Evil film directed by Paul W. Anderson, the action seemed more in sync with the video games. This was because Alice, the protagonist, hadn’t yet developed into the super-powered character we see later. As a result, she and her makeshift team were consistently vulnerable throughout the movie. It’s worth noting that the film wasn’t afraid to eliminate these characters when necessary.

This film skillfully captures the unsettling ambiance and settings of the games, but what truly sets it apart is that every monster is brought to life using real-world techniques, eschewing computer-generated imagery. The sight of a genuine canine with a gruesome, half-ripped snout or a horde of zombies charging at Alice simultaneously creates genuinely terrifying and lasting scenes. Notably, the powerful opening theme composed by Marilyn Manson is unforgettable as it signals the start of Alice’s harrowing journey.

2. Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City

Welcome To Raccoon City Feels Like A Heartfelt Homage To The Series And Its Fans

  • Release Date: November 2021
  • Length: 107 minutes

The Resident Evil series is frequently categorized as a ‘B-horror’ franchise, meaning it often has a playful, somewhat ridiculous feel, yet manages to maintain an element of fear with its numerous scary moments. The film Welcome to Raccoon City effectively encapsulates this style by subtly skewing the dialogue and filling the screen with plenty of eerie monsters, thereby avoiding excessive silliness or implausibility.

This film adapts the narratives of both “Resident Evil 1” and “2,” and it may occasionally struggle to juggle both storylines simultaneously. However, it’s a delightful spectacle to witness these iconic video games come to life on the cinema screen, particularly with the impressive set designs. The movie also includes numerous references, such as the Veronica twins tape and Lisa Trevor’s appearance, which adds an enjoyable and nostalgic touch, especially for dedicated fans.

1. Resident Evil Damnation

Damnation Manages To Strike The Perfect Balance Between Action And Horror

  • Release Date: October 2012
  • Length: 100 minutes

Though it is only mentioned in the games that bio-terror has been occurring on a global scale since the Raccoon City outbreak, Damnation explores this idea in depth by focusing on a country that has been using B.O.Ws as part of a civil war. It’s therefore up to Leon, who feels identical to his original game iterations for this movie, to put an end to the chaos once and for all, but along the way, he runs into some old friends, faces off against a few Tyrants, and even loses a few people throughout his mission.

In this film, Leon and Ada share some compelling scenes, yet numerous fresh characters, notably JD and Buddy, are given ample chances to reveal their characters and hidden agendas for their nation. When Damnation was released, computer-generated imagery (CG) had significantly advanced, resulting in both humans and mutants appearing incredibly lifelike, even under bright daylight conditions. Although the action is impressive, the movie includes some suspenseful, slow scenes to maintain viewers’ attention from start to finish.

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2025-02-12 12:56