Reality of Twitch Viewbotting Exposed by Streamer Slip-Up

Lately, a Twitch streamer inadvertently exposed her viewbot software during a live stream, causing her to restart the broadcast and attempt to explain it away as an OBS update. This incident is among the rare instances where we’ve seen streamers (across various platforms) utilizing viewbot tools to seem more popular than their actual standing.

Recently, there’s been an increasing occurrence where streamers broadcast to large audiences, yet the number of active chat participants is minimal, sometimes barely a handful. This trend has made it more tempting for people to criticize or accuse others of artificially inflating their viewer numbers.


A popular video clip is spreading online, showing QueenGloriaRP apparently revealing a viewbotting interface at the start of her live stream. Quickly edited and shared, the footage sparked criticism from viewers who accused the lesser-known streamer of dishonestly boosting her platform views.

When the issue of viewbotting came to light, QueenGloraRP only had approximately 3,600 followers and was subsequently banned from Twitch shortly thereafter.

Jake Lucky from Gaming World Media expressed his worries publicly on social media, also posting a video of the incident.

Jake Lucky



As a gamer pondering the streaming world, I can’t help but wonder: If one random streamer is using viewbots for just 20 viewers, could there be many more streamers out there employing similar tactics?

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11:21 pm · 19 Mar 2025


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For an average small streamer, it’s understandable that they might have concerns about their viewership. They may feel like they’re falling short compared to other streamers, but how many times are these numbers inflated due to viewbotting software? In QueenGloriaRP’s case, her accidental revelation shows just how effortless it can be to create false viewer counts, and she was only exaggerating her audience by a modest 20 imaginary viewers.

Regarding the larger streaming platforms with audiences numbering in the tens of thousands, what proportion of those viewers can be considered authentic or genuine?

QueenGloriaRP explained a payment method for her fake viewers, and it seemed like a token system was employed, where having more viewers meant earning more credits (10 credits per viewer per hour). Not only was it disappointing that she was using viewbots, but the fact that she paid for this additional service is beyond comprehension.

It’s fake growth; it’ll get you nowhere.

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2025-03-20 11:18