Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

Key Takeaways

  • Filler arcs in the original version add depth and character development missing from the remake, enriching the viewing experience.
  • Slower pacing in the original allows fans to savor the journey, benefiting world-building, characterization, and backstories.
  • Secondary characters shine in the original, unlike the remake, which focuses mostly on Gon and Kilua, offering a more well-rounded cast.

As a long-time fan of Hunter x Hunter, I must admit that I have a soft spot for the original 1999 version. Growing up with this classic anime, I remember the nostalgic feeling it gave me every time I watched it. The art style, reminiscent of the moody ’90s aesthetic, is something modern anime seems to lack these days.

Deciding the sequence to watch your preferred anime like ‘Hunter x Hunter’ can get quite perplexing due to its unique case. Similar to ‘Full Metal Alchemist’, it has not just one but two versions: the original from 1999 and a remake in 2011. The internet is abuzz with discussions about which version surpasses the other, and calling it a debate would be an understatement.

regrettably, the 1999 adaptation was abruptly terminated shortly after its release, denying it the opportunity to incorporate some of the most outstanding storylines from Hunter x Hunter. Contrastingly, the 2011 reboot is still ongoing, however, a gap appears for Season 7, as the anime has almost reached the same point as the manga, leaving limited new material for an entire season. On the positive side, this delay means that now might be the ideal moment for fans of the remake to revisit the original series.

1 There Are Some Great Filler Arcs

Sometimes Filler Isn’t A Bad Thing

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

Many people criticize numerous anime for their excessive use of filler episodes, and this criticism frequently applies to the 1999 version. However, it’s important to note that while the original series does contain more filler arcs than the remake, this isn’t necessarily a flaw. Some of these filler arcs were adapted from manga content that was excluded in the remake, and others were entirely new but well-crafted.

The Abandoned Warship Arc stands out as an excellent illustration. It unfolds roughly at the midpoint of the Hunter Exam, offering a harmonious blend of lighter, humorous scenes along with some more serious, emotionally charged ones. Notably, this arc serves to enrich the bond between two of Hunter x Hunter’s most beloved pairs, Kilua and Gon. Instead of detracting from the narrative, these arcs provide additional depth and character progression to the original storyline. Given that they are omitted from the remake, it also provides an opportunity for viewers who have only seen the remake to revisit the original content and experience something fresh.

2 It’s Slower Paced

It Doesn’t Rush The Journey

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

Among the many points debated about the 1999 original is its speed. In contrast to the remake, it moves at a significantly slower pace, requiring 92 episodes to reach the conclusion of the Greed Island Arc as opposed to the remake’s 148 episodes. This leisurely tempo might not appeal to all viewers, but it does have its advantages.

One key aspect is that it offers viewers a chance to fully appreciate the tale’s progression, instead of hurrying them along. We’ll discuss other points later, but elements like world development, character portrayal, and character history are all enhanced by this deliberate speed. For those who prefer the classic, less spectacular storytelling approach, the original Hunter x Hunter can seem more detailed and rewarding to follow.

3 Secondary Characters Get To Shine

It’s Not Just About Gon

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

In the remake of Hunter x Hunter, there’s an extensive ensemble of extraordinary characters, yet due to its swift pace, not all characters get enough screen time. In contrast, the original 1999 version afforded more focus on characters other than Gon and Killua, such as during the Zoldyck Family Arc. Here, Leorio’s extraordinary physical prowess was underscored, as he managed to open two gates, each weighing two tons apiece. This is a significant moment considering that his power levels (and relevance) decrease significantly in subsequent arcs compared to his peers.

In the original version, there was a greater emphasis on developing the friendships among the four main characters, specifically between Leorio and Kurapika. On the other hand, the remake predominantly focuses on the relationship between Gon and Killua. Because of its deliberate tempo, additional characters also receive attention. The Hunter Exam Arc features numerous characters, some of whom have individual side stories. It’s enjoyable to follow Gon, but it’s also rewarding to explore the other characters and learn more about the world of Hunter x Hunter.

4 Seamless Tonal Shifts

Balances Light And Dark

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

One significant distinction between the two adaptations of Hunter x Hunter lies in their moods. Typically, the original is more somber, while the remake often presents a cheerier and brighter atmosphere due to its vibrant colors and animation style. Nevertheless, when it comes to transitions from dark to light, the original adaptation may be considered superior by some viewers.

Hunter x Hunter is an anime that switches between humor and heart-wrenching scenes swiftly, sometimes leading to a sudden change in mood in its remake, particularly in later storylines which become quite grim (such as the Chimera Ants). The original’s artwork and animation style were better at smoothly transitioning between feelings of hope and despair. In the original, the high points seemed more impactful, while the low points were all the more affecting. By maintaining a balanced tone, the original’s storytelling was richer emotionally and helped viewers identify more readily with the characters.

5 90s Animation Style

Feeling Nostalgic

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

Which version has the better art style is a matter of opinion, but a lot of older fans still prefer the original. The remake benefits from brighter colors and sharper quality thanks to advances in technology, but the original has that classic moody 90s aesthetic that many viewers feel nostalgic for.

The original version tends to be more somber in tone, yet its employment of vibrant colors, intricate backdrops, and hand-drawn artwork gives it a captivating aesthetic that many contemporary anime viewers find missing. While certain sequences may appear somewhat rough, others are breathtakingly stunning. As previously stated, the original art style also manages the series’ mood swings more effectively. For those who cherish nostalgia and yearn for traditional animation, the original is definitely worth watching.

6 Expanded Backstories For Main Characters

Discovering What Makes Them Tick

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

One great aspect of the original version was its exploration of the main characters’ past experiences, helping to explain their actions within the anime. For instance, during the Hunter Exam, Leorio encountered a plant that induced hallucinations. Through these hallucinations, viewers learned about his heartrending backstory, specifically the death of a dear friend he believes he could have saved. These scenes illustrate how Leorio’s guilt propels him and how his friendship loyalty shapes his character.

Later in the episode, Kurapika is also exposed and is forced to relive the massacre of the Kurta clan. The two characters then share their experience, revealing to each other why it is they want to become hunters and solidifying their bond. The original anime also showed more of Kite’s time on Whale Island and how he first met Gon. These scenes gave fans a much better look at Kite’s character and a young Gon than fans got in the remake and included some important exposition like what a Hunter is and the fact Ging is still alive.

7 More Detailed Characterizations

Get To Know The Gang

Reasons You Should Watch The 1999 Hunter x Hunter Anime

In contrast to its action-heavy reboot, the initial version of Hunter x Hunter places greater emphasis on character development. Instead of focusing solely on Gon’s distinct fighting style, the original series delves deeper into his character. Unlike the remake, which might stretch a single fight across several episodes, the original wraps up such encounters in just a few minutes, thereby dedicating more screen time to fleshing out the characters.

The fight between Kurapika and Uvogin is a pivotal moment in both versions, but the 1999 version focuses much more on its repercussions for Kurapika. After killing Uvogin, he falls to the ground. The psychological impact of killing has taken a huge toll on him. In the following scenes, he’s clearly traumatized, refusing to speak to his friends. Likewise, the flashbacks showing Leorio’s dying friend are key in fleshing out his character, making his drive to become a doctor feel more personal. This character-driven approach and emphasis on using quieter moments to explore characterizations allows the audience to connect more deeply with the character than they might in the remake.

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2024-08-23 12:33