Reasons You Wouldn’t Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon


  • Living in Kanto may not be the fun adventure fans imagined, with poverty, corruption, dangerous creatures, and outrageous bike prices.
  • The people in Kanto prioritize Pokemon over their own needs, neglecting essentials like medical care and basic amenities.
  • Kanto is plagued by crime, nepotism, and even animal cruelty, with trainers using whips and throwing rocks at Pokemon.

As a seasoned gamer who has spent countless hours navigating the enigmatic region of Kanto, I can confidently say that it is not a place for the faint-hearted. Having grown up with the original Pokémon games, I’ve witnessed firsthand the darker side of this seemingly innocent world.

Following the debut of Pokemon Red and Blue on the Nintendo Game Boy in the late ’90s, the world was swept up in a Pokémon craze. Many fans have fantasized about living in the Pokémon universe, especially the initial region of Kanto. While the games and anime offer glimpses into what life in Kanto might be like, there are some concerns about this fictional location. Although Kanto is based on a real region of Japan, its portrayal in the Pokémon world may not make it an ideal place to reside. Unlike the actual location (with its stunning landscapes and rich culture), the Pokémon version of Kanto might not be as appealing a destination.

Upon careful observation, it seems that life in Kanto might not be the thrilling escapade people initially envisioned, but rather a realm riddled with peril, impoverishment, dishonesty, and the most dreadful aspect – an abundance of Mr. Mimes!

10 Poverty And The Limited Job Market

Fun-employed… Without The ‘F’

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

As a 10-year-old gamer, I find myself in the small, seemingly forgotten town of Pallet, where life seems a bit bleak. My home is shared with my hardworking mom, and we squeeze into a cozy one-bedroom house. The only bed in sight suggests that it’s our sleeping space, though we never discuss it. Starting my journey as Red, the young protagonist of Pokémon: Red/Blue, I embark on an adventure that will take me far from these humble beginnings.

1. The player’s mom often stays seated at the kitchen table, seemingly deep in thought, possibly grappling with the choice to let her 11-year-old kid venture out and earn a living by working, thereby sending money back home. In the town of Pallet, there are simply not enough jobs for everyone. There’s only Professor Oak’s lab, where unskilled labor is likely not needed. (Pokemon Center, Gym, or shops are all absent in this town.)

9 The Price Of Transport

How Much For A Bike!?

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In less prosperous towns, there’s usually a lack of bustling job opportunities, which leaves people with no choice but to travel to larger cities for employment. On the controversial side, the bike shop owner from Cerulean City in the Pokemon series could be considered one of its main antagonists.

As a passionate fan, I find myself in a predicament when it comes to transportation in the Kanto region. With no trains, planes, or automobiles available, and the thought of flying on a Pokemon’s back being too risky, my only option is to buy a bicycle. Unfortunately, there’s this ruthless individual who seems to have a monopoly over the Kanto bicycle market. He audaciously prices his bicycles at an astronomical ¥1,000,000, equivalent to around $6,711.65 USD! It’s no wonder that Misty was so frantic about getting her bike replaced – it’s a steep price to pay for wheels!

8 It Is Dangerous To Go Alone!

There Are Deadly Creatures Everywhere

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

Venturing into any part of the Kanto region often requires navigating through tall grass teeming with powerful beasts, eager to ambush unsuspecting travelers and their Pokémon, causing them both to become unconscious and require urgent care.

In some instances, you might encounter a Mr. Mime hidden among the foliage! The debut episode of Pokemon: Indigo League, named I Choose You in Pokemon, presents Ash Ketchum being attacked by an overwhelming group of Spearows, who viciously attack both him and Pikachu, mere moments after leaving Pallet Town for the first time!

7 People Have No Social Skills

The Pokemon Trainers Are A Bunch Of Weirdos

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In Kanto, the locals seem utterly devoid of common social graces! It’s quite bizarre, such as the young man who greets the player with a random comment about shorts and then challenges them to a fight. Or the couple who approach out of nowhere. The girl says “Hello. My boyfriend is great!” followed by “I wish my partner was as skilled as you” upon defeat.

After the defeat, his boyfriend says, “Oh well, my girl will lift my spirits.” However, he might want to reconsider that thought! It seems like he’s in danger of losing his girlfriend due to his poor Pokemon training abilities. The most disheartening aspect is that these eccentric individuals are inescapable. Locals find themselves confronted by these eccentrics every time they travel, as it happens frequently during their commutes.

6 The World Revolves Around Pokemon, And NOTHING Else!

People Put Their Pokemons’ Needs Before Their Own

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

People living in Kanto are so obsessed with Pokemon that they often overlook their own essentials. It’s simple to track down stores selling Pokeballs and Potions, but scarcely any shop offers basic items like bread or cereal. The only establishments you’ll find are Pokemon hospitals, while there are no facilities for human medical care. If a person gets injured by the numerous monsters hiding in the grass, they won’t be able to get necessary medical help.

Maybe they should confine themselves in a Pokeball and allow Nurse Joy to treat them with her healing equipment. If someone resided in Kanto and had no inclination towards Pokemon training, there appears to be no other activities available for them! There don’t seem to be any cinemas, cafes, or libraries. Even the gyms are merely a misnomer!

5 One Of The Towns Is Literally Haunted!

Lavender Town Is A Horrific Nightmare Town

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In a curious twist, despite its enchanting title, Lavender Town is shrouded in an eerie atmosphere inhabited by some rather unsettling residents. The townsfolk have seemingly come to terms with this supernatural ambiance.

In Lavender Town, there’s a young girl who claims to spot a spectral hand on players’ shoulders, and let’s not forget the enigmatic woman in the Pokemon Tower who demands “Give… Me… Blood.” The town seems to be inhabited by either people mourning their deceased Pokemon or individuals under the control of some strange Pokemon entity! If an ordinary person were to settle in Lavender Town, they’d likely experience a mental breakdown within minutes!

4 Crime Rates Are High

Team Rocket Are Everywhere

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In the world of Pokémon, Team Rocket is a notorious criminal organization infamous for causing fear among the citizens of Kanto. While they are portrayed as bumbling idiots in the anime, attempting to steal Pikachu and consistently failing, their actions in the games like Pokémon Red/Blue reveal a far more sinister side. They engage in heinous activities such as burglarizing homes, stealing Pokémon, and even causing harm or death to these creatures.

In simpler terms, they operate a business named The Celadon Game Corner, which invites kids as young as 11 to gamble for Pokémon, some of which are stolen. The very existence of Team Rocket’s business suggests a deep-rooted conspiracy that reaches the highest echelons!

3 The Blatent Animal Cruelty

The Trainers Have Whips And You Can Throw Rocks At Pokemon

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In Gen One, several trainers were observed with whips, suggesting they employ these tools for Pokémon training. Not only villains utilize whips; even Sabrina, the Psychic type gym leader from Safron City, possesses one. This indicates that the practice of whipping Pokémon is deemed acceptable among trainers.

Moreover, the Safari Zone serves as a location where players persistently hurl stones at Pokémon. While it’s understandable for Pokémon to battle one another, it appears quite harsh that humans are depicted as throwing rocks at them instead.

2 Nepotism

People Get Special Treatment Because Of Their Relatives

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

In the world of this anime, it seems Professor Oak’s favoritism towards his grandson, Gary, is quite noticeable! Not only does he repeatedly praise Gary, but he even sends him off on his journey in a convertible with cheerleaders. Moreover, he often reminds Ash that Gary surpasses him, which might hint at a biased relationship.

In addition, each Pokemon Center is staffed by a Nurse Joy, who shares a familial bond with all other Nurse Joys, and every town employs an Officer Jenny, who does the same with all other Officer Jennys. This suggests that joining these two professions seems to be hereditary, as even Jessie was able to join Team Rocket due to her mother being a member.

1 No Bathrooms

Literally Not One Bathroom In The Entire Of Kanto!

Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In Kanto In Pokemon

Across the entire map of Kanto, there’s no trace of a bathroom to be found. Neither in homes nor shops, not even on the SS Anne. It seems that the people of Kanto have mastered the art of cleanliness without a single public restroom in sight. Despite numerous theories about Pokémon and their habits, the location where the people of Kanto relieve themselves remains an unsolved mystery!

Growing up in the bustling city of Pallet Town, I can’t help but notice the peculiar nature of our neighborhood. Rumors have been circulating for years that certain individuals conduct their business out in the woods nearby. Now, I’ve never actually witnessed anything myself, but the evidence is all around us. The pungent smell that fills the air, especially during certain times of the day, is undeniable.

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2024-08-10 07:34