Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the wild west of Red Dead Redemption 2, I can wholeheartedly say that hunting has been my go-to for making a pretty penny. The thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of a perfect shot, and the profit from selling those pristine pelts – it’s hard to beat!

Instead, when players embark on a fresh adventure in Red Dead Redemption 2, they don’t encounter a heist mission immediately. Unlike some games, there’s no instant wealth transfer into their virtual pockets, and no initial grand robbery to kick things off.

Rather than starting off comfortably, Arthur Morgan finds himself on the move – in chilly, desolate mountain ranges battered by strong gusts and heavy snowfall. He begins with absolutely no funds or supplies.

Yet, simply because they cannot currently earn anything doesn’t imply they should be without resources. Once the world reopens, players will possess the chance to generate income and accumulate resources in numerous ways.

Certain techniques could generate a substantial sum of cash quite rapidly, which is vital for acquiring enhancements, fresh weaponry, mounts, and necessary items within the game.

Fortunately, if players find one approach unsatisfactory, there are plenty of alternative strategies available that can generate funds swiftly too.

10 Gambling

Poker or Blackjack

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

As a gamer, I find that engaging in virtual card games like poker and blackjack can be an enjoyable method to supplement my in-game funds. Scattered across the map, these gaming tables offer a fun and accessible way to boost my earnings.

It’s worth mentioning that the income a player can generate varies depending on the location of the gambling. For instance, joining a poker game might cost just $1 at a camp, meaning the maximum winnable amount is $3. On the other hand, if you play in Saint-Denis and the buy-in is $5, you could potentially win up to $15 (assuming only three others are seated; occasionally there may be more players).

Similarly to real-world gambling, there’s a high risk of losing more money than one initially has. Therefore, it is crucial to approach gambling with caution to avoid potential financial losses that could lead to unfortunate circumstances.

9 Bounties

Alive, Preferably

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

While exploring a new town, it could be beneficial to frequently stop by the sheriff’s office, as there might be occasions when a reward is posted for capturing certain individuals.

Bounty hunting can be a profitable occupation, with the smallest reward being around $25 and the largest reaching up to $100. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t an endless quest; there’s a limited number of bounties available throughout the entire game.

Some tasks are exclusive to John Marston during the Epilogue, which significantly reduces Arthur’s potential actions, even though these tasks offer substantial rewards.

It’s equally crucial that the rewards are delivered to the prison alive, as failing to do so could mean not completing the bounty task successfully and thus forfeiting payment.

8 Missions

Main Story or Strangers and Freaks

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

One surefire way to make lots of money in Red Dead Redemption 2 is to simply do missions.

Regardless if they’re primary missions connected to the main plot or side quests like Strangers and Freaks that you stumble upon during exploration, most missions generally lead to a reasonable profit increase.

After completing missions, players can either receive a monetary prize or items that they can sell to a dealer, often valuable items. For instance, these rewards might be a convincing replica of an emerald worth $50 or even an entire gold bar valued at $500 when sold.

In most cases, main story missions reward about two hundred dollars each. Once you’ve completed all tasks, it could be beneficial to take on jobs for your group if you have no other activities left.

7 Robbing Banks

Or Robbing Shops, Similarly Efficient

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

One straightforward way to make money is simply to take it from the source.

In this game, players have the opportunity to execute full-blown bank robberies, often culminating in firefights with police following the theft. The rewards are substantial – if they manage to crack the safes.

However, violence definitely tanks honor, and bank robberies can get pretty violent.

If you’re not keen on a full-blown standoff, opting for a store robbery might seem more feasible. However, keep in mind that the earnings would be smaller since the funds are taken from the cash register instead of a bank safe.

6 Robbing Trains

Or Robbing Stagecoaches, Similar Loot

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

For those eager for an authentic Wild West adventure, there’s an opportunity to make some cash by pulling off a train heist.

This method is non-violent, thus minimizing any significant damage to reputation, but it may require effort at times. For those players who aren’t focused on maintaining a good reputation, however, it’s an effortless heist that nets a substantial amount of money (and potentially additional valuable items).

If the train is carrying passengers, players can rob all the people within the train cars, too.

Just as stagecoaches were once plundered for similar valuables, these very carriages could be resold to a dealer, or “Fence,” at the “Emerald Ranch.

5 Treasure Hunting

Find Gold Bars or Ingots

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

Absolutely, when there’s treasure at stake, it usually means a lot of wealth is involved too. And just like any other treasure, Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn’t shy away from this aspect either.

Adventurers can discover or acquire clue-filled maps (often obtained from map sellers) that hint at the location of hidden treasures. These maps, though somewhat cryptic, offer an intriguing challenge with a promising payoff.

Generally, the treasure found consists of gold bars, each worth approximately $500. Occasionally, the hoard may vary, but it’s usually this type of high-value item. This is what makes treasure hunting an uncommon yet successful “strike it rich fast” opportunity.

As a gamer, I’ve often found myself grappling with the challenge of deciphering these game maps, a task that can be quite time-consuming. Sometimes, it feels like one map leads to another, creating an endless loop, and by the time I stumble upon the treasure, I’ve been through so many maps that it seems like I’ve been on this journey forever.

4 Robbing People on the Road

Or Robbing Their Homes, Occupied or Not

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

Absolutely, adopting the style of a traditional bandit, you can amass a significant amount of wealth in no time by forcibly taking it from Non-Player Characters using firearms. The speed, simplicity, and large quantities involved make this method particularly attractive.

For individuals concerned with maintaining a certain status, an alternative approach might involve stealing from others, preferably when they are asleep at night to minimize disturbance. It’s also feasible to steal during daylight hours if the target is absent, just ensure swiftness to avoid their return before the deed is done.

Frequently, burglarizing their homes may lead to a greater reward, as chests and fireplaces tend to hold significantly more funds compared to the amount of money people usually carry in their wallets.

Just be sure to keep a bandanna on, otherwise the bounty acquired will not be pretty.

3 Fishing

Legendary or Normal Fish

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

Fishing is a serene, peaceful activity that has very few drawbacks.

Fishing offers numerous options when it comes to choosing fish species, types of bait or lures, and different kinds of water bodies, which results in a multitude of opportunities. Many of these endeavors can be profitable in the end.

While angling, if anglers opt to preserve the catch (deciding not to release the fish enhances honor, which is a remarkable aspect), they can save it for sustenance or sell it for earnings. Accumulated over multiple trips, this income can grow quite substantially.

That’s not even taking legendary fish into account, which would be a very pretty penny once they’re caught.

The only downside is how time-consuming fishing can be, especially when fish break the line and undoes all the tedious work that went into reeling it in. Then again, people who enjoy fishing enjoy that wait anyway, so that can just be player preference.

2 Selling Horses

Wild or Stolen

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

Horses play an indispensable role in various aspects of the game, and they serve as a means to generate income as well.

In the wilderness, players can capture untamed horses, train them, and then sell these trained horses at a stable. However, it’s important to note that stealing horses is an option, but this action may impact your reputation, and the prices for stolen horses are typically lower. Therefore, to maximize profits, it’s recommended to acquire them through honest means.

A crucial aspect that significantly impacts the highest potential profit from a horse is the strength of the relationship or bond between the owner and the horse. If the horse hasn’t formed a strong bond with Arthur, it will likely be sold at a lower price.

If players invest time in forming a deep relationship with their horse up to Level 4, they’ll find themselves in a position to fetch a substantial sum for each horse, particularly top-quality ones. The process of reaching Level 4 might be time-consuming, but the financial reward makes it a worthwhile investment in patience.

1 Hunting

Legendary or Normal Animals

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Best Ways To Make Money Quickly

In this game, hunting offers a lucrative means of earning money. There’s a wide variety of animals you can hunt, each providing different parts that can generate income.

Absolutely, players have the option to gather resources and craft items, but they can also make significant sums of money swiftly by selling animal hides and other components. The better the hide’s condition (graded on a scale of up to 3 stars), the higher the price it fetches. Similarly, fish aren’t the only creatures with legendary status – these special animals can fetch even greater prices.

This rule does not permit the direct purchase of animal carcasses, but allows players the option to store a carcass on their horse instead.

Profit is guaranteed with every hunt, no matter the quality of the pelt, and with the sheer amount of animals available for hunting, open fields of game turn into open fields of dollar signs. Plus, hunting doesn’t affect honor, meaning the only downside to hunting would simply be the hazards of being in the wild.

If you’re looking for a swift method to accumulate funds promptly, hunting could be an ideal choice; however, avoid adopting a first-person perspective during your hunt, as one unfortunate gamer discovered from personal experience.

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2024-09-26 16:09