Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the easter eggs hidden within Red Dead Redemption 2 are nothing short of astounding. The attention to detail and the subtle references to real-life events and pop culture phenomena truly make this game stand out from its contemporaries.

Since time immemorial, Rockstar Games has been known for embedding obscure, enigmatic, and at times eerie easter eggs in their open worlds. Given that Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most expansive open-world game they’ve ever produced, it was inevitable that it would continue this tradition. Scattered throughout the five states of Red Dead 2 are mysteries hidden within the wilderness, ranging from amusing easter eggs to genuinely spine-tingling enigmas that may or may not be resolved.

Most players’ earliest experiences with Red Dead Redemption 2 often unfold in the state of New Hanover, though it’s not the game’s official starting point. This region, home to the picturesque town of Valentine and the commencement of open-world gameplay, embodies the vast, untamed plains where cowboys could roam freely in the final frontier of America. Consequently, New Hanover is dotted with numerous unsolved mysteries lurking in its wild expanses.

Valentine’s Serial Killer

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

The first mystery in New Hanover is the Valentine serial killer. This might just be the most unsettling and creepy easter egg in the game, if only for how open-ended and unresolved it may end up being for most players. The first indication that a killer is roaming the wild west is a dead body strung up underneath a train track near Valentine. This is easy to see on a first playthrough, as the body’s location is very much between the first camp and Valentine. This is the start of the “Look Upon My Works” sidequest.

Exploring Scarlett Meadows and Big Valley may lead players to uncover extra hints about the killer’s whereabouts; this final location is an old, decaying cabin situated west of Valentine. The hideout of the notorious serial killer, concealed deep within the cellar of the ruins, presents a gruesome picture with blood, entrails, and skulls adorning the walls and floors, giving off an eerie vibe reminiscent of horror games rather than traditional western adventures. If players fulfill all quest conditions once they enter the cabin, the killer will make their move to complete the mission. However, if the cabin is discovered prior to meeting the quest requirements, it only serves as a puzzling, spooky episode in the player’s wilderness journey.

New Hanover Shark Attack

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

In the far-eastern part of New Hanover, near the shoreline, players will encounter a nearly destroyed ship that was washed ashore. It’s unclear what led to such a catastrophic event, but examining a lockbox that has also been deposited on the beach might yield some insights into the ship’s tragic demise.

The box in question contains a single item: a shark tooth trinket. It’s a unique item that permanently boosts the player’s horse bonding experience by 10%. While this is certainly an excellent score with minimal effort, the trinket seems to imply the ill-fated crew might have had something of a Jaws moment before meeting their untimely ends. And from the size of the wreckage, it appears there’s an absolute behemoth of a shark prowling the waters of New Hanover. A bigger boat might not cut it.

Don’t Play With Fire

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

Another fun/useful easter egg will give access to a new recipe for a new variety of throwable. After exploring the Heartlands, players will notice a conspicuous patch of burned out forest, with trees and grass completely scorched in the surrounding area; all telltale signs of a forest fire so devastating it would give Smokey the Bear a heart attack.

Indeed, there was a forest fire, yet not the typical kind found in drier parts of the country. Exploring the charred landscape, players will discover remnants of a campsite. The most intriguing find at this site is a lockbox, which holds a pamphlet for an explosive fire bottle and assorted other items generated at random. It’s clear that whoever created that pamphlet could have benefited from a refresher course on fire safety.

UFO Sightings and Real World Tragedy

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

In Rockstar games like Red Dead Redemption 2, the theme of UFOs and aliens continues to thrive. There’s a cabin situated between Emerald Ranch and Moonstone Pond that seems to be the remnants of what could be an occult ceremony. Players can rummage through the bodies to find a note suggesting they should watch the skies during the second hour under a half-lit moon. Given the game’s attention to detail, it follows its own lunar phases. Visiting this location at 2:00 am when a half-moon is visible will offer players an opportunity to spot a UFO soaring overhead.

This subtle nod within the game, known as an Easter egg, is quite overtly linked to the tragic mass suicide of the Heaven’s Gate group in 1997. They believed that by taking their lives, they could attach their souls to the Hale-Bopp Comet and live on with extraterrestrial beings in another world. It’s certainly a grim reference to real life events, but given the Red Dead series’ penchant for darker themes, it’s not entirely unexpected.

Manmade Mutant

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Mysteries in New Hanover Explained

In the game, there’s an intriguing secret hidden in a decayed mansion situated west of Van Horn. This neglected property, overgrown with weeds, conceals a disturbing scientific experiment whose creator remains unknown. Although it doesn’t involve explicit violence, the scene is quite gruesome; the experiment was an attempt by a mad scientist to combine a bear, a human, a boar, and a vulture. The outcome is a lifeless, stitched-together monster that would make Mary Shelley uncomfortable with its grotesque appearance.

Although it may seem odd or comical, encountering the man-bear-boar creature in the game’s vast environment carries an unexpected level of eeriness, especially for those who are unaware of its origins. This peculiar creature is a nod to the iconic “ManBearPig” from the popular South Park episode about the fictional cryptid. However, the humor behind this Easter egg doesn’t diminish the fact that it can still be quite unsettling to stumble upon it unexpectedly, even for those who recognize the joke. What makes it even more chilling is that code found within the game hints at a time during development when this monster was intended to move and be alive, although these plans were abandoned before the final release.

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2024-10-24 00:05