Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

As someone who’s spent countless hours fine-tuning my gear and optimizing my builds in various games, I can wholeheartedly affirm that the process you’ve outlined is crucial for any serious player looking to maximize their potential in “Remnant 2“.

In the launch of Remnant 2’s The Dark Horizon DLC, the Prism system was introduced, offering players a chance to enhance their stats with substantial bonuses and unique potent effects. Although there is an underlying randomness in this system, strategies exist to reduce it significantly. This guide aims to explain those strategies, enabling Remnant 2 fans to eventually craft their ideal Prisms within the game.

This tutorial will cover some essential parts of the Prism system, but it’s best if you already have a basic grasp of how the system operates. If you’re not familiar with the system, consider reading about it in the “Prism System” section of the Remnant 2 manual first, then come back to this tutorial.

Remnant 2: Prism Crafting Guide

Identify Four Desired Fusions

Initially, it’s crucial to grasp that a Prism comes equipped with five spaces, or slots, where you can apply effects derived from the Relic Fragments in Remnant 2. As your Prism levels up, specific combinations of these effects will merge to form “Fusions.” These Fusions grant players the advantage of having two effects in one slot, thus providing an extra open slot for additional effects.

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

As a dedicated fan, let me illustrate this concept using my own perspective: Imagine a character having the durations of Modifications and Skills placed in two of their Prism’s Enhancement slots. Over time, these two independent effects would merge into a Longevity Fusion, consolidating the Mod Duration and Skill Duration into a single, streamlined Enhancement slot.

Once it’s clear, players aiming to craft their optimal Prisms should first determine their preferred set of four harmonious Fusions, as a single Prism can accommodate up to this maximum number. To accomplish this, players should consult the compiled list of Fusions discovered in Remnant 2 and choose the four Fusions that have effects best suited for their intended character build.

Feed Relic Fragments into the Prism

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Players of Remnant 2 should now insert Mythic Relic Fragments, each offering the initial effects of Fusion, into their Prism. To illustrate, if a player chooses Longevity (which merges Mod Duration and Skill Duration) as their first fusion, they should place a Mythic Mod Duration Fragment and a Mythic Skill Duration Fragment into their Prism.

Feeding a Relic Piece into a Crystal boosts the likelihood of its ability manifesting during the process of upgrading the Crystal. The probability increase varies depending on the grade of the Relic Piece. While enthusiasts of third-person shooter games can insert Fragments that are not Mythic into their Crystals, it’s generally advised against.

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Players need to carry out the process again for the subsequent fusion they chose earlier. For instance, if a player opted for Mage (a blend of Mod Damage and Mod Power Generation) as their second fusion, they should insert a Mythic Mod Damage Shard and a Mythic Mod Power Generation Shard into their Prism.

At this stage, players have significantly boosted the likelihood of triggering four effects upon upgrading their Prism. However, the Prism possesses five enhancement slots, leaving one unfilled. Therefore, Soulslike enthusiasts should insert another Mythic Fragment into their Prism, specifically for one of the effects in the third Fusion they chose. For instance, if the third chosen Fusion is Flash (which merges Cast Speed and Use Speed), the player can input either a Mythic Cast Speed Fragment or a Mythic Use Speed Fragment into their Prism.

Level Up Prism for First Fusion

With a higher likelihood for five distinct enhancements, enthusiasts of action games can now begin to amplify their Prism. As each level-up occurs, the player will either assign an enhancement to an empty Enhancement slot (until all five are occupied) or boost the power of an enhancement that has already been chosen. Although it might appear straightforward, the objective is to populate the Enhancement slots with the five enhancements selected in the previous step and then elevate those enhancements as the Prism’s level advances.

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

As a player progresses and boosts the abilities in their Prism’s upgrade slots, there comes a moment when one of their chosen Fusions might manifest during a level-up choice. It’s crucial for fans to choose that Fusion, because they will notice they now have an extra Enhancement slot available, and the level of their Prism has been reduced after making that selection.

Feed the Prism and Level Up for Second Fusion

After choosing the initial Fusion, players need to insert a Relic Fragment into their Prism to finish the matching of their third chosen Fusion. To explain using the Flash as an example, if a player has already added a Mythic Cast Speed Fragment into their Prism, they should now add a Mythic Use Speed Fragment (and vice versa).

Fans can once again boost their Prism, ensuring they choose their freshly designated effect for the vacant Enhancement slot upon its appearance. Over time, aficionados of cooperative games will get the chance to merge two additional effects into a second fusion, and it’s advisable that they do so.

Feed the Prism and Level Up for Third and Fourth Fusion

The player needs to insert Relic Fragments matching the effects of their chosen fourth Fusion into their Prism. For instance, if a player selected Revitalize (a fusion of Health Regeneration and Skill Cooldown), they should insert a Mythic Mod Duration Fragment and a Mythic Skill Duration Fragment into their Prism.

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Enthusiasts can resume enhancing their Prism again, ensuring to choose one of their freshly focused effects once it becomes visible. When the chance to pick a third Fusion presents itself, gamers should capitalize on it. Followers of Remnant should then persist in leveling up their Prism, select the remaining targeted effect for their newly vacant fifth slot, and seize the fourth Fusion when it becomes accessible.

Feed the Prism and Level Up to 50

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Players are now encouraged to ensure they have four preferred Fusions and one empty space for an Enhancement in their Prisms. For enthusiasts of challenging games, this empty slot can be filled by adding any desired Mythic Fragment into the Prism and choosing its effect once it appears. It’s worth noting that all effects in the Enhancement slots will be at maximum strength when the Prism attains Level 50.

Level Up to 51 and Pick Legendary Bonus

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

Players need to advance their Prism to Level 51 to unlock its Legendary Perk. Newcomers should note that these perks are incredibly potent, with over 40 available in the game. Unfortunately, at Level 51, players can only choose from three randomly assigned Legendary Perks, and there’s a good chance they won’t get the boost they were aiming for in their Remnant 2 character build.

Cleanse Prism and Try Again

Remnant 2: How to Make the Perfect Prism

If a player fails to acquire their preferred Legendary Perk, they’re free to reset their Prism and try again from scratch. Gamers who enjoy uncovering hidden aspects of games may find themselves going through this procedure, as outlined in this tutorial, multiple times before they finally craft the ideal Prism setup.

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2024-09-25 21:44