Remnant 2: Stagnant Manufactory Dungeon Puzzle Guide

Remnant 2: Stagnant Manufactory Dungeon Puzzle Guide

Well, my dear fellow adventurer, let me tell you from my own experience, the art of sneaking past those pesky Guard Robots is as much a dance as it is a game. A delicate balance between speed and stealth, swift as a cat on tiptoes, yet silent as a mouse in a library.

In the “Dark Horizons” DLC expansion for the game “Remnant 2,” players will encounter one of their first dungeons named “The Idle Factory.” Although it appears simple at first glance, even experienced “Remnant” players may find some peculiarities that can be quite frustrating. This guide aims to cover all aspects of this two-part challenge.

Initially, it’s important for players to understand that because the game uses a method called procedural generation, there may be a slight delay when trying to locate the entrance to Stagnant Manufactory within the Agronomy Sector.

How To Locate Stagnant Manufactory Entrance

As a gamer, I’d say, “Initially, the secret entryway to the Stagnant Manufactory dungeon is concealed among the lower ledges in the Agronomy Sector. To locate it, you’ll want to grab a glider and navigate skillfully through the currents of hot air that rise from the toxic pitfall. Once you get the hang of it, spotting the entrance becomes simpler as it’s marked by a large, luminescent portal with a yellowish glow, nestled near the base of one of those ledges.

Because the map gets created on-the-fly, each player may come across it in varying locations within the abyss. The quickest method to locate it is by staying near the bottom, utilizing the currents to lift your glider and keep it from soaring too high. Once players identify the correct ledge, they can press the ‘Crouch’ button to descend.

Navigating The Stagnant Manufactory Dungeon

Zone Enemies:

  • Parasyte
  • Baby Parasyte
  • Slug Parasyte
  • Four-Arm Minion
  • Decapitated Robot
  • Battle Drone
  • Amalgam (Elite)
  • Hatcher (Elite)
  • Guard Robots (Restricted Zone only)

On the straightforward map we have, the primary pathway arches and eventually reaches an intersection. To the left of this crossroad, there’s a secluded area labeled as “Restricted Zone,” which contains a secret reward that is shielded by a challenging “Stealth Challenge.” Meanwhile, on the right side, we find a puzzle aptly named the “Toxic Gas Chamber.” This guide will refer to it as such.

Keep a keen eye on the ceilings and corners as parasites may penetrate through walls, lurking in the recesses of the corridors before pouncing on unsuspecting players.

It’s best to tackle the Restricted Zone initially as it might pose some inconvenience. The quickest approach is by teaming up in pairs; one player watches while the other navigates the stealth challenge. With good coordination, they can crack it more swiftly. Solo players need not fret, there’s a guide available to assist them smoothly.

Restricted Zone Stealth Puzzle Solution In The Stagnant Manufactory

Remnant 2: Stagnant Manufactory Dungeon Puzzle Guide

As players choose the left route, they’ll come across a space resembling an observatory. Peering out from this observatory, they’ll see a section filled with crates and flickering red lights, which indicate the presence of Guard Robots patrolling the restricted area below. It’s best to steer clear of these robots.

Pay close attention to the routes taken by the guards. The safe route involves moving cautiously as there are four Guard Robots in that area. The central path is easy to navigate but needs a bit of synchronization. Players should remember to utilize the “Hunter’s Cloak” ability from the Hunter Archetype, which helps decrease the chances of being detected by patrolling enemies.

Shifting slightly to your left, you’ll find an area known as the “Access Point” that can be activated. Once activated, it will open the door located at the end of the Restricted Area. After activation, players should turn around and use the elevator which leads to the lower section. A dense fog has enveloped the zone now, decreasing visibility and obscuring a safe path. Be cautious as you advance, keeping an eye on the red lights. Crouch low when necessary, move forward carefully, and wait for the perfect moment to dodge detection.

If robots spot players, an alarm will ring and a voice will caution about the shutdown of the Zone. This means players won’t be able to claim their reward, so if this occurs, they should allow Guard Robots to eliminate them and restart. After a reset, they can attempt again. The optimal strategy is to wait until the first Guard Robot finishes its patrol, then advance cautiously, seeking concealed hiding spots along the way. Once the following Robot finishes its patrolling cycle, slip behind it and continue moving forward.

If players move quickly, stand up from crouching, or approach the Security Robots too closely, they may trigger an automatic detection. This could start the Lockdown Protocol. Keep in mind that these robots might also detect you if you’re lurking near corners and moving excessively, so tread carefully.

When players successfully navigate around the last guarding robot on the upper-left corner of the Forbidden Area, they can proceed towards the door and obtain the “Bypass Keyring”. This item instantly reloads the active weapon when a flawless evasion is executed.

Toxic Gas Chamber Traversal Puzzle Solution In The Stagnant Manufactory

As soon as players step into the Gas Chamber room, they’ll spot a small marker, a closed door to their right, and a hallway that abruptly ends with a damaged section, illuminated by a reddish light at the base. Players should be cautious and descend towards the chamber, where they’ll find a deceased individual with a recording device. Once they engage this device, a voice recording will caution players about prolonged gas exposure leading to death. This implies that the gas won’t instantly kill the players.

Enemies tend to pop up near the corners of gas-filled areas, aiming to impede players’ progress. You can easily bypass them by hurrying past, and swiftly ascending to the following lift.

Players should follow this procedure: Each segment of the puzzle contains one or two large glass containers filled with pink gas. By breaking these containers, players can proceed through the labyrinth of hallways and elevators, eventually reaching the control room located above. The initial container is easy to spot, and players must turn right, fight enemies until they advance to the next area with another container. Breaking it will fill the room with more gas, so players should hurry to the elevator at the end of the room.

As they ride the elevators upwards, players will come across a tank of gas seeming to block further progress. To proceed, they should navigate around the corner and search for an overhang or platform. Instead of venturing where the room is filled with gas, they ought to look upwards, where they’ll discover another overhang. Take a step back, sprint, and leap. The character will then climb onto the next overhang, guiding players towards the subsequent section.

Players can dodge the enemy known as Amalgam Elite, which usually shows up close to the corridor heading towards the elevator. It’s best not to engage in combat with it. Instead, make a beeline for the elevator and hop on board promptly. This action will save valuable time and energy, and more importantly, keep the gas from spoiling your gaming experience.

Players should quickly move towards the right side now, as a new corridor will guide them to a narrow platform embellished with a radiant golden glow. This signifies they’ve reached the concluding part of the puzzle, where they can finish the traversal challenge by getting to the observation room. Utilize the elevator to ascend to the last section of the Toxic Gas Chamber, and press the Panel in the Observation Room to trigger the Gas Purge for your reward.

By following this method, players can acquire the “Enhanced Awareness” skill, which bestows a 3% Speed Boost and a 10% Slowness Penalty at its maximum range. This skill synergizes superbly with abilities that confer the Haste effect on the player and mods that slow down enemies.

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2024-09-26 16:44