Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist


  • Subaru defies traditional isekai protagonist norms, standing out with his eccentric personality and unpredictable actions.
  • Subaru undergoes deep character growth, grappling with guilt and anxiety as he faces relentless challenges.
  • Subaru’s genuine empathy and sacrifices for his friends shine through, despite his flaws and struggles in the new world.

As a seasoned viewer of isekai anime, I must say that Subaru from ‘Re: Zero’ certainly stands out among his peers. While he may not be the strongest or most charismatic character at first glance, his depth and complexity are truly captivating.

Subject Line: One of the most powerful Isekai anime: “Zero” leaves thousands spellbound with its innovative twist on the genre. The narrative unfolds around a young man content with his solitary life, who is suddenly whisked away to an entirely different world. Our protagonist, Subaru, soon comprehends that nothing will ever be as it once was, and the tale delves into his journey along a bright path that swiftly plunges into misery.

It’s possible to see that Subaru challenges traditional isekai protagonist stereotypes by failing to meet all the typical requirements and not being the main character in the conventional sense. Instead, he plays multiple roles throughout the series, making it difficult to categorize him like other popular anime characters. More frequently than most isekai protagonists, Subaru faces hardships and demonstrates significant growth in the anime world. Here’s why Subaru stands out as a remarkable protagonist.

8 Subaru Doesn’t Fit In

From Style To Presence, He’s An Oddity

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

As soon as Subaru steps foot into this unfamiliar realm, it’s clear he doesn’t quite fit in. It’s not just his unique physical features; there’s something about his quirky characteristics that prevent him from blending seamlessly with the people and environment around him.

Ever since I stepped foot into this brand-new realm, I’ve been the odd one out, standing as conspicuous as a neon sign in a dimly lit room. It’s not just my looks that set me apart, though; I’ve got some peculiar quirks that make it tough for me to blend in with the crowd here.

7 Layers Of Character Depth

Subaru Doesn’t Always Know What’s Right

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

In the unfolding tale of “Re: Zero,” we start to understand more about Subaru’s unique background, setting him apart from typical protagonists in the isekai genre.

Instead of the ordinary hardships faced by a story’s hero seeming daunting, they appear almost unfairly harsh. To make matters worse, some of these challenging situations that negatively affect Subaru are self-inflicted. Despite this, through repeated attempts and mistakes, Subaru plunges deeper and offers a compelling glimpse into his true character.

6 He Works Harder Than Anyone

Against Insurmountable Adversity, Subaru Always Tries

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

In a mystical realm, when heroes gain citizenship, they typically learn to navigate its unique systems. This can be achieved through mastering potent magic, excelling in martial arts with a formidable sword, or acquiring an extraordinary ability. Normally, there’s a distinct route for the aspiring hero to follow on their journey towards becoming the champion.

For Subaru, it’s not about taking it easy. Instead, he starts off with a bang, immediately facing challenges head-on. The more he discovers about his powers and potential, the wilder things become. As he continues to grow stronger, Subaru undergoes intense trials that test his mind, body, and emotional fortitude.

5 Excellent Character Growth

The Show Doesn’t Ignore What He’s Been Through

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

In many isekai anime, the main characters don’t seem to be affected by the fact that they’ve just saved the world. However, having complex characters isn’t always required, but when they are skillfully crafted, their influence on the narrative can leave a lasting impression.

After the first episode, Subaru undergoes a transformation, discovering his role in this novel world and understanding its perils. Moreover, the consequences of his life-threatening experiences promptly alter his perspective on things.

4 Subaru Has Flaws Like Everyone Else

He’s Neither A White Knight Nor An Anti-Hero

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

From the get-go, it’s evident that Subaru isn’t among the high society when he ventures into this new world. Yet, when circumstances demand, he possesses an appealing charm. In challenging scenarios, Subaru manages to maintain his composure and garner a sense of self-assurance when required.

Despite Subaru appearing to be flawed, with a tendency towards self-deprecation and harboring resentment, it becomes increasingly clear that the story of Re: Zero delves as much into inner character as outer appearance. This is demonstrated through the series’ exploration of Subaru’s guilt, anxiety, and regret.

3 Subaru Is Not Overpowered

He Scales With The World Around Him

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

Unlike many isekai anime protagonists who are equipped with magical abilities, Subaru lacks handles for his powers. Instead, he enters this new world with presumptions that ultimately lead to him stumbling and failing at first.

As Subaru grows throughout the tale, it’s important to note that he doesn’t surpass other entities in this new world. Instead, he faces numerous challenges head-on through diligent effort. Despite his potential for immense power, Subaru is often hindered by his personal limitations, which prevent him from fully utilizing his abilities.

2 His Genuine Love For His Friends

With All His Issues, Subaru Still Cares

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

It’s clear that Subaru exhibits a strong sense of empathy, which allows him to bridge emotional gaps and navigate tense situations effectively. However, his deep-seated feelings of inadequacy prevent him from forming meaningful connections with others.

Although he often can’t respond quickly, he’s deeply committed to ensuring his friends’ safety at minimum. This commitment intensifies significantly when situations beyond his control place him and his friends in harm’s way. He’s willing to make numerous sacrifices to correct his errors.

1 Subaru Wins And Loses

It’s Not Sunshine And Rainbows All The Time

Re:Zero: Reasons Subaru Is A Great Protagonist

Similar to any tale, “RE: Zero” features both peaks and valleys. The emotional turmoil that Subaru experiences often results from his choices, regardless of whether they lead to positive or negative outcomes.

As a dedicated fan, I’d say that unlike many isekai protagonists who seem invincible or perpetually resilient, Subaru stands out as a character who responds to situations much like any average person would. He often finds himself in a quandary, unsure of what to do next. Yet, he doesn’t shy away from trying, even when failure is a possibility. This authentic portrayal of struggle and imperfection makes Subaru an incredibly relatable character throughout the series.

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2024-08-21 10:05