Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm – Chef Survivor Unlock Guide

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm - Chef Survivor Unlock Guide

As a seasoned gamer who’s spent countless hours in the chaotic world of Risk of Rain 2, I can confidently say that the Chef is not a character to be underestimated! This close-range Survivor may require some finesse and strategic positioning, but once you master the art of the Chef, you’ll be dishing out damage like a pro!

In the latest expansion, “Seekers of the Storm” DLC for Risk of Rain 2, two new characters, Chef and Seeker, have been introduced as playable Survivors. Unlike Seeker who comes default, obtaining Chef requires some effort and preparation.

As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you that, just like whipping up a tasty dish, if you gather the right ingredients (in this case, items) and put in the necessary time, cracking the code to get Chef in Risk of Rain 2 won’t be too tricky. So let’s dive into who this character is, how to find them, and most importantly, how to unlock them!

Where to Unlock Chef

Reaching The Reformed Altar

To put it more plainly, to open Chef in Risk of Rain 2, you should first find and clear the Halcyon Shrine, which can be recognized by a towering green crystal growing from the ground. Once you locate this shrine, make your way to the Reformed Altar where you’ll need to place three specific items: a Cautious Slug, one Bison Steak, and an Infusion. Arrange them in front of the deactivated Chef robot, positioning them just beneath the statue’s foot.

After offering your prayers at the shrine, you might feel inclined to donate as much wealth as you can, as fresh adversaries emerge at each significant moment when the green crystal transforms into gold. You can halt this cycle prematurely by revisiting the Shrine, or if you choose not to intervene, the transformation will continue until the entire shrine is golden and the process completes automatically.

Regardless of whether you stop it early or not, when the process is finished a golden Halcyon Warrior will spawn. Take them out (be careful, they’re tough) and a green portal should now spawn alongside the Halcyon Cache containing your hard-earned items. Go through the portal whenever you’re ready, and you’ll be spawned into the Reformed Altar.

Cooking Up Chef’s Unlock Method

AKA, Actually Unlocking the Character

Once you arrive at the Altar in the Reformed area, your next destination is a large statue situated right in the center of the stage, or more specifically, the base of the statue projecting from the stage. Make your way to either foot of the statue, where you’ll discover a tiny tunnel that descends into a similarly compact room. In this underground space, there’s a stone control panel, a glass window, and an inactive Chef on the opposite side. If you peer at the control panel, you’ll notice images of the Cautious Slug, Bison Steak, and Infusion items displayed on it.

Bring each of these and place it into the console, and Chef will wake up and be promptly unlocked. The easiest way to do this is by starting a Drizzle run with the Command Artifact equipped, as you can easily get the necessary items in stage one or in the Reformed Altar using this method. However, if you don’t want to rely on Artifacts to unlock Chef, it’s worth mentioning that the placed items carry over between runs. So, if you only have the Cautious Slug in one run, still go and put it into the stone console, as it’ll still be there when you return to Chef’s room in a different run. Lastly, it’s worth noting that this unlock method is individual, meaning you can’t have a group of friends each bring one of the three mandatory items and have it work, the progress on these stone console is individually tied to each player.

Chef Survivor Overview

Abilities & General Playstyle

Since you’ve gained access to the character Chef, let’s quickly discuss his basic traits. By default, Chef’s abilities are as follows:

Name Ability Description
Chef’s Kiss Passive Killing enemies with 2 or more skills cooks them up and drops a healing food item.
Dice Primary Throw a Cleaver through enemies for 250 percent damage. Press again to recall the Cleaver, dealing 375 percent damage on the return trip.
Sear Secondary Scorch nearby enemies for 600 percent damage. Inflicts Burn on targets hit. Glazed enemies take 75 percent extra damage.
Roll Utility Charge the rolling pin to speed forward, dealing 500-800 percent damage depending on charge level and Stunning any enemies hit.
Glaze Special Fire globs of oil in quick succession, dealing 7 instances of 200 percent damage, Slowing, and Weakening any enemies hit while also inflicting them with the ‘Glazed’ status effect.

Generally speaking, Chef is a survivor who excels in close combat situations. They primarily rely on their inherent healing ability (passive), use their Glaze special to control opponents, apply status effects with Sear, maintain damage output through their Primary weapon, and move efficiently around the map thanks to their Utility skill.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed many players are quick to label the Chef character weak at first glance, but I beg to differ. The original Chef from the original Risk of Rain was also underestimated at first, and this new one is no exception.

Chef’s Alternate Special & Unlock Method

Fans of the Original Chef Will Recognize This Ability

To acquire the special ability ‘Yes, Chef!’, you need to glaze ten Bison enemies, followed by searing them. This process can be tedious, but if you repeatedly start new Drizzle runs with Artifacts such as Dissonance, Swarms, and Kin active, you’ll likely achieve it more easily. Particularly when the Bison are the only enemy appearing in a run, which you can identify by checking their image beneath the Objective dialog box in the top right corner.

  • Dice: Instead of flinging one Cleaver, Chef flings 10+ flaming Cleavers, each in a different direction, outward with Chef at the center. The Cleavers are then called back to Chef, dealing more damage on the return trip.
  • Sear: Instead of immediately unleashing a torrent of fire, the empowered Sear launches three blue balls of fire in the direction you’re aiming, then goes into the torrent of fire, although it’s now blue and appears to deal more damage than the standard variation.
  • Roll: The main difference with the empowered Roll is that Chef now spins while charging, which seems to deal an additional burst of damage with any enemies it makes contact with during the Roll.

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2024-08-29 11:13