Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones


  • Eddard Stark’s death set the tone for Game of Thrones‘ brutal world, resulting from the Lannister-Stark-Baratheon feud.
  • Ygritte’s death was a heartbreaking moment for Jon Snow, torn apart by the arms of death amidst the war between the Night’s Watch and the Free Folk.
  • Daenerys Targaryen’s tragic end came as a devastating betrayal by Jon Snow’s hand.

I’ve been a devoted fan of Game of Thrones since its inception, and over the years, I’ve grown attached to several characters whose lives have shaped the intricate tapestry of this captivating storyline. Among these characters are Jon Snow and Ygritte, Hodor, Daenerys Targaryen, and Robb Stark. Each one holds a special place in my heart for various reasons, but their untimely demises have left indelible marks on me.

One aspect of “Game of Thrones” that has drawn both praise and criticism is its tendency to surprise by abruptly ending characters’ stories. In the world of Westeros and beyond, none can guarantee their own safety.

In the captivating world of “Game of Thrones,” a well-known revelation for those in the know to share with novices is that one of the show’s pivotal characters met their untimely end before the first season concluded. Despite the high stakes and unpredictability of this intricate fantasy series, some character demises have left fans particularly heartbroken.

5 Lord Eddard Stark

A Devastating Blow To The Stark Family

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones
  • Episode of Death: “Baelor” (Season 1, Episode 9)
  • Episode Release Date: June 12th, 2011

Eddard Stark’s demise marked the beginning of significant events in “Game of Thrones,” as it signified the first instance of a major character’s unexpected and permanent departure from the series. This pivotal death solidified the ruthless and unforgiving atmosphere of “Game of Thrones,” underscoring that no character, not even the protagonist, was exempt from meeting an untimely end.

Ned’s death was the culmination of all the events of the Lannister-Stark-Baratheon feud that started the War of the Five Kings. The highlights of his feud were when Ned revealed he knew Cersei Lannister’s children were bastards and his battle against the amazing kingslaying swordsman Jaime Lannister. Near the end of the season, Ned is imprisoned, branded as a traitor, and looks likely to lose his head. Whilst imprisoned, he was assured by others that, if he said he was a traitor, the Lannister-Baratheons would spare him.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but rephrase this scene from the perspective of someone witnessing the events unfold: I couldn’t believe it when cruel King Joffrey had other plans for Ned. He desired to make an example out of my beloved father, ordering his soldiers to end his life in front of a massive crowd in Kings Landing. The sight of my dear sisters, Sansa and Arya, being compelled to watch their own father’s beheading was enough to bring tears to any spectator’s eyes.

4 Ygritte Of The Free Folk

A Heartbreaking Moment For Jon Snow

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones
  • Episode of Death: “Watchers on the Wall” (Season 4, Episode 9)
  • Episode Release Date: June 8th, 2014

Jon Snow and Ygritte are known for having one of the most captivating enemy-to-lover storylines in television history. With Jon being part of the Night’s Watch, a protective order guarding the Wall against the Free Folk or wildlings, led by Ygritte, their romance was constantly challenged by the chaos of war. Sadly, their love was ultimately torn apart by the cold hands of death.

During a short phase in the series, Jon Snow was compelled to join the wildings as a result of an urgent predicament. Later on, he chose to leave them and rejoin the Night’s Watch, a decision that was particularly difficult for him because he had fallen in love with Ygritte during his time among the wildings. As the fourth season drew to a close, tensions between the two groups reached boiling point, leading to an intense conflict where the Free Folk launched a full-scale assault on the wall. Prior to this battle, Ygritte felt deceived by Jon Snow’s decision to return to the Night’s Watch and had vowed to take his life if they encountered each other on the battlefield.

When the moment arrived, she found herself unable to carry out her plan, and as she wavered over killing Jon, someone seized the chance and killed her instead. It was Olly, a vengeful member of the Night’s Watch, who took advantage of the situation and shot her with an arrow, condemning her to die in Jon’s embrace.

3 Wylis (AKA Hodor)

A Tragic End For A Character Who Deserved Better

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones
  • Episode of Death: “The Door” (Season 6, Episode 5)
  • Episode Release Date: May 22nd, 2016

Throughout his life, Hodor faithfully served House Stark as a loyal servant. Known for his simple mind yet impressive physique, he was frequently spotted assisting Bran Stark when the young boy could no longer walk on his own. To some, Hodor was an indispensable member of Bran’s team, facilitating his travels during his spiritual journey towards becoming the Three-Eyed Raven. The loss of such a kind and devoted character was sure to leave many fans feeling emotional.

Outside the wall, Bran, Meera, and Hodor encounter danger and are about to be overrun by wights. Bran is left powerless after being struck by a powerful vision, during which he uncovers hidden past truths. Desperate for an escape, Meera urges Hodor repeatedly to “keep the door shut.” Unfortunately, this command leads to Hodor’s gruesome demise at the hands of the wights. Meanwhile, Bran, still immersed in his vision, unwittingly invades Hodor’s consciousness during a past memory. In this memory, Hodor was once known as Wylis.

After reciting “Hold the door,” the young Wylis experiences a seizure, which later in life results in his limited mental capacity and identity as Hodor. The occurrences that led to his demise are also the reason for his current name and solitary utterance.

2 Queen Daenerys Targaryen

A Devastating Betrayal From A Supposed Supporter

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones
  • Episode of Death: “The Iron Throne” (Season 8, Episode 6)
  • Episode Release Date: May 19th, 2019

At the beginning of “Game of Thrones,” Daenerys Targaryen was just a powerless ex-princess who had been reduced to a commoner, with no control over her own destiny and able to be married off at her brother’s will. However, as the story unfolded, she transformed into a compassionate conqueror.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness as I recall the heart-wrenching conclusion of “Game of Thrones.” In the final episode, Daenerys Targaryen, once a beacon of hope and justice, met her tragic end. By the second last episode, she had succumbed to her darker impulses, ordering the devastating destruction of King’s Landing and its innocent inhabitants, even after securing victory against the Lannister forces.

As a gamer, I could rephrase that as follows: “Instead of giving Daenerys the embrace she expected from her most loyal follower, Jon betrayed her trust in the cruellest way. Hiding behind a disguise of affection, he struck her heart with a hidden blade.”

1 Robb Stark, The King In The North

A Harrowing Bloodbath That Shook The North

Saddest Deaths in Game of Thrones
  • Episode of Death: “The Rains of Castamere” (Season 3, Episode 9)
  • Episode Release Date: June 2nd, 2013

In the “Game of Thrones” saga, Robb Stark’s death stood out as the most shocking among all, even surpassing the initial shock of his father Eddard Stark’s demise. At the onset of The War of Five Kings, Robb Stark earned the title of “King in the North,” instilling loyalty and determination among northern men to support his quest for vengeance against the Lannister-Baratheons and King Joffrey. Throughout Season 3, Robb faced numerous triumphs and tribulations during the war, but the setbacks began to accumulate towards the end.

Robb found himself in a predicament, requiring the approval of Walder Frey – a Lord whom he had disrespected by declining his proposal for marriage with his daughter. Alongside his loved ones, including his wife Talisa and mother Catelyn, Robb arranged for him to marry Roslin, Walder’s daughter, instead. This decision proved to be Robb’s most regrettable mistake.

In actuality, the Lannisters, Freys, and Roose Bolton colluded to turn Robb Stark’s wedding into a deadly trap. Unsuspecting viewers were left heartbroken as they witnessed Robb, his mother, and the unborn child being brutally murdered on that fateful day. Tragically, Robb would never grow beyond his youthful years.

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2024-07-15 09:34