Sakamoto Days: The Unbreakable Bond Between Sakamoto and Shin

In the shadowy underworld, camaraderie often flourishes among colleagues, as they collaborate closely on their daily tasks, thereby fostering deep trust within their group. The anime titled Sakamoto Days follows the story of a youthful runaway named Shin, who unintentionally stumbles into the world of assassins and encounters Taro Sakamoto. Over time, Sakamoto takes on a dual role as both mentor and surrogate older brother to Shin.

For a while, Sakamoto and Shin were acquainted long before Sakamoto decided to hang up his hitman boots and part ways with his past. Yet, in the world of Sakamoto Days, these two individuals reconnect, strengthening their relationship more than ever before.

Sakamoto and Shin’s Background

Who Are These Two Well-Known Hitmen?

From an outsider’s perspective, the narrative of Taro Sakamoto is one that echoes through the shadows of the underworld. Starting at the tender age of 14, he found himself ensnared in a world of violence as a hired gun for the Japanese Association of Assassins. Over time, he formed bonds with a few of his peers and embarked on clandestine operations alongside them. One such mission ultimately led Sakamoto to join the enigmatic Order.

Tragedy struck when friends of his were taken by a fellow classmate named Uzuki, which served as a catalyst for him to redouble his efforts in his line of work. His name became synonymous with notoriety within the Order. The passage of time eventually brought him across Aoi, his future spouse, who tended to the shelves of a convenience store he frequented. Despite their romance blossoming during his tenure in the Order, Aoi grew weary of his occupation, prompting Sakamoto to decide to hang up his weapons and retire from the shadows.

Violence isn’t the answer. But sometimes, it’s the question. And the answer is ‘yes’. — Sakamoto

Regarding Shin, he was raised by Asakura, a researcher, after being abandoned by his biological father. Frequently finding himself immersed in Asakura’s experiments, Shin once inadvertently ingested a serum that the latter had developed, granting him psychic abilities. Although he was content with his newfound talents, Asakura harbored misgivings, causing Shin to leave home at a tender age. Later on, he crossed paths with Taro Sakamoto and they forged a partnership as assassins, developing an enduring friendship that proved resilient over the years, ultimately surviving until they reunite again.

How Did Sakamoto and Shin Meet?

The Origins of the Two’s Relationship

Long before the Sakamoto Days series began, there was a time when Shin and Sakamoto had met each other. This encounter took place during Sakamoto’s peak as an assassin. This initial meeting significantly altered Shin’s life and caused him to admire Sakamoto like never before. It wasn’t just that Sakamoto was already renowned in the criminal underworld for his exceptional skills, but witnessing him carry out his work left a lasting impression on Shin.

Do you think I can? I want to be like you, Mr. Sakamoto! — Shin

Shortly following their encounter, Shin found himself drawn into the world of assassins alongside Taro Sakamoto, largely due to his exceptional telepathic abilities that proved invaluable to the Order. In truth, Shin had long harbored a desire to delve into the underworld as an assassin, but it was witnessing Sakamoto’s prowess up close that truly ignited his passion. Sakamoto became both an inspiration and a role model for Shin, someone he admired deeply, much like one would look up to an older sibling.

Ever since I recognized the remarkable talent hidden within this young telepath, I, Sakamoto, took him under my wing and became his guide in the shadowy realm of the underworld. Over time, we shared knowledge and worked as partners for a considerable period, fostering a unique bond between us. But then, unexpectedly, I opted to abandon my hitman lifestyle, leaving Shin in a state of bewilderment and solitude.

The initial season of our anime finds Shin being assigned a mission by the Order – to track down me, Sakamoto, and eliminate me due to their rule that once you’re in, there’s no getting out. However, his assassination attempt on me fell through, and he eventually found himself siding with me yet again.

What Is Their Relationship Now?

Shin and Sakamoto Have Become Like Family

In the first episode, Shin’s attempt to get rid of Sakamoto wasn’t driven by a personal desire, but rather due to orders from the Organization. Despite this initial confrontation, Sakamoto, victorious in battle, invites Shin to stay at his home and nurse him back to health. Over time, Shin finds himself employed at Sakamoto’s convenience store, and they collaborate on assassination tasks whenever necessary.

Shin tried to eliminate Sakamoto because he was told to do so by the Organization, not because he wanted to. After losing their first battle, Sakamoto took care of Shin and eventually hired him at his convenience store. They work together on assassination jobs when required.

Following their reunion, Shin’s respect for Sakamoto deepens significantly, and they grow extraordinarily close. Shin appreciates Sakamoto’s decision to abandon his career in order to safeguard his family and lead a humble life with his spouse and child. In time, Shin becomes deeply loyal to Sakamoto, practically integrating himself into the family as a cherished member and a dear friend to Sakamoto.

Occasionally, the most remarkable champions are those who initially had no desire to be heroes at all.

From an observer’s perspective, I’ve noticed that while Shin once admired Sakamoto from afar, their bond today is far more profound than it ever was in the past. Despite Sakamoto no longer being at the pinnacle of his career or active within the assassin world, they share a friendship that goes beyond casual acquaintanceship. Their connection is built on mutual care for each other’s wellbeing, and they stand united against formidable adversaries – looking out for one another.

Shin and Sakamoto have transcended professional respect, now considering each other as brothers. Over time, Shin has also developed a strong bond with Sakamoto’s family, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to their connection.

Sakamoto Days is available to stream on Netflix.

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2025-01-17 22:36