Satisfactory: How to Tame a Lizard Doggo

Satisfactory: How to Tame a Lizard Doggo

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent traversing alien worlds, I can confidently say that taming a Lizard Doggo in Satisfactory has been one of my most rewarding experiences yet. The process is simple, yet engaging, and the joy of having this adorable creature by my side as I navigate through treacherous terrains is unparalleled.

In the game titled “Satisfactory“, players frequently encounter a small, reptilian creature resembling a dog, commonly referred to as a “Lizard Doggo”. Unlike Hogs and Spitters, these creatures are not aggressive. In fact, by following specific procedures, you can domesticate these creatures and have them accompany you in the dangerous alien landscape of “Satisfactory“. If you’re curious about how to tame your very first Lizard Doggo, we’ve outlined the steps so that you can tame as many of them as you desire.

How to Tame a Lizard Doggo in Satisfactory

Satisfactory: How to Tame a Lizard Doggo

In the game Satisfactory, Lizard Doggos tend to pop up at random locations globally. However, these creatures are generally not hard to locate. You’ll frequently spot them strolling along beaches or grasslands abundant with trees within the game environment.

To domesticate a Lizard-like Canine, start by gathering Paleberries. These often sprout in areas with lush grasslands and thick forests. Keep exploring until you locate a Paleberry bush, then approach it and press the ‘E’ key to harvest it. Each bush yields three Paleberries, but for taming the Lizard-like Canine, just one will do.

You can split Paleberries by right-clicking on the item in your inventory.

After obtaining your Paleberries, you’ll be eager to find a Lizard Doggo to domesticate. These animals are skittish, so charging at them isn’t wise. Instead, if you see one from afar, prepare a Paleberry in hand and approach it gradually.

You’ll want to stand completely still when the Lizard Doggo looks at you. Even moving the mouse around can sometimes scare them away. Open your inventory and drag one Paleberry out of it to drop it on the ground.

At the moment, the Lizard Pup is likely to approach the Raspberry and consume it. Please remain still during this time to avoid scaring it away. Once it finishes eating, it will leap up and behave cheerfully and playful. Now, you can move closer to your new Lizard Pup and press ‘E’ to give it a pat. Congratulations, you’ve just tamed your first Lizard Pup!

Choosing the Northern Forest as your Starting Area in

is usually best since both Paleberries and Lizard Doggos are easier to find in that region.

If the Lizard-Dog doesn’t leap following the consumption of a Paleberry, it suggests he was startled at some point during the training phase. In this case, you should retreat a bit more and offer another Paleberry. Once he eats the second Paleberry, the taming process will be completed successfully.

How to Keep Lizard Doggo Safe in Satisfactory

Satisfactory: How to Tame a Lizard Doggo

After you manage to domesticate a Lizard Pup, it tends to stick close to you. Yet, it moves at a snail’s pace and can’t maintain with your speed. Unfortunately, if you stray too far from this pet, it scampers off. Despite the need for re-taming, should you return and locate it, it will remember you. However, this could pose an issue for players seeking to move swiftly.

It would be best if you guide your Pet Lizard towards your camp and construct an improvised enclosure for its safety. You can establish a base structure (Foundation) and surround it with four walls to ensure it doesn’t wander off. Since Lizard Pets don’t jump, there’s no need to worry about them escaping or getting hurt.

What Does a Lizard Doggo Do in Satisfactory

Satisfactory: How to Tame a Lizard Doggo

At periodic intervals, your trained Reptile Companion may spontaneously produce an item for you, with the quantity depending on each occurrence. Below is a list of potential items your Reptile Companion could present to you:

Item TypeItem Name
  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ore
  • Limestone
  • Coal
  • Caterium Ore
  • Sulfur
  • SAM Ore
  • Raw Quartz
  • Uranium
Flora and Fauna
  • Leaves
  • Wood
  • Mycelia
  • Flower Petals
  • Blue Power Slug
  • Yellow Power Slug
  • Purple Power Slug
  • Alien Organs
  • Beryl Nut
  • Paleberry
  • Bacon Agaric
  • Uranium Waste
  • Cup
Lizard Doggo also has an inventory slot that you can use as storage.

In the game “Satisfactory,” Lizard Doggo is a cheerful and playful character. Its friendly nature with the player is quite noticeable. After taming one, it will make an effort to stick close by you. However, due to its timid nature, it’s advisable to keep it at your primary base for safety reasons.

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2024-09-13 10:03