Seattle Surge Is The Latest CDL Team to Rebrand

Seattle Surge Is The Latest CDL Team to Rebrand

As a die-hard CDL fan with memories of the league’s birth in 2020 etched deep in my gaming heart, I must say this latest transformation of Seattle Surge into Vancouver Surge leaves me both intrigued and amused. The CDL teams’ penchant for rebranding is reminiscent of a chameleon, ever-changing to blend with its surroundings.

As the 2025 season approaches, it’s noticeable that many teams in the Call of Duty League are undergoing a rebranding process. In fact, just four teams still hold their original identities from when the league was established in 2020. The rest have either relocated across the country or to another continent, or have been taken over by other organizations and adopted new identities entirely.

More recently, the Seattle Surge underwent a rebranding process and announced that they will now be recognized as Vancouver Surge. This change better reflects their connection to their parent company.

Brand Alignment

The company hasn’t shared many details about this change, but it’s thought that the team might have been renamed ‘Vancouver Surge’. This speculation arises because the team seems to be aligning more closely with the Aquilini Group, which is the organization’s parent company and also owns the Vancouver Canucks, a team from the NHL led by Francesco Aquilini.

Beyond its current location, the Aquilini Group holds various real estate, hotel, and business assets scattered throughout Canada, primarily centered around the management of a Vancouver-based estate.

Just as the tide ebbs and flows, so too does it carry us to uncharted territories. We are the Vancouver Surge, ready to make a splash with #DrownOutTheNoise.

— Seattle Surge (@SeattleSurge) August 11, 2024

In simpler terms, another team is moving to Canada, with Toronto Ultra being established since the beginning of the Call of Duty League (CDL). The specifics about how this shift affects the team are uncertain, but it seems like a simple rebranding adjustment. The upcoming 2025 CDL season should proceed as usual, and there’s speculation that we could see a Major tournament in Vancouver next year.

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2024-08-12 08:49