Shadows of Doubt review

Shadows of Doubt review

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, let me tell you about my latest adventure in the captivating world of Shadows of Doubt. I’ve played my fair share of games, from first-person shooters to RPGs, but this detective simulator has left an indelible mark on me.

In the bathroom of Atticus Pruitt, I discovered a gruesome sight: his body riddled with bullet holes on the floor. By the window offering a view of the city, a sniper rifle was casually leaned against the wall, its barrel peeking through the blinds. This marked the start of a crime scene, and my only clue was a deceased man. The ensuing investigation sprawled across the entire city, involving various individuals and locations, with numerous dead ends that threatened to derail me completely. However, an unexplored lead eventually emerged, and as I tugged on it, the mystery started to unravel, revealing potential suspects. Shadows of Doubt has its flaws, but there’s no disputing that it’s one of the most intriguing games I’ve played this year.

Located in a fictional metropolis of the 1980s, this game immerses you in a dystopian noir world that changes each time you play. Every session presents a new mystery for you to solve, pulling you right in from the start. In my recent experience, I was tasked with unraveling the murder of a marketing executive. The assortment of circumstances I encountered during my investigation were so diverse and unexpected, it felt like nothing I’d experienced before. To give you an idea of what Shadows of Doubt entails, let me walk you through how I tracked down the killer and the steps I took to do so.

Following the discovery of Mr. Pruitt’s body, I conducted a thorough examination of his person to collect fingerprints and initiate the creation of his profile. I meticulously inspected his apartment for any hints, be it a note on the refrigerator or an email in his computer, seeking names, phone numbers, and leads that could help me uncover who might have had a reason to shoot him. I scrutinized his address book, his wallet, and other items to gather clues and start piecing together the broader picture until I had a lead on where to focus my investigation first. On the gun by the window, there was a fingerprint that didn’t belong to Mr. Pruitt, giving me a potential suspect’s prints, but I was still unsure of their identity.

Shadows of Doubt review

I went to where he worked, but the entrance was secured and I couldn’t get inside. However, I managed to bypass the security system by tampering with the power supply, which allowed me to disarm the cameras and a guard robot. Once inside, I looked for login information to access the computers in the office, particularly those of his colleagues. My suspicions grew when I found ammunition in the receptionist’s desk drawer that matched the bullets used to kill him. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any password that would grant me access to her computer.

Previously, upon exploring Atticus’ apartment, I stumbled upon a restaurant receipt. Subsequently, instead of lingering at his offices, I decided to visit the restaurant for any fresh leads. Pretending to be a health inspector, I approached the counter, but the man there was skeptical. Undeterred, I stepped outside and scouted for a hidden entrance that could grant me access to the manager’s office. If I couldn’t find one, I rummaged through the garbage for clues. Eventually, I managed to gain entry and discovered some security footage on the computer showing Atticus dining in one of the booths with two unfamiliar individuals. Now, I finally had a possible suspect to identify.

In my examination of the table, I didn’t discover his footprints, however, some others turned out to be crucial later on. I infiltrated an underworld gun store through air vents, only to have the owner attempt to eliminate me. I visited several apartments of associates, hoping for interviews but receiving little information. As my investigation continued, I stumbled upon the apartment of a friend of his – someone who had been giving Atticus warnings about some impending danger. Upon arrival, I found another lifeless body, and the case suddenly expanded dramatically. Do you recall the receptionist’s desk I previously mentioned? In this friend’s address book, I discovered her residence, and after delving into the city directory, I was able to pinpoint her location.

Shadows of Doubt review

Upon arrival, I rapped on the door, and it took her some time to respond. Contrary to my expectations, she didn’t seem overly surprised or frightened, yet she refused to let me examine her fingerprints or enter for a search. She slammed the door in my face, leading me to devise a plan to gain entry through the vents. Once inside, things took a turn for the worse. Shadows of Doubt is one of the most intelligent games I’ve encountered. The identity of Atticus’ killer will remain undisclosed for you, dear reader, but I trust I’ve provided a glimpse into one of the numerous strategies employed in solving such cases. You might find yourself in any number of places, amassing a multitude of clues and conversing with countless individuals if necessary.

Exploring new avenues is boundless, and it’s truly awe-inspiring how genuine the investigative journey can be. You might find yourself taking on additional jobs to pad your pockets, given that spending will likely become a frequent activity. Corruption could become a common occurrence as you might need to bribe individuals for information or access codes. In case of emergencies leading to hospitalization, you’ll have to cover the costs. There’s also the risk of being noticed and apprehended, which means facing penalties if you wish to carry on with your police duties. Awareness of potential financial obligations makes you more vigilant, but sometimes, significant risks must be taken to uncover the truth.

Shadows of Doubt review

With so many leads and clues that arise, your case board is the most important tool at your disposal. You can pin everything to it from people of interest, locations, emails and documents, potential murder weapons, information about fingerprints, blood type, and addresses, and more. Custom threads between multiple clues can link them together, and you can move everything around to keep things organised so you don’t lose sight of what you’re doing. Creating your own tapestry of intrigue is one of my favourite aspects of Shadow of Doubt, and it forces you to be concise when pinning it all together.

Despite my deep affection for Shadows of Doubt, there are several aspects that require improvement. On the top floor of the apartment building where Atticus was discovered, an unexpected corpse was found. Yet, upon revisiting his apartment, he was nowhere to be seen, which makes me suspect that the corpse might have been his. Additionally, equipping and employing items like scanners or code-breakers for deciphering door and safe codes can be rather fiddly. Combat sequences, ideally only employed in self-defense, can feel awkward when throwing a punch or blocking attacks effectively. Lastly, the directional pad fails to respond when a prompt appears to press it, causing annoyance during searches for crucial data within filing cabinets.

In Shadows of Doubt, an intriguing detective simulation set in a gritty ’80s metropolis, I found myself compulsively drawn in while attempting to unravel the city’s murders. There were moments when progress seemed elusive, only for a seemingly insignificant piece of information or overlooked clue to emerge, shedding new light on my investigation. However, elements such as managing temperature and personal hygiene, which function as survival mechanics, occasionally detracted from the overall experience, making me wish they were absent. Despite this minor inconvenience, I remain captivated by the game and consider it one of the most exciting titles I’ve played in 2024.

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2024-09-23 16:17