Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

As someone who’s spent countless hours navigating the labyrinthine world of Shin Megami Tensei V, I can confidently say that tackling Belphegor is no walk in the park – especially if you’re not prepared! This tyrant of Tennozu is a formidable foe, and his penchant for dark attacks makes him a real threat to our beloved Nahobino.

In the game “Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance,” players have an opportunity to battle against Belphegor as an optional boss, provided they manage to unlock the quest of Demeter, who is known as the Tyrant of Tennozu.

As a gamer diving into this virtual world, I can’t stress enough the incredible payoff that tackling the quest against Belphegor brings. If you’re up for the challenge, here’s my strategy on how to vanquish him and claim the sweet rewards he guards.

How To Unlock the Tyrant of Tennozu

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

To initiate the Tyrant of Tennozu quest, players must initially locate Demeter, the Harvest Goddess. She can be found within the Konan 2nd block’s area. Start your journey from the Leyline Fount of the same block and move upward. You’ll find a path to climb. Keep moving forward, then take a left turn, followed by another left turn. Be prepared to jump over some damaged platforms. Continue left into a building, where you’ll finally encounter Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest.

The character will point out the Tennozu region to the player, letting them know that a tyrant resides atop the mountain there. This villain is demanding sacrifices and needs to be eliminated. By taking on this quest, the player will encounter an optional boss named Belphegor, whom they must defeat.

Where To Find Belphegor

In the Tennozu district, you’ll encounter a region where the demon lies hidden. To reach this location, you’ll need to navigate through a mountainous area. As you explore around there, you’ll come across Andres demons. The exact spot on your map will be marked, but locating the entrance might prove challenging for some players. To find it, keep yourself at a higher elevation.

Belphegor Boss Overview

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)
Name Belphegor
Race Tyrant Race
Level Level 38
Stat Score
Strength 47
Vitality 23
Magic 42
Agility 26
Luck 26
Physical Resistant
Fire Weak
Ice Block
Electric Resistant
Force Neutral
Light Weak
Dark Block
Sleep Resistant
Confuse Resistant
Charm Resistant
Mirage Resistant
Seal Resistant
Poison Resistant
Skill Name Skill Description
Boon of Sloth Increases the damage of the user’s Dark attacks based on the number of hits dealt by allies during the turn.
Bufula +4 Medium Ice attack to 1 foe.
Mamudoon +4 Heavy Dark attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
Concentrate +1 Greatly increases the damage of the next Magic-based attack from self.
Matarunda +1 Lowers Attack of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Marin Karin Chance of inflicting Charm to 1 foe.

Before the Fight

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

Best Demons to Bring Along

In the battle against Belphegor, it’s crucial for the player to summon demons resistant to his attacks. The player should seek demons that are strong against dark and ice elements, and capable of dealing light or fire damage instead. Here are some demons that can be acquired around this stage in the game:

  • Baphomet. This demon can be quite useful in this fight. It has a weakness to light, but blocks dark, which is perfect for this fight. Not only can this demon block dark, but it can also exploit Belphegor’s weakness, fire, making it ideal here.
  • Parvati. This demon is not only an excellent healer, but she can also be taught a light skill to target Belphegor’s weakness. She has a weakness towards fire, which will not be of relevance in this fight. She resists ice which will be of some use with Belphegor.
  • Quetzalcoatl. This snake demon with wings could come in handy during this fight. He does not block dark or ice, but does not have weakness to either so he is good to go. He can use great fire attacks which means he can target Belphegor’s weakness.

Regarding the guests accompanying the player, both Yoko and Tao prove extremely helpful. Yoko possesses a unique ability involving fire, specifically an attack called Agidyne. This powerful move inflicts significant damage on Belphegor.

Instead, Tao could opt for a gentle assault, specifically Mahamaon. Since light is one of this demon’s vulnerabilities, she would prove particularly effective in this situation.

Best Affinities for the Nahobino

The player should definitely modify the Nahobino’s affinities if they haven’t before for this boss fight. Indeed, the Nahobino, by default, possesses a dark weakness, meaning he will be heavily affected by Belphegor’s attacks, and possibly get one shotted.

To alter Nahobino’s allegiances, the player simply needs to unlock the Divine Amalgamation miracle and pick a demonic essence as their choice.

If the player can’t locate a substance that simultaneously wards off both Dark and Ice, they should primarily concentrate on shielding against Dark. Here are some demons the player may encounter during this stage of the game; their attributes might prove beneficial in this battle:

  • Hariti. She blocks dark, but has a force weakness.
  • Pisaca. This demon has a weakness against fire and light, but blocks dark.
  • Leanan Sidhe. This demon has a weakness for force and light, but she blocks dark.
  • Peallaidh. This demon has a weakness towards both light and fire, but resists both dark and ice.

Best Items to Keep on Hand

In a boss battle, it’s beneficial for players to carry certain useful items. Here are some examples of such items that may facilitate a smoother fight:

  • Dark Dampener. This item allows the player to block any dark attacks from the enemy for one turn. This will come in handy as Belphegor uses these often.
  • Amrita Soda. Despite his appearances, Belphegor can charm the player and their allies with the skill Marin Karin. Having this item can allow the player to heal this status ailment as needed.

Defeating Belphegor

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

From my gaming experience, I strongly advise players to wait until level 38 before tackling Belphegor. If you jump into this battle earlier, it could prove to be quite a formidable challenge. Trust me, I’ve learned the hard way that underestimating an opponent can lead to a swift defeat.

Once the player is ready, they can head to Belphegor’s location to try and take this tyrant down.

Just like any boss fight, it’s wise for the player to ensure their Magatsuhi gauge is fully charged before starting. Immediately upon engagement, they should use Omagatoki: Critical to deliver as many potent blows as feasible against this demon.

In this battle, it would be beneficial for the player to lean heavily on Yoko’s support. To maximize her effectiveness, the player might want to boost Yoko’s attack power and other attributes whenever convenient. This could include activating the Inflaming Divinity ability on her.

Initially, during his opening move, he’ll opt for a physical assault followed by amassing Magatsuhi. In the following round, there’s a high chance he’ll continue with physical attacks. Therefore, reducing his attack strength might prove beneficial at this stage.

The fight should continue in a similar pattern, with his possibly making use of other attacks.

Rewards for Completing the Tyrant of Tennozu Quest

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance: The Tyrant of Tennozu Guide (Defeating Belphegor)

Upon defeating Belphegor, the player will receive experience points, as well as two grimoires.

After coming back to Demeter, the player is given a bonus of 15,000 Macca and 13,000 experience points.

Additionally, the player can expect to gain access to fuse Tyrant Belphegor, enabling his usage in combat scenarios.

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2024-08-07 08:06