Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 offers real-time galactic strategy, different from turn-based classics.
  • Capital ships like the Akkan Battlecruiser bring specialized functions to fleet formations.
  • The Kol Battleship stands out as a versatile powerhouse in combat, holding its own effectively.

As a seasoned spacefarer with more years under my belt than I care to remember, let me tell you about these formidable vessels that rule the cosmic skies. The carrier, oh, it’s a marvel of engineering and strategy. It might seem daunting for newbies, but once you get the hang of its intricacies, it becomes an indispensable asset in any fleet.

In a fresh twist on traditional space strategy games, Sins of a Solar Empire 2 breaks away from the norm by featuring a live, dynamic galaxy map instead of the usual turn-based mechanics and slower pace for intricate gameplay depth.

The capital ship class is very well thought out. With 5 different ships available, and all but one of them being designed for a very specific function. This includes a carrier, a huge dreadnought, a pair of force-multiplying battlecruisers, and a dependable battleship. Not every fleet needs to have one of each capital ship, and it often makes sense to build specialized fleets around a specific type of capital ship in this grand strategy game.

5 Akkan Battlecruiser

Rapid Response Capital Ship

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked
  • Durability: 500
  • Shield points: 1220
  • Armor points: 1285
  • Hull points: 3620
  • Antimatter: 260
  • Weapons:
    • 4 x Medium Autocannon
    • 2 x PD Autocannon
    • 1 x Planet Bomb

Battlecruisers, also known as pocket battleships, sacrifice some protection and firepower to produce a quicker, more agile version of a capital ship. These ships can travel faster than traditional battleships while offering greater durability compared to cruisers. They have the capacity to venture beyond the fleet’s defensive perimeter for brief periods. In essence, they are swift and powerful vessels that offer both speed and firepower.

Players of Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 might want to reconsider making battlecruisers the core of their fleet since they are somewhat fragile for that purpose. However, these ships excel at accompanying larger battleships due to their agility, offering supporting fire from any direction during space battles. Moreover, these battlecruisers can colonize asteroids and planets as well.

4 Dunov Battlecruiser

Pocket Carrier

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked
  • Durability: 500
  • Shield points: 1150
  • Armor points: 1520
  • Hull points: 3345
  • Antimatter: 322
  • Fighters: 6
  • Weapons:
    • 4 x Heavy Missile
    • 4 x Medium Autocannon
    • 4 x PD Autocannon
    • 1 x Planet Bomb

This ship on our list is called a pocket battleship. Following this naming convention, the Dubov Battlecruise could be considered a miniature aircraft carrier because it only holds one group of fighter planes. Its main weapon, a heavy missile battery, is effective for attacking stationary targets like starbases from a safe distance. With its advanced defense system and group of fighters, it can fend off smaller enemy ships like corvettes and frigates.

This battlecruiser offers strong protection against incoming attacks when defending itself, making it useful as a shield for other fleet units under threat. However, its true strength lies in controlling the battlefield. It can swiftly deploy powerful and diverse weaponry to any location within a planet’s gravitational pull in this sci-fi game, effectively dominating the battlefield.

3 Sova Carrier

Mobile Fighter Platform

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked
  • Durability: 500
  • Shield points: 985
  • Armor points: 1500
  • Hull points: 2880
  • Antimatter: 270
  • Fighters: 6
  • Bombers: 4
  • Weapons:
    • 2 x Gauss Cannon
    • 2 x Medium Autocannon
    • 1 x Light Autocannon
    • 9 x PD Autocannon
    • 1 x Planet Bomb

In Sins of a Solar Empire 2, the Sova Carrier primarily functions as a deployment and support vessel for its fighter and bomber squadrons, rather than boasting significant offensive capabilities. Its defensive shields are relatively weak, which is understandable given its role in the game. However, when accompanied by cruisers and frigates, it can serve as the core of a swift defense fleet, allowing for strategic positioning where it’s most effective.

Inexperienced gamers may struggle initially to determine the optimal role for a carrier in their fleet because it can be challenging to discern where it is most impactful during live gameplay. However, seasoned players understand that placing a carrier within a planet’s gravitational pull gives them quick-reacting, powerful units at their disposal when necessary. Keep in mind though, the carrier must also be safeguarded, strategically positioned within the fleet formation.

2 Marza Dreadnaught

Big Can Be Beautiful

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked
  • Durability: 500
  • Shield points: 1100
  • Armor points: 1220
  • Hull points: 4625
  • Antimatter: 235
  • Weapons:
    • 1 x Gauss Cannon
    • 2 x Medium Autocannon
    • 1 x Heavy Missile
    • 1 x Planet Bomb

The Marza Dreadnaught is a colossal vessel boasting an impressive number of hull points. However, its speed is relatively sluggish, making it highly susceptible to assaults by smaller craft that lack defensive systems. Yet, this ship packs a substantial punch at long range, ideal for attacking enemy capital ships or space stations from afar.

Given its considerable size, a dreadnought doesn’t have great speed. Consequently, incorporating one into a fleet can significantly slow down journey time. Hence, a dreadnought is best utilized in an offensive fleet, where swift movement through phase lanes isn’t critical for tactical positioning.

1 Kol Battleship

General Purpose Capital Ship

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2: All Capital Ships, Ranked
  • Durability: 500
  • Shield points: 1550
  • Armor points: 1710
  • Hull points: 3100
  • Antimatter: 225
  • Weapons:
    • 2 x Gauss Cannon
    • 4 x Medium Autocannon
    • 3 x Light Autocannon
    • 1 x Planet Bomb

In many situations, the Kol Battleship stands alone as the only large vessel capable of maintaining its position effectively without assistance from other ships in the fleet. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that using a solitary battleship in this manner isn’t an ideal strategy, but in an emergency, one battleship can hold its ground and defend while other fleet units are being deployed.

Featuring a versatile arsenal, this battleship can strike targets ranging from small corvettes to extensive planetary structures, which makes it an invaluable asset in this 4X game. Moreover, it offers planetary bombardment options too. Often, players construct their fleets around this reliable vessel due to its high utility, earning it the top spot on this list.

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2024-08-28 05:04