Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun


  • Playing Skyrim in Legendary difficulty provides a challenge – find powerful builds to waltz through the game.
  • Vegetable Soup Berserker build allows uninterrupted Power Attacks for 12 mins, making it game-breaking.
  • Dive into Skyrim’s open-world with various builds like Breton Summoner, Daedric Princess, Punch Cat, and more.

As a seasoned Skyrim adventurer with countless hours under my belt, I must say that the two builds you’ve described are nothing short of masterful. The High Elf Necromancer and the Orc Werewolf each embody unique playstyles that cater to different gaming personalities.

Eventually, you’ll reach a point where there isn’t much new to explore in the game ‘Skyrim’, and replaying it multiple times may become your only option. To make things more interesting, experts suggest playing on the Legendary difficulty level. However, be warned that this mode is quite tough, so you might need to adapt your gaming style. Fortunately, there’s a wealth of information online about the most powerful character builds in ‘Skyrim’, which can help players conquer the Legendary difficulty with ease.

In addition to their current play, Skyrim enthusiasts might want to explore the most enjoyable character builds available in the game at present. Given that many have already mastered Bethesda’s game from over a decade ago, these builds can add an exciting twist to the game experience while making certain aspects of the game less challenging (disregarding mods). These time-tested Skyrim builds are worth venturing to the Cloud District more frequently.

11 Vegetable Soup Berserker

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a gamer, let me tell you about my go-to strategy with the Vegetable Soup Berserker. This guy thrives on one essential item: the unsuspecting Vegetable Soup, a seemingly innocuous early-game food that’s easy to overlook due to its simplicity and accessibility. What makes it so game-changing is its effects, which last an impressive 12 minutes in the world of Skyrim. With just four ingredients – cabbage, potato, leeks, and tomatoes – you can whip up this powerhouse dish.

After having a serving of Vegetable Soup, the game character will regain 1 point of both health and stamina for a duration of 720 seconds. Upon initial assessment, this item appears to be well-balanced, offering a moderate method for recovering health and stamina over an extended period. However, one must consider how Power Attacks operate within the game “Skyrim” before fully appreciating its potential impact.

  • Any
Mandatory Skills
  • Two-Handed
  • Any
Spells & Shouts
  • Any

In this game, performing a Power Attack is the strongest move a player can make while using any melee weapon, but it requires a significant amount of stamina. To keep things fair, these powerful moves can be executed even when you have minimal stamina, draining your entire bar instantly. Using Power Attacks in such low-stamina situations isn’t usually advisable because when your stamina reaches zero, it doesn’t immediately start recovering. It takes a few seconds before the natural recovery process begins. During this time, you can’t do anything and are left exposed and vulnerable. However, if you have the Vegetable Soup effect active, there’s no pause in your stamina recovery. As soon as your stamina bar reaches zero, it instantly starts filling up again. Since Power Attacks can be executed even with a single unit of stamina, this strategy allows players to attack with maximum force without interruption for about 12 minutes. The advantage of this strategy is that it becomes active almost immediately after the game begins. The ingredients for Vegetable Soup are easily obtainable from food vendors in Whiterun and remain accessible throughout the entire game.

10 Breton Summoner

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a gamer, I’ve found that the Breton Summoner build leans heavily on summoned allies and enchanted weapons. Naturally, pouring points into the Conjuration School is essential from the get-go, but enhancing my crafting abilities can make the adventure smoother. With the Breton race, I get Conjure Familiar at level 1, which means I can start honing this skill right after leaving Helgen.

As a fan, I’d say: Being Breton myself, I naturally possess a robust resistance to magical attacks, which comes in handy when battling enemy sorcerers. While players can select other magic-oriented races such as Dunmer or Altmer, being Breton provides an initial advantage and later mitigates the issue of magicka depletion due to equipment pieces.

  • Breton
Mandatory Skills
  • Conjuration (prioritize)
  • Alteration
  • Enchanting
  • One-Handed
  • Alchemy
  • Smithing
  • Head – Fortify Conjuration + Fortify Magicka Regen
  • Chest – Fortify Conjuration + Fortify Magicka Regen
  • Gauntlets – Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Magicka
  • Boots – Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Carry Weight
  • Necklace – Fortify Conjuration + Fortify Magicka
  • Ring – Fortify Magicka Regen + Fortify One-Handed
Spells & Shouts
  • Conjure Familiar
  • Bound Sword
  • Bound Bow
  • Soul Trap
  • Conjure Flame Atronach
  • Conjure Frost Atronach
  • Conjure Storm Atronach

In this build, summoning a Flame Atronach will mark the initial significant achievement, enabling players to rely more on their familiars for heavy combat tasks. The Bound Bow will prove indispensable, offering ranged backup for summoned creatures and facilitating long-range takedowns of targets. As you progress through levels, prioritize investing all stat points into Magicka to reach 200 as soon as possible before enhancing Health or Stamina. Aim for a base Magicka of 250 with some gear that boosts Magicka, ensuring players can sustain two summons consistently throughout gameplay.

Advancing your Conjuration skill to level 90 is a significant achievement, since it grants access to the College of Winterhold’s quest “Conjuration Ritual Spell”. Successfully finishing this mission enables players to permanently summon any preferred Atronach or Dead Thrall at will.

9 Daedric Princess/Princess of Dread

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but sing praises for Fevvy’s latest creation in the realm of Skyrim – the fearsome “Princess of Dread.” This build slices through content with the ease of a Daedric sword piercing melted butter, a comparison intentionally made due to its dual sword nature.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I have come across various strategies and techniques for defeating enemies in video games. However, one particular build I encountered recently stands out due to its innovative approach: it favors dual power attacks to eliminate foes in a single swoop. Now, this method isn’t just effective; it also adds a touch of humor to the gameplay experience thanks to the quirky and somewhat abrupt kill animations that follow these powerful strikes. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for me, it certainly brings a unique charm to an otherwise intense battle.

  • Nord
Mandatory Skills
  • One-Handed (prioritize)
  • Archery
  • Light Armor
  • Speech
  • Alchemy
  • Conjuration
  • Restoration
  • Alteration
  • Enchanting
  • Smithing
  • Heavy Armor
  • Block
  • Two-Handed
  • Gold and Emerald Circlet – Fortify Destruction + Fortify Archery
  • Daedric Armor – Fortify Destruction + Fortify Restoration
  • Brawler’s Daedric Gauntlets – Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Archery
  • Daedric Boots – Fortify One-Handed + Fortify Stamina
  • Necklace – Fortify Archery + Fortify One-Handed
  • Ring – Fortify Archery + Fortify One-Handed
  • 2x Daedric Sword – Chaos Damage + Absorb Health
  • Daedric Bow – Chaos Damage + Absorb Health
Spells & Shouts
  • Necromage spells
  • Summon Daedric Horse

At the start, this construction phase might seem monotonous as players have to enhance their blacksmithing and crafting abilities extensively first. This process enables them to forge overpowered Daedric weapons and armor later on. Subsequently, they can easily progress through most content, dealing massive damage with combined attacks. The Daedric Bow serves primarily as a backup option for ranged combat.

8 Punch Cat

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

It’s likely clear to most gamers that Punch Cat is an unarmed Khajiit character. This character leverages the Khajiit’s inherent advantage, which boosts their unarmed damage thanks to their paws of power and claws of calamity. While this build may not reach the heights of power exhibited by more meticulously optimized builds like the Stealth Archer, nothing quite matches the sheer fun of punching dragons to death as a martial arts cat in Skyrim.

In every case, specific gear and guidelines are essential for the successful execution of this project. To ensure compatibility, players can opt for either sturdy armor gloves or the Gloves of the Pugilist artifact.

  • Khajiit
Mandatory Skills
  • Heavy Armor (prioritize Fists of Steel perk)
  • Smithing (craft Daedric armor)
  • Enchanting (for Fortify Unarmed)
  • Alteration (for armor)
  • Block
  • Restoration
  • Destruction
  • Illusion (for multiple enemies)
  • Daedric Gauntlets with Fortify Unarmed/Gloves of the Pugilist
  • Any other armor piece with Fortify Destruction
  • Necklace – Fortify Destruction
  • Ring – Fortify Destruction
Spells & Shouts
  • Slow Time Shout
  • Destruction Spells
  • Healing Spells
  • Pacify
  • Rout
  • Harmony
  • Hysteria
  • Mayhem

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can attest to the importance of understanding the quirks and nuances of game mechanics. In the world of Punch Cat builds, one crucial aspect that often trips players up is the tendency for fists to detach at higher levels. This can be particularly frustrating if you’re not prepared. However, by employing a mix of Destruction and Illusion spells, you can effectively navigate these challenges and maximize your Punch Cat’s potential.

7 The Immortal Alchemist

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a devoted Skyrim enthusiast, I’ve discovered an intriguing aspect about character builds – almost any of them can achieve immortality by delving into the Alchemist skill line and taking advantage of the potion-drinking and crafting system. By synchronizing the Alchemy skill tree with the Smithing and Enchanting trees, players can concoct some overpowered combinations with armor and potions.

As someone who has spent countless hours navigating various digital platforms over the years, I’ve come across situations where I could exploit a system flaw for my benefit, rather than building something new. It’s not about constructing a legitimate solution; it’s more about finding and misusing a glitch in the system to achieve an undesirable outcome. Here’s how you can do it yourself:

  1. Have an Alchemy level of at least 40 (grab Alchemist level 3, Physician, and Benefactor).
  2. High Enchanting and Smithing skills are also advised.
  3. Start the quest “Ring of Pure Mixtures” from Frida in Mortar and Pestle (Dawnstar).
  4. Pickpocket Frida for the Ring of Mixtures.
  5. Remove the Fortify Alchemy enchantment and place it on a helmet, bracer, necklace, and ring.
  6. Equip the crafted Fortify Alchemy armor set.
  7. Go to an Alchemy Lab then craft Fortify Restoration.
  8. Drink the potion, then unequip the Fortify Alchemy armor set while staying on the menu screen.
  9. Equip the Fortify Alchemy armor set again while still on the menu.
  10. Craft another Fortify Restoration potion again, then unequip the Fortify Alchemy armor set.
  11. Re-equip the Fortify Alchemy armor set without closing the inventory menu.
  12. Repeat steps 9 and 10 around 10 more times.
  13. The glitch should take effect after that.
  14. Craft a Fortify Smithing potion, it should show a smithing percentage increase of more than five million.
  15. Drink the Fortify Smithing potion.
  16. With the Smithing skill marked up at more than five million percent, players can now craft the best armor and weapons in the game.
  17. This could also work with other Fortify potions.

Here you go: Behold, the player’s alchemist character has now been made an immortal entity with the top-tier equipment in the game. Keep in mind, however, that as this trick gains popularity among players, Skyrim’s creators might eventually discover it and could potentially correct it in a future update. However, considering that some bugs and glitches in Skyrim have been around for over a decade, it seems rather improbable that they would fix this one anytime soon.

6 Stealth Archer

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

In Skyrim, the Stealth Archer character build is widely recognized and frequently chosen due to its overpowered nature. This build primarily focuses on exploiting the flawed Sneak skill line in conjunction with Archery for a covert approach to defeating adversaries.

With this build, a Dragonborn character usually takes down unsuspecting foes in a single hit. However, it has a notable vulnerability towards dragons, which can be mitigated by summoning creatures or using companions via the Conjuration skill.

  • Bosmer
Mandatory Skills
  • Archery (prioritize perks Overdraw & Critical Shot)
  • Sneak (prioritize perks Stealth, Backstab, Deadly Aim, & Assassin’s Blade)
  • Illusion
  • Conjuration
  • Bow of Shadows / Nightingale Bow / Dragonbone Bow / Dwarven Black Bow
  • Mehrunes Razor
  • Muffled Boots
  • Fortify Sneak Armor
Spells & Shouts
  • Bound Bow
  • Muffle
  • Invisibility
  • Calm
  • Aura Whisper
  • Throw Voice
  • Slow Time

Almost any race from the game “Skyrim” can work for this build, but if you’re aiming for a more immersive experience, a Wood Elf (Bosmer) would fit nicely due to their stealthy nature. The strategy is straightforward: hide and take down enemies with a bow, focusing on headshots. If an enemy doesn’t fall from a single stealth arrow, approach quietly and attack with a dagger. For larger enemies like dragons or bosses, summon help using Conjuration to take the hits. The Slow Time shout can also be used in tight spots as a backup for combat.

5 Illusion Assassin

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

The Character known as The Illusion Assassin operates in a manner much like the Stealth Archer, but with a focus on close-combat and a greater use of the Illusion skill set. Given that stealth knives deal more damage than bows, it’s only natural for this character to favor them.

The game mechanics are quite simple too. Players mainly have to approach enemies stealthily and attack them with a stab. Indeed, it’s as straightforward as it sounds, and by accomplishing this, they can earn the respect of the Dark Brotherhood!

  • High Elf
Mandatory Skills
  • Illusion (prioritize getting to Master of the Mind)
  • One-Handed (prioritize Armsman, Dual Flurry, & Dual Savagery)
  • Sneak (prioritize Stealth, Backstab, Deadly Aim, & Assassin’s Blade)
  • Mehrunes Razor
  • Dragonbone Dagger
  • Blade of Woe
  • Muffled Boots
  • Fortify Sneak Armor
Spells & Shouts
  • Bound Dagger
  • Bound Bow
  • Frenzy
  • Calm
  • Pacify
  • Invisibility
  • Aura Whisper
  • Bend Will
  • Soul Tear

In essence, any race can participate, but High Elves have an edge due to their innate bonus with Illusions. Additionally, High Elves begin with an Illusion spell already prepared. Players will need to master the use of dual daggers and perform power attacks from behind in this game. Given that players put a lot into developing their Illusion abilities, they can unleash Frenzy over an entire dungeon or sizable area, inciting enemies to fight each other. This reduces the monotony of sneak-stabbing.

4 Fortified Sword & Board

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve found that sword-and-board builds may seem straightforward at first glance, but they pack a punch when augmented with the right enchantments and strategic pairings. These builds offer an unparalleled blend of offensive power and defensive durability, making them irresistible for those who yearn for a more head-on approach, rather than stealthy tactics.

  • High Elf
  • Orc
  • Breton
Mandatory Skills
  • One-Handed (prioritize Armsman, Fighting Stance, and the weapon perks depending on weapon choice)
  • Block
  • Heavy / Light Armor (up to player preference)
  • Smithing
  • Enchanting
  • Enchanted Dragonbone Sword (or other one-handed weapons), enchanted with Soul Trap
  • Peryite Shield, enchanted with Health Absorb
  • Helmet with Fortify One-Handed enchantment
  • Boots with Fortify One-Handed enchantment
  • Amulet with Fortify One-Handed enchantment
  • Ring with Fortify One-Handed enchantment
Spells & Shouts
  • Any

In this scenario, High Elves excel due to their towering stature, granting them unmatched speed in movement. Orcs possess an extraordinary racial ability in Berserker Rage. Furthermore, Bretons can approach near invincibility against magical attacks thanks to their inherent magic resistance, which can be further fortified with additional items.

3 Dunmer Warmage

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve yet to encounter a build quite as devastatingly potent as a Dunmer Mage when it comes to raw magical annihilation. With their racial advantage, they unleash an enormous damage surge that synergizes flawlessly with Destruction spells.

  • Dark Elf
Mandatory Skills
  • Destruction
  • Alteration (prioritize getting to Atronach)
  • Conjuration (prioritize Atromancy)
  • Light Armor
  • Enchanted equipment with Fortify/Amplify Destruction or Fortify Health
Spells & Shouts
  • The strongest Destruction spells available
  • Summoning spells
  • Slow Time
  • Dragon Aspect
  • Drain Vitality
  • Fire Breath

Previously mentioned, Dark Elves inflict greater damage when their health drops below half (50%). To deal the highest possible damage, it’s beneficial for players to maintain their health at that specific level so as to trigger the Dark Elf racial ability. To mitigate the risks associated with such low health, they can reinforce their health by applying enchantments on their equipment.

2 Vampire Necromancer

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

In simpler terms, the character known as the Vampire Necromancer is quite straightforward. During the night, players assume this role, feasting on ordinary people and gathering their own minions to engage in combat on their behalf.

  • High Elf
  • Breton
Mandatory Skills
  • Restoration (prioritize Necromage)
  • Conjuration
  • Alteration (prioritize getting to Atronach)
  • Destruction (for emergencies)
  • All Vampire Lord perks
  • Equipment with enchantments that enhance the mandatory skills above
  • Ring of the Erudite
Spells & Shouts
  • Summon spells
  • Dead Thrall
  • Any shout

High Elves tend to be great at magic, and Bretons get a boost to Conjuration.

Other requirements

Players may continually call upon temporary entities to perform tasks for them, but if they aim for high-quality summons, the remains of slain enemies are effective in dishing out substantial damage when influenced by Dead Thrall.

  • Forsworn Ravager
  • Arch-Curate Vyrthur
  • Master Vampire
  • Bandit Marauder

1 Orc Werewolf

Skyrim: Broken Character Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

The Orc werewolf is all about savagery and mauling everything to death, including dragons. It gains health as it attacks and is nigh-unstoppable under the right conditions.

  • Orc
Mandatory Skills
  • All werewolf perks (prioritize Bestial Strength, Animal Vigor, Gorging, and Savage Feeding)
  • Alchemy (for crafting potions that increase damage)
  • Ring of Bloodlust
  • Ring of the Hunt
  • Ring of Hircine
  • Gloves of the Pugilist
  • Any other equipment that provides health enchantments
Spells & Shouts
  • Dragon Aspect

Due to their racial ability, orcs possess an impressive increase in melee damage. With the Berserker Rage skill, they receive half the usual damage received and deal twice the normal damage for a full minute. Combining this with a werewolf transformation leads to incredibly powerful outcomes.

Other requirements

1. Players should remember to trigger the Dragon Aspect and consume healing potions before turning into a werewolf. Additionally, they ought to engage Berserker Rage prior to attacking Whiterun guards and Nazeem.

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2024-08-17 02:55