Skyrim Player Accidentally Hits the ‘Shot of a Lifetime’ While Hunting

Skyrim Player Accidentally Hits the 'Shot of a Lifetime' While Hunting

Key Takeaways

  • Skyrim player hits accidental rabbit kill shot of a lifetime while hunting.
  • Various incredible kills include cross-map shots, one-shots, and killcams.
  • Rabbit inadvertently killed during target practice may boost Archery level.

As a seasoned Skyrim player with countless hours spent honing my archery skills, I must admit that I was truly taken aback by Crispo14’s recent rabbit kill. I’ve seen my fair share of incredible shots over the years, from cross-map snipes to one-shot kills on Legendary difficulty. But this? This was something else entirely. The sheer improbability of that arrow finding its mark after such a long flight across the river left me speechless.

In an unforeseen turn of events, a player of Skyrim mistakenly took down a rabbit during a hunt, an incident now famously known as “the shot of a lifetime.” Although Skyrim archers are renowned for their impressive shots against adversaries, this unexpected happening might just rank among the most astonishing ones in hunting.

Ever since the release of Skyrim, numerous players have showcased remarkable kills they’ve pulled off. For instance, there’s been a Crossbow user who landed a jaw-dropping cross-map shot, a killcam footage revealing an enemy somersaulting after an arrow strikes them, and a one-shot Ebony Warrior kill on Legendary difficulty. It seems rabbits are the game’s most unfortunate inhabitants due to their minuscule health reserves. Occasionally, players have inadvertently taken out rabbits while trying to target Dragons, Trolls, or bears with their arrows. Recently, a skillful archer managed an “once-in-a-lifetime” shot during an unforeseen encounter while hunting rabbits near a river.

Reddit user Crispo14 recently posted a video of their hunting adventure within the expansive world of Skyrim. The footage starts with the player drawing a Steel Arrow, aiming at a fleeing rabbit for a potential kill. The player pursues the rabbit’s escape, and after releasing the arrow, narrowly misses the target. A second arrow is quickly loosed, causing a ‘killcam’ to activate. The Steel Arrow sails through the air, bypassing the initial rabbit, and instead strikes an unsuspecting rabbit in its back leg, resulting in an immediate kill.

This Skyrim Archer May Have Hit the ‘Shot of a Lifetime

With a Elven Bow from Skyrim in hand, it’s possible that the player was merely practicing their aim on the rabbit. Since the Elven Bow deals a base damage of 13, it can be employed for hunting various animals across the game’s vast landscape. Moreover, sneaking increases the bow’s effectiveness, making it an advantageous weapon in stealth archer situations. However, as Crispo14 couldn’t locate the rabbit post-killcam, they pondered its whereabouts. Many comments about this rabbit hunt echo the famous arrow to the knee meme, originating from guards who frequently repeat their dialogue. Consequently, some fans have humorously adapted the meme to suit the slain creature.

Even though this rabbit hunt doesn’t provide much archery expertise, it could potentially boost your Skyrim Archery skill down the line. Since the rabbit is seen with an arrow still lodged in it at the end of the video, it seems to be part of the loot pile. As rabbits don’t offer much otherwise, this might be the only valuable item on the carcass.

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2024-09-23 06:43