Sonic X Shadow Generations: Every Collection Box Key Location in Chaos Island

As someone who’s spent countless hours navigating the treacherous terrains of Sonic’s world, I can confidently say these guides are a godsend! They’re as clear as a chili dog on the 4th of July, and just as enjoyable to digest.

Chaos Island, situated nearly at the end of Shadow’s realm in this game, is quite spacious due to its open-world nature. As a result, many of the collectible items are hidden off the beaten path, making them challenging to find and acquire.

It requires quite a bit of exploration, and a sprinkle of skill here and there to get every collection box key. This guide is here to help though, no matter what challenge or act you’re on, and no matter how much or little you’re struggling with Doom Morph.

Act 1

In typical fashion, the opening act sets the stage for you to explore various routes, and it’s part of the experience to adapt to this. Moreover, you’ll find yourself transforming into a cephalopod quite often, as you’ll need that agility to unlock certain areas.

Key Location
Music Key This first one is on a slightly tricky alternate route right near the start of the stage. Just before the first checkpoint, there’s a line of purple goop you can use for Doom Morph to get to a zipline that leads to this key. Alternatively, you can just boost to the left from the checkpoint and jump off the ledge.
Memory Key A while into the level, you’ll be funneled into a steep ravine filled with purple goop that you use Doom Morph to cross. At the very end of this ravine, there’s a set of purple orbs you can grapple onto, and you need to dash off the ledge, jump off, grapple onto the orb, then let go of your grapple button when Shadow is directly underneath the orb. This will make you zip upwards and grab the key.
Art Key After you get sent inside a massive stone temple with the weird symbols from Frontiers I still wish I knew anything about, hop onto the lower rail and don’t skip it by going up onto the roof. While on the rail, Chaos Spear the two red lights at the very beginning of it, then quickly homing attack the pulley to get your key. If you miss this, you can try and redirect backward, but you could also just die since the checkpoint is right before this.

Act 2

On Chaos Island’s second adventure, you’ll find yourself navigating through a complex web of possibilities, as it offers numerous interconnected paths. You’ll often find yourself scaling walls to discover hidden keys, and choosing the upper path doesn’t always lead to success. Instead, you might need to explore various routes to solve the puzzles.

Key Location
Music Key Right near the start of the stage, you’ll be flung through a Rainbow Ring, and you’ll have to quickly hit the Doom Morph orb to stay on the top path and be flung into the background. From here, just grab the Doom Morph orb on the ceiling, which should make you zip right into the key.
Memory Key You’ll get a preview of this one while stomping down a line of boxes, but you need to wait till you’re on the other side of this maze to get it. Once you’re in Doom Morph in this segment, climb up the wall a bit, jump to the wall on the left, then swim downwards to get your key.
Art Key While you’re in the inside portion of the level with the weird boxes that funnel your squiddy self around, you should try your best to get on the ceilings and take the top routes. After grinding a rail with a loop at the top and hitting a spring, you need to quickly hit the Doom Morph orb to take the top route, head through the funnel, then just boost forwards after that for your final key.

Act 1 Challenge 1 (Cross Over with Doom Morph!)

The difficulties on Chaos Island are relatively straightforward yet provide a noticeable increase in complexity compared to Sunset Heights. If you’ve struggled with mastering Doom Morph’s control scheme, you might find these challenges more demanding. They’re typically located along the main path and can be easily spotted, but they’re tricky to grasp due to their design.

Key Location
Art Key #1 This one is in plain sight, above a set of moving spikes. You have to make this jump in Doom Morph, so be sure to get some momentum going into the leap, or else you won’t make it.
Music Key Another one in plain sight, though this requires more skill. While you’re swinging across orbs in Doom Morph, the last one before a wall will have the key right above it, meaning you have to align yourself with the very bottom of the orb before releasing your grapple button, then you will zip up and grab it.
Art Key #2 This one is right after the previous key, and is another set of orbs where you have to zip directly upwards to grab the key. Read above.

Act 1 Challenge 2 (Chaos Control Master Lv3)

Key Location
Music Key This one is in plain sight on the main route. While you’re jumping across falling blocks, quickly jump to the block on the left, which has the key. Be sure you’re fast, so you don’t run out of Chaos Control.
Art Key #1 Another one on the main route, and this time even easier. While you’re jumping between three sets of floating lines with moving spike balls covering all of them, head over to the leftmost platform, where you’ll find the key.
Art Key #2 This is another plainly visible one, on the leftmost rail when you get sent onto a set of three. It’s placed right behind a set of spike balls though, so be sure to either dodge out of the way right after getting it, or use Chaos Control so you don’t get hit.

Act 2 Challenge 1 (Gondola Master)

Key Location
Music Key This first key just requires you to get onto the slightly more difficult set of platforms on the left side of the Gondola that goes straight upwards into spikes. This jump can be a bit tricky to make, so use an air boost once Shadow is mostly inside the platform to make your life easier.
Art Key #1 This one is very visible on the main path but requires you to use the Gondola to slowly drift downward toward the spikes. Once you’re as low as you can go without taking damage, do some short hops to sustain that height, and grab your key.
Art Key #2 On the Gondola section immediately after the previous key, you’ll need to be quick, as once you get on the left set of platforms near the top, you’ll need that Gondola. Outrun it on the way up, then get right on it before it becomes inaccessible for your key.

Act 2 Challenge 2 (Destroy the Cyclones!)

Key Location
Music Key This one is in almost the same position as the second key in Act 2. Similarly, use Doom Morph to swim up the wall, jump to the other side, then while Chaos Control is still active, boost through all the cyclones. After that, the key is waiting for you.
Art Key #1 Right after coming out of Doom Morph, you’ll see a ton of Cyclones in a diagonal line. Doom Spear all of them and their friend in the back, then homing attack from the topmost Cyclone to the one on the far left, and jump to the platform behind it for your key.
Art Key #2 This one is very visible on the main route. Just jump to it and be sure to disable the Cyclones below it either with Doom Spears or Chaos Control, and you’re home free.

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2024-11-05 18:38