Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive


  • Some Soulslike games prioritize aggression over caution, rewarding players who engage in brutal combat.
  • Character customization in these titles is detailed, offering creative freedom to players.
  • Defensive options are limited, pushing players to be aggressive and strategic in combat to succeed.

As a seasoned veteran of the Soulslikes, I can confidently say that the games which demand the most aggression and actively discourage caution are those that truly test my mettle. From the dark, twisted streets of Yharnam to the war-torn lands of Japan, these games have pushed me to my limits and beyond.

In 2011, one common complaint about Dark Souls was that it could be overly challenging, potentially encouraging players to adopt a more cautious strategy. Over time, games in the “Soulslike” genre have worked hard to address this issue by designing battles that demand greater action and less caution from players.

In these games, players often find themselves in intense battles with no room for hesitation, as they struggle to dodge attacks, lack effective defense mechanisms, or face swift-moving combat that can prove lethal with caution.

8 Hollow Knight

Don’t Get Squashed

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

Initially in this renowned Metroidvania-style Soulslike game, one might mistakenly believe that being cautious is feasible (and possibly miss numerous intricate details along the way). However, as the game progresses and the battles with formidable bosses become increasingly intense, the tempo of the game significantly speeds up. Treading carefully in this situation is more likely to result in death rather than survival.

To conquer challenging bosses such as Nightmare King Grimm, Pure Vessel, and Absolute Radiance within these games, it’s crucial to dance around them just enough to land impactful blows. Being overly aggressive might cause you to miss opportunities, potentially leading to defeat instead of victory.

7 Mortal Shell

Parry Or Die

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

In the game ‘Mortal Shell’, players can assume control of diverse formidable warriors. Notably, these characters lack substantial defensive mechanisms. This design decision emphasizes aggressive playstyle and penalizes cautious approaches.

At the start of the challenging part of the game ‘Mortal Shell’, the player learns that it’s impossible to hide behind a shield for long. Instead, they must take an offensive approach to obtain vital upgrades and unlock the full potential of their Shells.

6 Dark Souls 3

Newfound Aggression

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

Following the initial release of “Dark Souls”, FromSoftware developed “Bloodborne”. This game significantly influenced the climax of the trilogy, “Dark Souls 3”. Unlike its predecessors, “Dark Souls 3” presents a world that is notably more aggressive, even in its intricate side quests. Although it retains some effective defensive strategies, the overall gameplay is characterized by a higher level of hostility compared to the earlier games.

In my gaming journey through Dark Souls 3, I’ve noticed that the bosses are going all out with their attacks, making it tough to find cover behind a shield. It seems like powerful defensive options, such as Havel’s Armor, are tucked away at the game’s end. To survive and thrive, it looks like I need to step up my aggression and adapt to this faster-paced level.

5 Nioh

No Room For Caution

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

As a devoted fan, I’ve noticed that in most games based on Japanese history, shields are seldom an option, and Nioh is no different, even with its supernatural elements. In the year 1600, for my character William – a newly stranded samurai – shields and heavy armor are relics of times past. Instead, I find myself learning swiftly that aggression is the path to progress, as I navigate through countless other beginner tips in this action-packed adventure.

Similar to Team Ninja’s other games, Nioh adapts the core elements of the Soulslike genre into a hack-and-slash setting where offensive play is dominant, and prudence often leads to defeat. If William doesn’t dive right in, he’ll stumble at the starting line.

4 The Surge 2

Brutality Rewarded

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

Avoid being deceived by the futuristic vibe; The Surge 2 focuses heavily on raw violence, notably dismembering limbs and delivering brutal sneak attacks. The main method for enhancing the player’s character is by severing crucial enemies’ limbs, making it less advantageous to retreat and dish out minor damage instead.

In The Surge 2, instead of playing it safe, victorious players should seek out enemies whose traits complement their character build and employ tactical strategies to focus on disabling particular body parts. Rashness is a necessity in this game world; caution is irrelevant, especially if one aspires to survive.

3 Lies of P

Unrelenting Attacks, Perfect Parries

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

Although some may argue that Lies of P draws heavily from Bloodborne, it skillfully incorporates the finest aspects of its predecessor while persistently urging players to act boldly. Aggression is consistently rewarded through enemy stance meters that demand continuous focus to weaken and strategic application of the game’s most powerful Fable Art attacks.

In the captivating world of Lies of P, defensive strategies are scarce, with the parry being one of the most effective tools. Mastering the art of timing a well-timed block can leave an enemy vulnerable, not only disrupting their stance but also causing damage similar to chipping away at them. By consistently parrying and dealing damage, players can bring down even the colossal behemoths that stand in their way. However, it’s important to remember that excessive caution can sometimes be a mistake; one must seize opportunities and act decisively when necessary.

2 Bloodborne

Rip and Tear

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

2015 saw the Soulslike genre still finding its footing, but Bloodborne had already made significant strides in redefining it. In a bold departure from the cautious gameplay mechanics of Dark Souls, Bloodborne’s design fosters relentless attack strategies, with even some standard enemies proving to be more intimidating than the bosses.

In this game, there are no high-quality armor sets or protective shields; instead, the player moves swiftly to avoid attacks. The player can recover health by striking back at an enemy that has recently attacked them. The fast-paced, violent nature of the game creates a thrilling environment where caution determines whether less skillful hunters survive in Yarnham.

1 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Get Up To Speed, Or Get Left Behind

Soulslike Games That Force You To Be Aggresive

In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the core principles of Bloodborne have been elevated even more. Players no longer just need proficiency in jumping, grappling, and dodging, but must also get close to enemies to use the crucial parry mechanism effectively against the game’s challenging bosses and mini-bosses.

Similar to the upcoming game “Lies of P,” enemies will have a stance gauge instead of health bars. This gauge can be depleted by successfully parrying attacks or dealing damage. When the gauge is empty, players can deliver a lethal blow. The concept of traditional HP (Health Points) no longer applies. What’s crucial now is an unparalleled aggression that can swiftly conclude lengthy boss fights if the player possesses the necessary skill and determination.

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2024-08-12 16:34