Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms

Key Takeaways

  • Melee weapons are great for fighting swarms of small enemies.
  • Guns with high rates of fire will cut down swarms from a distance.
  • Short-range weapons are great for hip fire to take care of lots of close enemies.

As a seasoned Space Marine veteran, I’ve seen my fair share of chaos and destruction. From the dark recesses of the Warp to the cold, unforgiving void of space, I’ve wielded many weapons that have served me well in the name of the Emperor. But if I were to choose just three that stand out among the rest, it would be these:

In the intense world of Space Marine 2, I’ll be squaring off against numerous adversaries of the Imperium. Some of these foes will test my mettle as I find myself battling through hordes of smaller enemies. These swarms might seem feeble at first, but they can pack a lethal punch if given the chance to multiply and overwhelm me. With the right weaponry, though, clearing them out should be a breeze!

In every game mode, you’ll find numerous weapons to choose from, but their efficiency against large groups of enemies can differ significantly. This guide won’t include grenades because, while they are potent against swarms, main weapons tend to be more dependable choices in such situations.

6 Bolt Carbine

A Rapid Fire Sub Machine Gun

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Firepower – 1+
  • Accuracy – 2
  • Rate Of Fire – 8+
  • Venting Speed – 5+
  • Piercing – 1
  • Range – 3
  • Magazine Capacity – 30
  • Magazine Capacity – 210

In the game “Space Marine 2”, the Bolt Carbine serves as a close substitute for a sub-machine gun. This weapon boasts a rapid firing rate, but each shot delivers relatively low damage. However, this lower damage won’t pose a significant problem when facing down weaker enemies in swarms.

The main downside to this weapon is its magazine size, as the high rate of fire will eat through a whole clip in just seconds. Later upgrades can increase the magazine size, making this an overall great weapon for dealing with a charging swarm.

5 Chainsword

The Iconic Weapon Of The Space Marines

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Strength – 5+
  • Speed – 4+
  • Cleaving Potential – 4

In the 40K universe, the Chainsword stands out as a classic weapon, and it excels at slicing through hordes of gaunts. Although it might not be the top choice for dealing with swarms among all melee weapons, its dependability makes it a versatile option that can be wielded by various classes.

The Chainsword boasts numerous combos that sweep across broad arcs to strike multiple foes, making it an excellent choice for taking out a swarm’s leader and disrupting their Synapse. However, while not the top melee weapon for dealing with a swarm, it certainly offers a gratifying alternative.

4 Melta Rifle

Melt Anything That Gets Close

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Firepower – 8
  • Rate Of Fire – 1
  • Reloading Speed – 1
  • Piercing – 10
  • Range – 1
  • Magazine Capacity – 5
  • Ammo Reserve – 15

The Melta Rifle stands as one of the most powerful weapons at a Space Marine’s disposal, capable of generating temperatures hot enough to penetrate even the thickest armor plating on a tank. Despite its limited range, any nearby enemy units within its blast radius will be swiftly eliminated.

Although the distance it covers isn’t vast, the broad expanse of each explosion from this weapon is highly efficient against multiple enemies advancing towards you simultaneously. Its broad coverage area also allows for effective hip firing in situations where you’re overrun.

3 Power Sword

Choose A Stance & Cut Through Your Enemies

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Strength – 5
  • Speed – 5
  • Cleaving Potential – 4

The Power Sword is much like the Chainsword in terms of utility, just better. While fewer classes have access to this weapon, and it does have the same strength as a Chainsword, this weapon does swing faster.

The Power Sword features two distinct modes you can toggle between, each providing advantages when confronting swarms according to your preferred approach. Overpowering swarms is primarily about swiftness; making multiple strikes in a brief period will significantly enhance your ability to slice through a relentless tide of adversaries.

2 Heavy Bolter

Plant Your Feet & Stand Your Ground Against Any Number

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Firepower – 3
  • Accuracy – 1
  • Rate Of Fire – 8+
  • Venting Speed – 4
  • Piercing – 4
  • Range – 5
  • Magazine Capacity – 450

The Heavy Bolter is an exceptional weapon, appearing exclusively on a certain character class and requiring temporary acquisition throughout the campaign. Initially, it may require several rounds to reach peak performance, but once fired, observe its impressive ability to swiftly dispose of multiple enemies within a short span of time.

The Heavy Bolter progressively accelerates its firing pace to an extent where it functions similar to a rapid-fire Gatling gun, boasting the fastest rate of fire within the game. The bullets expelled by this weapon are larger than those of a standard bolter, enhancing its lethality and reducing to rubble any target that is struck.

1 Thunder Hammer

Large Swings With Huge Area Of Effect

Space Marine 2: Best Weapons To Use Against Swarms
  • Strength – 4+
  • Speed – 3+
  • Cleaving Potential – 6

As a fan, I’d say: While the Thunder Hammer might not be the fastest when it comes to melee attacks, the payoff is electrifying! Once I connect with my target, this hammer unleashes an electric shockwave that annihilates anything in its vicinity. The energy stored within this weapon is truly a sight to behold.

This tool can additionally be wound up for a swift, sweeping strike when adversaries get too near and cluster together. Keep in mind that using it will result in self-inflicted damage during the swing transition because the enemy assaults more rapidly. However, the number of enemies vanquished and health restored will compensate greatly for the exertion.

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2024-09-09 07:03