Spider-Man 4 Needs To Show Peter’s Growth

Spider-Man 4 Needs To Show Peter's Growth

Key Takeaways

  • Spider-Man 4 should focus on Peter Parker’s growth & maturation.
  • The college setting could indicate a new chapter for characters and highlight Parker’s maturity.
  • Previous trauma experienced by Parker will contribute to his growth & character development.

As a long-time Spider-Man fan and someone who’s witnessed Peter Parker’s journey from his awkward high school days to becoming one of the most integral characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I’m thrilled about the prospect of ‘Spider-Man 4’. The college setting offers an exciting opportunity for character growth and maturity.

It is no longer a matter of ‘if’, but rather a question of ‘when’ we will see Spider-Man 4. Although some details about the upcoming film featuring Tom Holland as Spider-Man have been revealed, there are still several plot points that appear crucial for the continuity of the story to progress.

The upcoming film, Spider-Man 4, could significantly advance the character’s development and potentially elevate him into a more prominent role within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Historically, Peter Parker and his companions have seemed to exist on the outskirts of the MCU. This is partly due to the fact that while he appeared in Avengers films, he never truly felt like an Avenger. However, whispers suggest that Spider-Man 4 might make a significant departure from the street-level stories of the first two movies, which would require Tom Holland’s Parker to demonstrate substantial growth and maturity.

Spider-Man 4 Should Put Away Childish Things

In some fashion, the film Spider-Man: No Way Home hinted at what the next installment could encompass, particularly concerning Peter Parker and his companions. The finale of No Way Home depicts the group on the brink of graduating from high school, discussing their future college plans. Remarkably, they all have MIT in their sights. Interestingly, even Flash Thompson seems to be planning to bring a special companion along when he moves to Boston.

It seems that everyone is heading to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), including Flash Thompson, who may be accompanied by a special guest on his journey to Boston.

Heading off to college is frequently used in films and TV shows as a means to portray a fresh phase in the protagonists’ lives, symbolizing their transition from childhood to adulthood. Given the gap between Spider-Man: No Home and Spider-Man 4, there’s ample room for Peter Parker to have grown significantly. This next movie might even depict the actors as college students, which could emphasize that they’ve undergone some maturation.

There’s a point to consider as neither MJ nor Ned recall their experiences with Spider-Man, which might create an even bigger rift between these spider companions and Peter. While he recalls the struggles he’s faced, they only remember high school days. This discrepancy could offer the writers and director an opportunity to effectively showcase the distinction between Tom Holland’s character and those who fought alongside him in past films.

Peter Parker Has Seen Some Stuff

Spider-Man 4 Needs To Show Peter's Growth

Peter doesn’t just recall every event prior to Spider-Man 4; he’s also endured a significant amount of hardship. While MJ and Ned have been with him during most of the major battles in the Spider-Man series, he’s embarked on solo adventures as well. Notably, he worked for the government during Captain America: Civil War, journeyed into space in Avengers: Infinity War, and either died or vanished in that movie. He was later revived and fought in the epic battle of Endgame, where he protected not only Earth but the entire galaxy.

The plot of Spider-Man 4 is currently unknown.

In addition, it should be noted that Parker has recently lost the person who was dearest to him, Aunt May, who was surprisingly young and unexpectedly passed away in this universe. This loss, while not necessarily the main focus of an older Peter Parker’s life, will undoubtedly contribute to his growth and maturity in a way that distinguishes him from his peers.

In Spider-Man 4, it’s been decided that Peter will continue to harbor feelings for MJ, yet it’s improbable they’ll be in a relationship. The script might include a “will they or won’t they” dynamic, but it would be wise to avoid portraying Peter as obsessively pining over MJ like he did in previous movies. Instead, Peter should be depicted as a more mature and self-assured character who has experienced a lot, making him appear older than his years. This version of Peter will still grapple with figuring out his life, but he’ll know what matters and how to pursue it effectively – a contrast from when he was first presented as a high school sophomore.

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2024-10-23 01:03