Splitgate 2 Details New Physics-Based Features and Factions

Splitgate 2 Details New Physics-Based Features and Factions

As a seasoned gamer with over three decades under my belt, I must say that the strategic depth showcased in Splitgate 2’s Faction system has truly captured my attention. Having dabbled in everything from Atari to modern-day VR gaming, I can confidently say that this unique twist on the shooter genre is a breath of fresh air.

Ever since its unveiling on July 18th, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding “Splitgate 2“. Many are excited to find out if this new installment will live up to the thrilling portal-focused gameplay of its predecessor. Given the success of the initial game, especially after the 2021 console launch of “Splitgate“, a sequel certainly seems justified. With the original’s masterminds, Ian Proulx and Nicholas Bagamian, leading the charge, it appears that “Splitgate 2” intends to build upon the first game, rather than overhaul it completely.

1047 Games’ dream game, Splitgate 2, represents the fulfillment of a creative vision that the initial version could not attain. Previous constraints such as a small team and limited resources have been overcome, with the developers aiming to elevate this project that began in school into an AAA-quality experience. They’re working diligently on refining aspects like audio, art style, and mechanics. While staying true to its roots, the upcoming title is also set to introduce some thrilling new features to the series.

Splitgate 2’s New Features Boost Its Physics-Based Gameplay

Splitgate 2 Details New Physics-Based Features and Factions

Splitgate 2 Is A Deeper Dive Into the Portal Shooter

As an avid admirer of the original Splitgate, I can confidently say that I’m thrilled about the upcoming release of Splitgate 2. It will continue its tradition as a free-to-play first-person shooter, all while preserving the unique blend of Halo and Portal elements it’s known for. The creative mind behind 1047 Games, Ian Proulx, has made it clear that they are dedicated to honoring the legacy of the first game, ensuring a seamless transition for fans like me.

As a gaming enthusiast, I’m excited to share that Splitgate 2 won’t follow the usual ADS (aim down sights) style of shooters. Instead, we’re aiming to capture the essence of the original Splitgate, preserving that nostalgic old-school vibe that made it so special.

Indeed, with its contemporary design and action-packed, swift games, Splitgate 2 appears primed to enthrall both novice and veteran players upon its release. Notably, several enhancements aimed at enhancing the player experience are being incorporated into the game. Key upgrades encompass, but are not restricted to:

  • Added crouch-sliding
  • One-button Portals
  • Removal of EMP Grenades
  • Brand-new maps such as Ozone, Frontier, and Zenith
  • Fresh game modes like Hotzone (1047 Games’ take on King of the Hill)

Splitgate 2’s Portal Upgrades Are Taking the Game to New Heights

Splitgate 2 Details New Physics-Based Features and Factions

Prooulx praised the crouch-sliding feature of “Splitgate 2”, mentioning that the developers meticulously observed its execution in various other games before implementing it effectively.

“Returning to the original Splitgate game, I can’t help but notice a difference. We’ve spent a lot of time studying and perfecting crouch slides similar to those in Apex Legends for our own implementation on the team.”


“Our new game is more focused on weapons and mechanics compared to skills. I’d describe it as being more like Valorant than Overwatch. Although it’s intense and requires strategy, the abilities won’t dominate play. We aimed to improve upon Splitgate rather than revolutionize it. So, for those who might be hesitant, I encourage you to give it a try. Let the game demonstrate its qualities!”

In Splitgate 2, modifications to the Portal system could potentially attract more interest. Unlike the original Splitgate where setting up gateways needed two button presses, the new version has simplified the process into a single button that manages both portals efficiently. Proulx mentioned during the Splitgate 2 Debut Day Conference that players have the option to reassign the Portals back to the original two-button setup if they prefer. Interestingly, he also mentioned that the default setting in Splitgate 2 allows for a single button press to control both portals, but the old method can be restored if desired.

“With our intelligent teleportation system, it can determine which destination you’re aiming for. Most of the time, it will switch between available portals, and stepping through one will cause it to swap back.”

Furthermore, when a player tries to place their portal on top of an existing one, the game moves it slightly to create space for both. This feature, combined with the option to dismantle enemy portals by setting up friendly ones (although they are invincible for a brief period), enhances the overall Portal functionality. Proulx also mentioned during the conference that adjustments to portal sizes will be made, allowing players to pass through portals without having to crouch or jump, regardless of the placement’s optimal position.

Splitgate 2’s Three Factions Each Offer Strategic Advantages

As the creators delved into different strategies for Splitgate 2, they mulled over several options such as turning it into a hero-based shooter, an intense arena shooter, or a game reminiscent of Call of Duty. In the end, they opted for developing a Faction shooter with three unique classes. This choice aims to enhance gameplay versatility by emphasizing progression, cooperation, and strategy, all without overwhelming players with an array of diverse heroes.

I’m hoping for a balanced power distribution among factions, but it’s conceivable that one might become too powerful. The importance of strategy will be paramount due to the fact that players cannot switch factions during a round. Following each demise, you can alter your equipment setup; however, your faction choice between Aeros, Meridian, or Sabrask remains fixed until the next round begins.

In the upcoming release of Splitgate 2, players can expect three Factions: Aeros, Meridian, and Sabrask. Although more gear may become available post-playtesting, these initial abilities and load-outs are already attracting a lot of interest:

Faction Description Ability Equipment Team Trait
Aeros Quick and agile Aces that cater to aggressive playstyles. Rush: Grants a movement and reload speed boost, in addition to a one-time health boost.
  • Shock Disc
  • Stim Shot
Taskmaster: Faster ability cooldown for you and your teammates.
Meridian Built for players with a more supportive playstyle. Hypersight: Briefly reveals enemy outlines and portals through walls for you and your teammates.
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Sticky Grenade
Stockpile: Spawn in with extra reserve ammo for you and your teammates.
Sabrask Aces with powerful defensive capabilities, particularly designed for area control. Smart Wall: A transparent barrier that enemies cannot shoot through, but you can.
  • Health Grenade
  • Time Dome
Wellness: Regenerate health faster for you and your teammates.

At the conference, Proulx stated that every faction has an identical health level and time required to eliminate them.

Players can try out the different factions in Splitgate 2 now, allowing them to discover which one matches their gaming approach and unearth fresh metas and tactics. Regrettably, console users will have to be patient since playtesting is only available on Steam at this time. As of now, a specific launch date for Splitgate 2 hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s aiming for a release in the year 2025.

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2024-08-22 14:24