Star Trek: Who Is Robin Lefler?

Star Trek: Who Is Robin Lefler?

Key Takeaways

  • Robin Lefler left a lasting impression with just two appearances on Star Trek: The Next Generation, offering depth to her character.
  • Lefler’s rules, including “You can only count on yourself” and “Life isn’t always fair,” added complexity to her lonely persona.
  • Despite potential for more appearances and even a scrapped storyline, Lefler’s impact extended to novels, leaving fans wanting more.

As a lifelong Trekkie who grew up with the Enterprise and its crew as my family, I can honestly say that Robin Lefler is one of those characters who left an indelible mark on me despite her brief appearances on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her depth and complexity, coupled with the wisdom she imparted to young Wesley Crusher in just two episodes, made her a character I couldn’t help but root for.

Among science fiction television series, few have garnered as much affection or made as significant an impact as “Star Trek”. The initial series, featuring Captain James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, sparked the “Star Trek” fandom; however, where the original series ended, “Star Trek: The Next Generation” took over and continued to explore new worlds and civilizations. Despite some doubting that a show could surpass its predecessor in popularity, “TNG” not only matched it but raised the bar even higher.

One charming aspect of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” was not only the relatable nature of the primary cast, but also the guest stars who graced the screen occasionally. These characters often returned for multiple episodes and served various purposes. Some were designed to meet a tragic end during an adventure, reminiscent of the infamous redshirts. Others played recurring villains that haunted the crew over several seasons. And then there were those who introduced romantic subplots for the show’s main characters. It is in this capacity that Robin Lefler comes into play.

Robin Lefler and Wesley Crusher Together Forever?

Star Trek: Who Is Robin Lefler?

Robin Lefler, portrayed by a youthful Ashley Judd, is a noteworthy character in Star Trek: The Next Generation, despite only appearing in two episodes. Her presence has had an enduring impact on the series. Lefler served as both a romantic interest and friend for Wesley Crusher, who typically did not associate much with peers his own age.

Born to Dr. Beverly Crusher, this young man accompanied his mother aboard the Enterprise, initially developing an awkward rapport with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the senior crew. Regardless of his youth, he exhibited a remarkable knack for piloting the starship and solving engineering dilemmas, and it was within that realm where he first met Robin.

Robin Lefler appeared in just two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her debut was in a small role Season 5, Episode 2, “Darmok.” This was the episode where the Enterprise runs across a new species of alien so totally unknown to the Federation that they cannot use their universal translators in order to communicate, so the crew are forced to figure out how to speak the species’ language while also saving Captain Picard from a kidnapping/bonding exercise with his counterpart among the aliens. Robin Lefler made appearances but didn’t have a particularly large part in the show, at least onscreen.

In the series I’m fond of, while Robin Lefler was present, her role wasn’t overly substantial, as far as what I could see on-screen.

In Season 5, Episode 6 titled “The Game,” Wesley and Robin developed a strong connection, with Ashley Judd’s character having a significant presence on screen. An intriguing new game was introduced by Commander Riker, which unfortunately proved to be highly addictive, causing many of the crew members to become ensnared. As they worked together to find a way to defeat and eliminate this game, Wesley and Robin’s bond deepened, leading to what appeared to be a budding romantic relationship. Their shared goal was to free the Enterprise’s crew from the game’s grip.

Following the duo’s successful mission completion, it seemed possible that she could become a regular on the show, given their growing romantic connection. However, it seems Judd had other professional aspirations and chose to pursue them outside of the Enterprise. Interestingly, despite only appearing in two episodes, a significant amount of backstory has been developed around her character, largely due to the personal guidelines she imparted to Wesley during “The Game.

The Rules Of Robin Lefler

Star Trek: Who Is Robin Lefler?

Although all of Robin Lefler’s rules weren’t disclosed, some were revealed during her interactions with Wesley, as their romantic relationship developed. These rules served as a means for the Star Trek: The Next Generation writers to develop Robin Lefler’s character more fully, since they had limited time and resources to provide her with a comprehensive backstory. Among these rules, totaling 102 personal adages, were the following:

  • You can only count on yourself. (No. 1)
  • When all else fails, do it yourself. (No. 17)
  • You gotta go with what works. (No. 36)
  • Life isn’t always fair. (No. 46)
  • Always watch your back. (No. 91)

It’s possible that viewers might have picked up on the hint that she appeared to be quite solitary, as many of her rules seemed to reflect this. Interestingly, one of the earliest things she shares with Wesley is that her first real friend was actually a tricorder.

Despite her brief tenure on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Lefler became a beloved character. She appeared or was referenced in various novels, where further details about her laws were elaborated.

It’s up for debate how many of Robin’s rules were entered into the official Star Trek canon.

Initially, plans called for her to feature in additional episodes and it was rumored she would appear in even more. Interestingly, there was a Star Trek plotline conceived, but ultimately discarded, where Robin Lefler reappeared as the spouse of Wesley Crusher at a later time. Unfortunately, this narrative never made its way into official series lore.

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2024-09-23 21:03