Star Wars Eclipse Might Find Itself Missing a Key Piece of the Franchise’s Puzzle

Star Wars Eclipse Might Find Itself Missing a Key Piece of the Franchise's Puzzle


  • Star Wars Eclipse is a new venture for Quantic Dream, known for its original stories like Detroit: Become Human.
  • The cinematic approach of Quantic Dream games may clash with the interactive expectations of Star Wars fans.
  • Star Wars Eclipse aims to offer something fresh within the franchise, but risks alienating players with its different approach.

As a seasoned space saga enthusiast and long-time Quantic Dream devotee, I find myself both excited and apprehensive about Star Wars Eclipse. With its rich storytelling pedigree from Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain, it’s intriguing to see Quantic Dream delve into the galaxy far, far away. However, the cinematic approach of their games could potentially clash with the interactive expectations of Star Wars fans.

Quantic Dream’s new project, Star Wars Eclipse, marks a fresh direction for this studio renowned for creating unique narratives such as Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain. Stepping into the world of a major franchise like Star Wars is an unexpected move. In keeping with Quantic Dream’s style, they plan to weave together a grand narrative through interconnected stories, aiming to create one massive tale. The studio excels at crafting intricate narratives, however, the cinematic nature of their past games could pose a challenge for Star Wars Eclipse.

Despite the intriguing premise of Star Wars Eclipse, there may be challenges looming ahead given the immense expectations for any Star Wars adaptation. The Star Wars universe is expansive, and the franchise’s popularity creates high anticipation for any game. Key aspects and features that are customary in Star Wars games are deeply desired by fans, and Quantic Dream’s unique approach could lead to certain moments feeling less impactful.

Star Wars Eclipse’s Potential Cinematic Approach Could Hurt the Game’s Immersion

Losing In-Game Interaction Would Be a Big Risk

Quantic Dream excels at weaving intricate tales, however, their gameplay elements could use some improvement. Although the stories are captivating, the minimal game mechanics in Quantic Dream titles give them a cinematic feel rather than a traditional video game experience. This isn’t to say these games are subpar, but it’s challenging to envision this approach fitting seamlessly within the Star Wars narrative framework.

Over the years, I’ve found that Star Wars games have offered a fantastic interactive experience. Be it wielding a lightsaber as a Jedi or blasting my way through missions as a Stormtrooper, it’s the feeling of embodying these iconic characters during combat and action that truly makes these games a joy to play. And even when the focus isn’t on intense battles, Star Wars games still manage to let you engage with your surroundings in meaningful ways. For instance, the space traversal scenes in the Star Wars Jedi series provide an immersive sense of exploration as Cal Kira interacts with characters and objects while journeying to new destinations, making travel feel more engaging and less like just moving from one point to another.

If Quantic Dream chooses to focus on cinematic storytelling as they often do, scenes like these might not feel as immersive because they will primarily consist of elaborate cutscenes. However, Quick Time Events (QTEs) could be incorporated into these instances, but they’d need to be more intense and well-crafted than usual for a truly immersive experience. The reason for this intensity is that the stakes are high in Star Wars Eclipse, as any character can meet their end. Given this, QTEs are almost expected, but Quantic Dream will need to ensure these mechanics are robust if they aim to please players. QTEs aren’t universally appreciated, so the studio would be taking a significant risk if they opt for this approach in gameplay.

Star Wars Eclipse Offering Something New in the Franchise

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but express my apprehensions about venturing too far from the classic elements in Star Wars games. The ambitious project, Star Wars Eclipse, holds immense potential, yet it might leave some fans feeling shortchanged if they don’t get to explore the intricate mechanics of our beloved characters. Nevertheless, a unique narrative approach within the Star Wars universe could prove to be a much-needed breath of fresh air.

Time alone will reveal whether Quantic Dream can transform their vision into a triumph. It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen a significant update for Star Wars Eclipse, but hopefully, that changes in the upcoming months. Quantic Dream seems determined to hold firm with its approach, and it will be intriguing to observe if they can successfully adapt their style to the Star Wars universe.

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2024-08-18 20:24