Star Wars Outlaws Could Benefit From an Immersive Trailblazer Feature

Star Wars Outlaws Could Benefit From an Immersive Trailblazer Feature


  • Star Wars Outlaws looks to be an immersive experience with seamless travel from ground to space.
  • The game should consider adding a first-person cockpit view to Trailblazer for deeper immersion, bringing players closer to space exploration and dogfights.
  • Previous Star Wars games have featured cockpit views, making it a familiar and optional feature that could enhance the immersive experience.

As a longtime Star Wars enthusiast and avid gamer, I’ve seen my fair share of space battles and intergalactic adventures. The immersion factor has always been crucial for me in these games, and it seems that Star Wars Outlaws is aiming to deliver just that. However, there’s one feature that could take this game to the next level – a first-person cockpit view for Trailblazer.

As a dedicated Star Wars gamer, I’ve been eagerly anticipating Star Wars Outlaws, a game that promises to immerse me deep into the galaxy far, far away. The game’s marketing has emphasized the term “immersion,” and it’s not hard to see why. One of the standout immersive aspects of this game is its lack of traditional loading screens.

In the spirit of making the Star Wars Outlaws experience as engaging as possible, a potential enhancement for Kay’s ship, the Trailblazer, could be worth considering, especially if gameplay involves prolonged stays on the vessel. The feature in question appears to be missing from the current design of the Trailblazer, though it may have been kept under wraps. If this feature is not part of the game’s design, Star Wars Outlaws might want to consider incorporating it early on to enhance players’ sense of immersion during their time aboard the Trailblazer.

Star Wars Outlaws’ Trailblazer Needs a First-person Cockpit View

A First-person Cockpit View for the Trailblazer Would Increase Star Wars Outlaws’ Immersion

In order to provide the maximum level of immersion, it seems logical that if the game Star Wars Outlaws offers this feature, it should include an option for a first-person cockpit view during space travel on Kay’s Trailblazer. While combat sequences may be more effectively managed in third-person perspective, exploring space could benefit significantly from a cockpit view. This perspective would facilitate hearing more private discussions between Kay and Nix, although some conversations might still be audible regardless. Furthermore, the background noise of the Trailblazer’s engine merging with the soft sounds inside the ship would help create a believable atmosphere for space exploration, enhancing player immersion.

During a dogfight in the game Star Wars Outlaws, being struck by an enemy TIE Fighter could seem more intense and menacing, especially if your ship starts sounding alarms due to excessive damage, similar to what we see in the Millennium Falcon throughout the films. Additionally, experiencing Nix’s reactions to danger from the cockpit perspective would make the gameplay even more engaging. If players could still control Nix from within the cockpit, it would significantly enhance the overall gaming experience by increasing immersion.

Other Star Wars Games Have Featured a First-person Cockpit View for Their Ships

If the game “Star Wars Outlaws” were to offer a first-person cockpit view for the Trailblazer as an optional feature, it would follow in the footsteps of other “Star Wars” games that have already incorporated this feature. For instance, “Star Wars Squadrons” is played entirely from within the cockpit of any chosen starship, and even older titles like “Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire” featured a cockpit view during flight sequences, such as during the depiction of the Battle of Hoth. Since this feature has been present in “Star Wars” games for quite some time now, its inclusion in “Star Wars Outlaws” would not be unprecedented.

As a gamer immersed in the galaxy of Star Wars Outlaws, I can’t help but crave the exhilarating experience of a cockpit view. While this perspective might not be everyone’s cup of Bantha milk, it surely adds an extra layer of realism that some players would appreciate. If by chance this feature hasn’t been incorporated into the game yet, I strongly suggest the developers consider adding the option for a first-person cockpit view in a future update. It would undeniably enhance the gaming experience for many of us.

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2024-08-07 14:04