Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Designing the Trailblazer

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Designing the Trailblazer

As a seasoned space-faring gamer with a soft spot for the galaxy far, far away, I can confidently say that the design of Kay Vess’ ship, the Trailblazer, in Star Wars Outlaws has left me utterly smitten. The blend of nostalgia and freshness, reminiscent of the original trilogy yet distinctively its own, is nothing short of remarkable.

As a space game enthusiast, crafting ships for any cosmic adventure is an exhilarating challenge. It’s like constructing a sanctuary amidst perils, a delicate balance in a hostile environment. Simultaneously, it involves creating a weapon, a mode of transport, and even defining the character itself. For the thrilling game, Star Wars Outlaws, Kay Vess’ vessel, the Trailblazer, needs to embody all these aspects and much more.

There’s no denying that the spaceships in ‘Star Wars’ are instantly recognizable and ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ is no exception to this rule. Ranging from common designs like X-Wings, Tie Fighters, and N-1 Starfighters to legendary vessels such as the Razorcrest, Millennium Falcon, and Ghost, each spaceship design is distinctive and consistent with the overall aesthetic of the galaxy far, far away. Game Rant had a chat with creative director Julian Gerighty, narrative director Navid Khavari, and game director Mathias Karlson to discuss the challenges of creating designs that align with this established legacy.

Kay Vess Blazes a Trail in Star Wars Outlaws

Space is immense, perilous, and isolating. A spacecraft serves as home and transport, standing as the sole barrier between its occupants and an instant, agonizing demise. When designing a spacecraft in any fictional work, these factors must be considered carefully. However, when it comes to “Star Wars“, there’s also a rich history to honor. Gerighty discussed both the significance of this task and the thrill that Massive felt tackling such a challenge.

“Starships in the ‘Star Wars’ universe are instantly recognizable, thanks to their distinctive shapes and silhouettes. It was thrilling not just to design a new spacecraft but also to develop its history as well—the ship had quite an adventure of its own before Kay finally claimed it permanently.”

To make a captivating impact in a narrative, especially when it comes to a key ship that plays a significant role for protagonists, it’s essential to meticulously design it with distinct personality traits and features. This ship should stand out and become a familiar setting often revisited by characters, keeping the audience or players fully engaged. Ships like these in series such as Star Wars are masterfully crafted; even when they follow a common model, like Ahsoka Tano’s T-6 Jedi Shuttle, they are usually tailored to reflect the character of the hero and are seldom replicated elsewhere within the franchise.

Before the Jedi or the Force come into play, the Trailblazer is crucial in creating the Star Wars atmosphere for players. This aspect was significantly emphasized during the development of Outlaws’ worlds and story, according to Khavari.

“Exploring Kay, Nix, and ND-5’s adventure in the seedy underbelly of cities teeming with crooks, a vibrant open world brimming with unique creatures, and high-stakes dogfights alongside the Trailblazer, provides an unprecedented immersion into a galaxy reminiscent of Star Wars that players may have never encountered.”

The Trailblazer aimed to find a design for its structure that was functional as a starship, yet striking against the backdrop of stars. Gerighty mentioned that Massive took inspiration from turtles and armored vehicles, focusing on their shell plating. Additionally, it integrated toy design elements popular during the 1970s and 1980s to capture the essence of the original Star Wars trilogy released in that timeframe.

The inclusion of that character trait was crucial for the Trailblazer, as Star Wars Outlaws is set during the time period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Even though Vess’ story transpires far from those epic battles, her ship should reflect the era of the galaxy, far, far away it portrays, serving as a glimpse into that specific moment in space.

A Girl, A Merqaal, and a Starship

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Designing the Trailblazer

As a gamer, what truly propels me is a straightforward dream: to chart my own course across the cosmos, with my trusted companion Nix by my side. It’s not about demolishing the system, but rather breaking free from its constraints. Much like in the iconic series Firefly, the ship represents the essence of freedom for a character like me who’s been dealt a tough hand. That was the heart of the fantasy that Star Wars Outlaws aimed to deliver to its players.

Absolutely, my journey began with the dream of commanding a starship in the Star Wars universe, living as a rogue among the stars. A vessel agile and armed enough to stand its ground during fierce dogfights, yet robust and reliable enough to traverse dangerous territories and accept assignments from the syndicates. Meet the Trailblazer, my new companion on this cosmic adventure.

It was really important to us that space was seamlessly part of the open-world experience. You decide when to go there and what to do.”

Traveling during the dark hours isn’t routine; it’s filled with Imperial checkpoints, syndicate vessels, and even the occasional pirate ambush for Vess. However, the Trailblazer proves its worth in such situations, serving not only as a mode of transport but also as a formidable weapon itself. The aerial combat brings to mind the style from Star Wars Battlefront, which might be due to the involvement of Battlefront veterans in Outlaws’ development.

In his exploration of the philosophy behind aerial battles, as presented in “Outlaws,” Karlson suggests that Massive’s approach leans more towards an intuitive gaming experience compared to hardcore space simulators like the upcoming “Starship Simulator.” He further elaborated on the magnitude of space combat experiences Vess might encounter.

Initially, we prioritized ensuring that using and battling with the Trailblazer was both accessible and rewarding right away, yet it also provided room for growth and presented challenges to keep things interesting in the long run.


As a gamer, I’ve found that the engagements I encounter can vary widely. Sometimes it’s a quick, intense duel against a single enemy ship, like battling a lone dog in a forest. But other times, it escalates into massive conflicts involving numerous and much larger vessels, reminiscent of a battle between titans on a vast open sea.

Players may be wanted and chased by the Empire, or earn a reputation by lending aid to a syndicate ship. Vess might also fly into a pirate ambush in an asteroid field. Each of these moments will be driven by player choice and actions, and each will have dangers and opportunities. As for flight itself, Podlesnigg assures players that there’s no feeling quite like pushing the sticks forward and jumping to hyperspace for the first time.

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2024-08-24 16:35