Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True ‘Galaxy-Spanning Adventure’

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True 'Galaxy-Spanning Adventure'

As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I can only imagine the sheer excitement and pressure that Gerighty must be feeling as the release date for Star Wars Outlaws approaches. Having worked on other Star Wars titles and with Lucasfilm Games, he and his team have poured their hearts and souls into this project, creating a fresh take on the classic scoundrel archetype in Kay Vess, while maintaining an authentic feel of the original trilogy era.

Few media franchises hold as much sway as Star Wars. Fans delve deeply into its lore, cherish even minor characters, and anticipate new content from this distant galaxy with great enthusiasm. Thus, the expectations for Star Wars Outlaws, the first open-world game in this franchise, are notably high. Fortunately, Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft seem keen to meet this challenge.

In an exclusive pre-launch sit-down with Julian Gerighty (Creative Director), Benedikt Podlesnigg (Art & World Director), Marthe Jonkers (Associate Art Director), Navid Khavari (Narrative Director), and Mathias Karlson (Game Director) of Star Wars Outlaws, I had the pleasure to delve into their thoughts on this highly anticipated game. Interestingly, a shared affection for a certain blue elephant emerged during our conversation. Below is an abridged version of our insightful discussion.

A Long Time Ago, In a VCR Far, Far Away

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True 'Galaxy-Spanning Adventure'

Would you like to share with me some of your beloved Star Wars films, video games, graphic novels, and memorable scenes from this iconic series that you particularly enjoy?

I have deep-rooted nostalgia for the initial trilogy of films, as they significantly shaped my childhood and sparked my creativity beyond measure. Working on a game based in that era is like fulfilling a lifelong dream for me.

User: My top pick for a favorite movie is undeniably The Empire Strikes Back. The intricate industrial design and imaginative settings they created for this film really brought the galaxy to life. From the towering AT-AT walkers to the icy caves of Hoth, the asteroid fields, and alien creatures, it was a visual feast. What stood out to me the most was Bespin, not just because of the shocking twist but because it introduced a floating city in the clouds mining gas. This was visually stunning and unlike anything we had seen before in Star Wars.

Jonkers: My Star Wars adventure began when The Empire Strikes Back was broadcast on TV. I recorded it, rewatched it multiple times, and created numerous drawings and sketches featuring X-wings, spaceship designs, alien creatures, and lightsaber duels. I had sketchbooks full of these even before seeing the rest of the trilogy! To this day, The Empire Strikes Back remains my favorite Star Wars movie, with its cinematography being exceptionally powerful, and its diverse and iconic locations serving as a massive inspiration for the development of Star Wars Outlaws.

Khavari: Let me start by saying, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was undoubtedly where my passion for storytelling ignited. As an ’80s kid, I’d wager that my brother and I watched this movie so often we nearly burnt out our VCR. It holds a special place in my heart, serving as the benchmark I aspired to when I joined the project. For me, it embodies the ideal balance of intense conflict, character development, and impactful action.

Later on, I spent countless hours playing games like X-Wing, Super Star Wars, Shadows of the Empire on N64, Episode 1 Racer, and many more. In terms of comics, I find the Doctor Aphra and Darth Vader series particularly engaging. To me, these elements are woven into the very essence of Star Wars, and in many aspects, Star Wars Outlaws seems like a heartfelt tribute to this universe that has brought so much joy.

Karlson: Ever since I was little, I’ve been captivated by the original Star Wars trilogy. The way the world, characters, and technology blended together in a one-of-a-kind, relatable manner left me spellbound. It felt like I could step right into that universe and dream up countless more tales to go along with the ones on the big screen.

As a kid, I vividly recall the strong longing I felt because I couldn’t physically visit that place and live the experience myself. If I had to choose my top pick from Star Wars, it would undoubtedly be Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. Moreover, some of the most captivating moments across the entire series can be found in the Darth Vader scene from Rogue One.

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True 'Galaxy-Spanning Adventure'

Q: What’s everyone’s favorite character or characters?

Gerighty: Max Rebo is my favorite character, I mean he can play keyboards with his feet!

Podlesnigg: Max Rebo all the way… just shy of Salacious B. Crumb…

User: Picking a favorite character from Star Wars is quite challenging due to their abundance and unique personalities. However, I’d argue that Darth Vader holds the most significant impact. Initially, he presents as the epitome of evil with his imposing presence, menacing demeanor, and striking silhouette. Yet, as the story unfolds across the films, we learn about his heart-wrenching past, which adds layers to his character, making him truly remarkable.

1. Wish it hadn’t been spoiled for me when my friend disclosed the major family secret before I watched the movie! By the way, Leia is one of my favorites. She exudes a powerful demeanor amidst everyone else trembling in Darth Vader’s presence. Not only that, but her boldness and attempts to bluff make her even more endearing. And let’s not forget about that iconic hairstyle!

User: As a child, I found Luke Skywalker incredibly cool. The transformation from his state at the end of “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” to his entrance in Jabba’s palace dressed in a black hooded robe is one of my favorite scenes. However, as I grew older, it was Han Solo who became my favorite. In retrospect, I believe many of us, including myself, aspired to be as cool as him during high school. Now, my favorite character has shifted to Lando Calrissian. It’s ironic, but I think he’s a complex character who had to make tough decisions. As a child, I couldn’t comprehend his redemption, but as life presents us with challenging choices, I can relate to him so much more.

Karlson: Absolutely correct, it’s Max Rebo. You know, Jabba’s throne room is practically a compilation of most of my beloved characters!

Q: If Kay Vess was in a situation similar to Han Solo and Greedo…would she shoot first?

As a die-hard fan, I’d say it like this: In a heartbeat, Khavari wouldn’t hesitate to take the first shot. She’s not about to stand idly by while anyone harms Nix. Absolutely not!

Crafting the Galaxy of Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True 'Galaxy-Spanning Adventure'

A: Was Star Wars Outlaws a unique take on the Star Wars series, and if so, what other games may have influenced its development or left a trace of their “genetic code”?

After meticulously exploring the Lucasfilm archives, conducting extensive research, and collaborating closely with Lucasfilm Games, we aimed to create an experience that authentically embodies the Star Wars universe while being inspired by various other games. One game I frequently referenced for inspiration was Ghost of Tsushima due to its ability to fully immerse players from beginning to end and its intense focus.

Q: What was it like working with Lucasfilm on Star Wars Outlaws ?

You’ve found fantastic collaborators all along the journey in Lucasfilm Games – they even proposed the timeframe for our game. It’s not until you delve into Star Wars development that you truly grasp the meticulous care taken in every frame, every setting, every spaceship or character. It has been a delight to join forces with them and design fresh characters, moons, plant life, creatures, and even vehicles that will become permanent fixtures in this galaxy’s rich tapestry.>

Question: During the close collaboration between Lucasfilm and the creators of the Trailblazer, were there any distinctive aspects of Star Wars spaceship designs that particularly caught your attention?

User: The spaceships in Star Wars are instantly recognizable thanks to their unique outlines and designing a new one, along with its history, was an exhilarating process. It’s fascinating how this ship had its own adventure before Kay finally claimed it permanently. What also caught my attention is that the shapes we used were inspired by real-world items such as toys from the 70s and 80s, as well as turtles and armored trucks with their plated shells. This combination proved perfect for our vision of the Trailblazer.

Question: What impact did the bustling timeline between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi have on character and plot development? Was it beneficial or challenging in any way?

Khavari: It was truly beneficial. Despite the ongoing intense struggle between the Empire and the rebellion, it felt refreshing to momentarily step back from this conflict. Is there a more captivating setting for narrating a fresh tale? Given that Star Wars Outlaws centers around the life of a scoundrel in the underworld, it provides ample opportunity for us to craft a new narrative – primarily by emphasizing the characters who are directly involved in the story, rather than those entangled in the larger conflict.

The underworld works so well hand in hand with an open-world story—being a scoundrel who can explore the galaxy at their own pace and meet syndicate bosses, bounty hunters, or people just trying to get by during a dangerous time in the galaxy. Players, myself included, have been asking for that kind of immersion for years, it’s a dream to have that opportunity to give that to players.

Star Wars Outlaws Devs Talk Making a True 'Galaxy-Spanning Adventure'

As a dedicated Star Wars fan, I’ve pondered over the influences that shaped the heist and scoundrel vibe of Outlaws. Are there any other characters or stories within Star Wars lore that have significantly impacted this style?

In our exploration of Star Wars content, we aimed to introduce a contemporary scoundrel character, distinctly different from established figures like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian. The character we envisioned, Kay Vess, is intended to be down-to-earth and relatable, having been raised in the impoverished Worker’s District of Canto Bight alongside Nix. She witnessed the disparity between the wealthy and the less fortunate, fueling her ambition to forge a life that allows her and Nix to journey freely across the galaxy without being tied down to any authority.

Question: In what ways was the style and methodology of Star Wars Outlaws impacted by its heavy influence from the 70s and 80s, particularly in terms of character development and quest design?

In our game development, the atmosphere of the ’70s/’80s era from the original trilogy served as the foundation for all our design choices. Since we wanted to recreate the familiar and beloved world of that trilogy, authenticity was paramount. The advantage of creating this game now is that we have a wealth of Star Wars history to pull from, enabling us to include subtle references to periods like the Clone Wars, ND-5, and other intriguing details. This way, our game stays true to the original trilogy timeline while also hinting at events that preceded it.

Question: Were there any particular experiences during the development process that influenced the creation or incorporation of crucial aspects in Star Wars Outlaws?

As a dedicated fan and developer at Massive Entertainment, I’m thrilled to be part of the team responsible for crafting the first-ever Star Wars open world game. Many of us have previously worked on other Star Wars titles, which gives us valuable insights, combined with our collaboration with Lucasfilm Games who expertly guide us towards the best creative directions. Our extensive experience in creating immersive open worlds that champion player advocacy is the key to delivering an unforgettable Star Wars experience for gamers everywhere.

As a diehard Star Wars fan, I’ve always wondered about the intricate process of melding the expansive Star Wars universe and its rich lore into an open-world format. Compared to other Ubisoft open-world titles, was this journey a unique one?

What makes Star Wars unique is its vast array of diverse settings that are essential for creating an authentic galaxy-traversing tale. Each location boasts a distinct ecosystem with varying weather patterns, time zones, architectural styles, and character types, which increases the challenge when constructing this world. We prioritized the player’s experience while designing the open world to ensure all aspects complement each other.

A: With the gold certification of Star Wars Outlaws imminent, the launch date is fast approaching. Could you share some insights about the excitement as the date draws nearer? Is there a unique sense of anticipation since it’s a Star Wars title?

Launching a project, especially one as iconic as Star Wars, is an unparalleled thrill. For me, and many of us on the team, it’s like fulfilling a cherished childhood dream. This project has been a deep-seated passion for us for so long, and we can’t wait to share it with the world. The anticipation of seeing it come alive is truly exciting.


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2024-08-24 15:24