Star Wars Outlaws’ Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess’ Shoes

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

In my opinion, it’s clear that this actor has truly embraced the unique challenges and rewards of both film and video game acting. As someone who’s dabbled in both mediums, I can certainly appreciate the distinct skill sets each requires.

Humberly Gonzalez plays the character Kay Vess, a roguish underdog in the Star Wars Outlaws. Unknowingly, she embarks on an epic adventure that mirrors a hero’s journey, gaining support from various factions of the galaxy’s criminal underworld. With her spunky, self-assured, and captivating demeanor, Kay Vess is shaping up to be a memorable scoundrel in the Star Wars universe, all thanks to Gonzalez’s commitment to delivering a realistic and convincing portrayal.

Game Rant had a chat with Humberly González about her character Kay Vess in ‘Star Wars Outlaws’. She shared valuable insights on how she prepared for the role and her personal connection to Kay. Additionally, González talked about her favorite Star Wars characters, her experience working on ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ compared to previous projects, and many other interesting points. For clarity and conciseness, some parts of the interview were edited.

How Humberly González Related to Star Wars Outlaws’ Kay Vess

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

A: Could you tell me how you’d characterize Kay Vess personally? Was there anything specific about her that you felt was important to accurately portray in your acting?

González: Kay can come across as somewhat impatient at times, but she’s focused on completing tasks within a specific timeframe. She doesn’t worry much about minor issues because she’s not one to give up easily. In fact, she’s quite tenacious and resilient. Despite being new to this, she shows no fear. Even if she’s feeling anxious, she won’t let it show. Perhaps Nix will embody these traits as well.

She perseveres despite fear, for her ultimate goal is freedom, which she believes can only be achieved through wealth. Her unconventional philosophy is “trust no one,” which she feels provides her with a strategy to obtain what she desires. This approach has served her well in Canto Bight. However, things change when she steps out of the confines of her small hometown.

As a gamer, I’d say, “Did I manage to infuse my personal traits into this character, and did she feel relatable to me? Absolutely!”

González: Of course! Before I discovered it was Star Wars or Kay Vess, during the first audition, I noticed she exuded a great deal of self-assuredness, even if it was feigned confidence. She leans heavily on her charm and intelligence; she can be quite persuasive with her words and flattery, making others feel at ease so she can manipulate them. She’s definitely an opportunist.

I feel like that swagger and kind of confidence came naturally to me. I’ve played a few characters that have those qualities. I think Kay Vess is obviously the one who uses it more and relies on it, but you know, once we started working, I remember Navid, our narrative director, being like, “You know, you’re sitting in that chair like Kay Vess.” She just has this “no worries” kind of facade and always has a cool pose and the way that she walks, the swagger, kind of like weighted feet. She’s just confident in herself. So I walk around with a lot of that “fake it till you make it” attitude.

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

A: Are there any Star Wars characters that you particularly admire, which could possibly have influenced your performance in the character I portray?

González: Han Solo serves as an inspiration for both me and Kay Vess, due to his reputation as the smoothest scoundrel around. Kay Vess admires him, but she’s got her flaws and is more susceptible than he is. It’s almost like a tribute to him, yet Kay Vess is such a unique kind of rogue that, being inexperienced, she lacks the expertise and skillset that Han Solo possesses.

Indeed, the original Star Wars trilogy boasts memorable figures such as Princess Leia, various droids, and even Kay Vess’ brief encounter with Jabba the Hutt. It sparked in me a desire for Kay Vess to emerge as one of those beloved characters, considering we were immersed in that time period. I wish for her to resonate with audiences just as much as the others do.

A: What steps did you take to get ready for portraying Kay Vess? Did you watch specific movies or use particular methods for the role?

González: Once I discovered that it was Star Wars and that the story unfolded between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, my immediate reaction was to watch those movies right away. Whenever anything related to Star Wars came up, I would become quite enthusiastic and start noticing even the smallest details more carefully, listening attentively, and paying close attention.

Whenever I catch a whiff of that iconic tune or hear chatter about this beloved series, a thrilling buzz surges within me. My mind instantly starts racing with questions: “What would be Kay’s response to this situation? How might she behave if she encountered characters X, Y, or Z? What sets her apart from the others?”

Since we’re embarking on a fresh hero’s quest and scoundrel’s tale, there wasn’t much prior material to reference, especially since she hails from Canto Bight – a place not extensively documented. However, I felt it necessary to conduct sufficient research to grasp the ambiance of the cantina, understand the criminal underworld, learn their stance towards this particular era and region in the galaxy.

To be truthful, I gathered most of the information by consulting writers, directors, artists working on the storyboards, and others involved in the story creation. This was crucial for understanding the origin of Kay, her motivation, and why we chose to focus on this rogue narrative. The insights gained significantly influenced my decisions and contributions to the project.

It’s the difference between having a written character and then breathing life into her. I knew they cast me for a reason, so a lot of the times they said, “Trust your instincts. We love what you’re doing” and made sure I gave her the heart that we saw in those initial moments which ultimately landed me the role.

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

As a gamer, was I given the creative liberty to have my character express thoughts similar to “Kay Vess might say something along these lines” or make such alterations in dialogue?

González: Yes, indeed. From what I’ve learned from Nikki Foy, the author, as well as Navid, and everyone else I collaborated with during the creation of Kay, it seems they portrayed her as somewhat more sarcastic. She had a mischievous side, perhaps a bit more brash and skeptical. When I joined the project, my aim was to highlight her moments of vulnerability, her heart, her flaws, not just their existence but also how she overcame them. This includes showcasing her ability to regain composure in situations where she made mistakes and had to retreat a bit.

In my opinion, when interacting with her, I tend to move at a fast pace with the conversation, or put simply, I’m quick-witted. When I discovered her banter and her humorous side, which added a layer of vulnerability, I maintained my role, even during non-filming times. For instance, with ND-5, our interactions were often filled with jokes, and they always seemed to be paying attention, likely because they appreciated it and wanted to keep it for future use, saying things like, “We like that! Let’s continue with that.” Since I have experienced similar situations as her and have walked in her shoes metaphorically, there’s a level of understanding that goes beyond just writing for her but truly empathizing with her.

It was rewarding when there were instances where I had to express Kay Vess’ lines differently because the original script didn’t feel right or I simply couldn’t remember it. Sometimes, I would rephrase the dialogue on the spot, and they appreciated my versions more, finding them clearer and more in line with how Kay Vess wanted to express herself. It felt like I was channeling her thoughts and communicating them as if she were speaking through me.

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

Q: Were there moments or emotions of hers that you particularly enjoyed expressing?

González: In her most confident moments, she believes she can handle the toughest challenges in the galaxy. It’s when she says, “I won’t do that,” or “I know how to handle myself,” or even, “I’ve got this,” and then she proves it.

It’s this endearing and humbling moment for her, like her thinking she can maneuver an entire Trailblazer, a ship that she has never set foot in, and she is once again humbled by not knowing how to do this, but she’s like, “Okay, okay. Leave me alone, I’m new at this.” She kind of becomes a bit defensive, but still never apologizes. She doesn’t really apologize or give excuses. She just goes, “I’m doing my best, okay? Just watch. Just give me a moment.”

With ND-5 and her, she prefers to handle things independently rather than rely on him, which makes our interactions particularly enjoyable for me. I find these exchanges to be my favorite aspect. During our missions, especially when we’re engaged in a battle or similar situation, he might say something like, “Don’t you realize we’re under attack now?” To which I respond with a light-hearted, “Come on, let me focus here!” These instances always prompt us to laugh afterwards because it seems she aspires to excel at everything.

How Acting In Star Wars Outlaws Stands Out From Other Projects

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

A: Was there anything unique about the work on Star Wars Outlaws compared to other games you’ve worked on before?

González: Did you know an intriguing fact? My initial video game experience was with Starlink: Battle for Atlas, which was exclusively created here at Ubisoft Toronto. I felt quite proud of that, as I’ve always aspired to work in the gaming industry, and it served as my first taste of it.

In my initial face-to-face interview, they constructed a wooden spaceship for me since my character was the quickest driver on Earth, but unfortunately, she had an accident that prevented her from racing on land. However, she was later chosen for a space mission where she received bionic enhancements, allowing her to race in outer space instead.

Experiencing a profound sense of full-circle realization, I find myself transitioning from cradling my first baby and embarking on my life’s journey, to standing at the helm of Star Wars now. It’s incredible to pilot a larger spaceship! Reflecting back, that character and my personal growth resonate deeply with me. It was almost surreal to discover that as a motion capture performer, I had previously operated a wooden spaceship – quite a mind-blowing déjà vu experience.

Q: What was the most challenging part of playing someone like Kay Vess?

González: From the viewpoint of an actor, this was my debut as the main character in a project where I was present for almost every scene. Balancing my energy levels and keeping track of the story’s progress – since we don’t shoot in sequence – was essential. Also, it was crucial to remember where her hero’s journey was at any given moment to avoid revealing too much or appearing overly confident when she was still learning the ropes, or underconfident when she should be more assured.

I took care not to overestimate her learning needs or underestimate her abilities when she had already mastered a subject. Instead, I leaned heavily on the team’s knowledge and asked plenty of questions, ensuring that my confidence didn’t become arrogance [laughs].

Regarding Kay, she’s quite active and vocal. My aim was to ensure she stayed true to her path without oversimplifying her character. I didn’t want to limit her to a single emotion; instead, I wanted to portray the full spectrum of her feelings when confronted with fear, vulnerability, or shock. However, I also didn’t want to make her too victimized. Striking this balance was crucial for me as an actor because it’s tempting to exaggerate emotions and switch between ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’, and ‘not angry’. Instead, I aimed for a more nuanced and intricate portrayal, focusing on the subtle details that would make her character more complex.

The ability to instantly replay my actions after shooting allowed me to critically assess my performance and think, “I overdid it there, I’m dwelling on that for too long. Kay Vess wouldn’t.” As an actor, I aimed to portray Kay Vess authentically, rather than letting myself get carried away. This process taught me valuable lessons about maintaining a balance between personal enjoyment and storytelling accuracy.

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

In my career, I’ve had the privilege of delving into both on-screen acting and digital performances. Reflecting upon these experiences, I find myself drawn to compare them. While they each present unique challenges and rewards, I must admit that there’s a certain allure to the traditional world of film and theater. The immediate connection with an audience and the tactile nature of live performance are elements that resonate deeply within me. That being said, the innovation and creativity that comes with voice acting for games is truly captivating. As my journey continues, I find myself appreciating both mediums equally, but if pushed to choose, I would say that the traditional acting experiences hold a special place in my heart.

González: Now now, we can’t play favorites [laughs].

To put it straight, my passion for video games and motion capture actually came before my interest in film and TV. In theater school, I encountered motion capture technology in Montreal and had the chance to wear the suits and perform mock scenes. At that time, I was unaware that real actors were behind video games; I believed they were all animated. Discovering this aspect of the industry was truly a revelation for me, as it introduced me to a whole new side I hadn’t known existed before.

I had a lot of experience working on video games, and it significantly improved my skills as a screen actor. This is because motion capture requires a high level of awareness about your entire body since you are recorded from head to toe, even down to your fingertips. As a result, every movement carries significance, which I believe emphasizes the importance of having complete control over your acting craft or, as my mentors and teachers would put it, your “instrument” – essentially referring to your body. In my opinion, these skills complement each other.

As a gamer, I’ve discovered that motion capture (mocap) has significantly enriched the emotional depth and daily routines of my characters. Mocap has trained me to appreciate and not rush through subtle moments, ensuring that every movement aligns with my character’s intentions – just like mocap does. In a sense, you could mute any scene and still understand what’s going on because their friendship is so palpable. They’re more than just friends; they’re besties.

Star Wars Outlaws' Humberly Gonzlez Talks Stepping Into Kay Vess' Shoes

Q: Do you have any favorite moments that come to mind from your time working on Outlaws?

González: To be honest, I truly relished donning my suit, and it felt like I was transformed into a real-life superhero every time I put it on. Working on Range of Motion (ROM) exercises has always been one of my most enjoyable tasks: the intricacies of the process constantly captivate me. I’ve had the pleasure of participating in numerous games with Ubisoft, and that never fails to excite me.

I have to say, some of my favorite parts are when they build these worlds out of wood and you have Jabba the Hutt and his throne and they’re making the walls and the palace, and you have to imagine what it’ll all look like. We built a Trailblazer out of wooden pieces and metal, and people were maneuvering it to actually make me move and I got to be kind of in like a Star Wars Galaxy-like ride. They also built the Trailblazer and moved it around so that I could feel the feeling of going into hyperspace.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel like I’ve stumbled into a magical playground. Immersing myself in these digital realms and crafting my own little worlds with the click of a button is an exhilarating experience. It’s as if my imagination has been given free rein to run wild!


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2024-08-23 13:24