Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

As a seasoned farmer who has spent countless hours tending to my land and raising livestock, I can’t stress enough the importance of preparing for the fall season. With eight birthdays to celebrate and eight unique characters on the farm, each deserving of their favorite gift, it’s crucial to pay attention to what the locals love.

In the authentic world of Stardew Valley, autumn is the time for gathering bountiful harvests. As winter approaches, it’s essential for players to collect as many ripe crops as they can before they wither away. Additionally, fall presents opportunities to forage unique items and specific fish species that are only found during this season.

In Stardew Valley, farmers who make preparations for the future have the most thriving farms. It’s beneficial to consider one’s plans for each season since there is much more to this game than merely farming. Additionally, don’t forget about events, birthdays, and readying yourself for the upcoming season. (Or: Players with a strategic plan in Stardew Valley run the most prosperous farms. Each season in this game calls for careful consideration beyond just farming. Remember to account for special occasions, like events and birthdays, as well as preparing for the next season.)

Fall is an essential time of year for numerous reasons. Being the last season before winter, it’s the ideal time for planting crops since very few will thrive during the cold and snowy months ahead. Players should prepare financially and gather resources in order to make the most of Pelican Town’s offerings. There are plenty of fall-specific details players need to know to maximize their experience.

13 Get Ready To Rearrange The Farm

Clean Up and Make Space

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

For those displeased with the appearance of their farms in “Stardew Valley” throughout the year, winter offers a fresh opportunity to begin anew. But before the onset of winter, it’s essential to utilize fall for tidying up your homestead.

After the last crops have been gathered, gamers are free to tidy up and collect any items they need to transfer, ranging from boxes to watering equipment. Should players find themselves with some spare time in autumn, they may opt to cut down additional trees on their property to create room for future reorganization and embellishment projects during the winter season.

12 Craft Artisan Equipment For Winter

Collect Resources and Craft as Much as Possible

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

During the autumn season, players can expect to reap a substantial yield. However, earning profits during the winter months may prove difficult. This could be overcome by investing time in fall to create an ample amount of crafted artisan items, in addition to any existing possessions.

During fall, any uncultivated crops can generate income by being transformed into artisanal products. Alternatively, these crops can be stored using barrels or jars for later sale during winter. This financial routine adds a layer of realism to the game experience, encouraging players to prepare for winter months by acquiring necessary equipment and gathering crafting materials in advance.

11 Unlock More Farm Buildings

Stock Up on Resources and Commission Robin

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

Building farm structures during the fall is an effective way to prepare for winter. Animals will still generate essential products, with the exception of truffles, as long as the player maintains their happiness.

By the close of fall, it’s essential to construct a barn and a coop. autumn is an ideal season to accumulate materials for these structures as farmwork, particularly crop planting, tends to wind down towards its end. Furthermore, this period offers an excellent opportunity to gather as much hay as possible through harvesting. Acquiring a silo and storing ample hay will significantly enhance the ease of winter, preventing unhappy animals from affecting productivity.

10 Complete Fall Themed Bundles

Gather the Items for the Community Center

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

As a new player, I understand that some autumn-themed bundles at the Community Center may have slipped my notice during my first or even second year. To make the most of this season, it’s crucial for me to prioritize completing these bundles before they disappear. The unfortunate truth is, if I don’t finish them now, I’ll have to wait a full year to obtain all the crops and items needed again. So let’s get busy and tackle those bundles head-on!

  • Fall Foraging Bundle: 1 Common Mushroom, 1 Wild Plum, 1 Hazelnut, 1 Blackberry
  • Fall Crops Bundle: 1 Corn, 1 Eggplant, 1 Pumpkin, 1 Yam
  • Enchanter’s Bundle requires 1 Pomegranate and Fodder Bundle requires 3 Apples, both of which are trees that grow during Fall.

9 Grow Cranberries

Farm Gold with this Multi-Harvest Crop

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

Fall is well-known for producing some of the most prized crops in the game. During this season, there are several single harvest crops like beets, yams, sunflowers, bok choy, artichoke, amaranth, pumpkins, and fairy roses. Additionally, there are crops that can be harvested multiple times such as cranberries, grapes, eggplants, and corn.

As an avid Stardew Valley player, I’ve come to realize that cranberries are the key to making a substantial profit in this game. The reason being is that they can be harvested frequently. Each bush yields multiple berries, which is a major plus. What’s even more amazing is that they don’t require any replanting and keep producing all year long. Specifically, each bush provides me with two juicy cranberries every five days!

8 Put Everything Into Harvesting Crops

Plant as Much as Possible before Winter

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

Make sure to gather every last crop before Fall turns to Winter. Leaving any behind means certain death for them. Consequently, players focus on maximizing profits during Fall by paying close attention to their crops and consistently harvesting them throughout the season.

As a gamer, I’ve learned that it’s not always best to sell all of my harvested crops right away. Instead, I try to keep some of them saved for emergencies or opportunities to make extra gold. These crops can be used to create seeds for future growth, cook meals to sustain myself, craft artisan goods to sell for higher prices, or simply stored away until the market demands a higher price for my produce.

All Fall Crops

Crop Basic Sale Price Multiple Harvests
Amaranth 150g No
Artichoke 160g No
Beet 100g No
Bok Choy 80g No
Corn 50g Yes
Cranberries 75g Yes
Eggplant 60g Yes
Fairy Rose 290g No
Grape 80g Yes
Pumpkin 320g No
Sunflower 80g No
Sweet Gem Berry 3000g No
Wheat 25g No
Yam 160g No

7 Forage For Mushrooms And More

Collect Fall-Specific Items

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

In the popular game “Stardew Valley,” foraging plays a significant role, especially during the Fall season. During this time, you can collect various types of forageable items. Some examples are wild plums, hazelnuts, blackberries, and four distinct varieties of mushrooms. These items can be found in numerous locations such as the Bus Stop, Railroad, Backwoods, Mountain, Pelican Town, Cindersap Forest, Secret Woods, or your very own Forest Farm.

During the autumn season, starting around August 8th, you can find blackberries growing on shrubs. On the other hand, hazelnuts typically become ripe and detach from the trees when they are shook after mid-October, around the 14th.

6 Prepare For The Stardew Valley Fair

Grow and Present The Best Crops

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

During each Fall season, this occasion unfolds on the 16th. The event is filled with activities, but specifically, the Grange Display requires preparation. This exhibit can accommodate up to nine items. Participants will strive to present their finest items for a chance at first place. Securing first place awards them one thousand tokens, which are valuable currency for purchasing exclusive items. The most coveted item, the Stardrop, costs twice as many tokens (two thousand).

To excel at this event, participants are required to ready their finest wares. Consequently, a top-notch exhibition will showcase nine exceptional pieces, all of which are iridium quality. These can include artisan creations, livestock products, fish catches, culinary delights, agricultural produce, and botanical offerings. Additionally, minerals, blooms, foraged finds, and tree sap may also be presented.

5 Spirit’s Eve

Participate in the Season’s Spookiest Festival

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

On Spirit’s Eve in Stardew Valley, you’ll encounter Halloween-inspired spooks and thrills without any required preparation. The town square comes alive with ghosts and ghouls, yet there are no set tasks or displays for players to engage in. Instead, the main excitement lies within the intricately designed maze crafted by the town wizard. Located near the top of the festival, this challenging labyrinth confounds most villagers who dare to venture within its thorny walls. To reach the maze’s core, keep an eye out for a cleverly concealed shortcut close to the enigmatic sign bearing the ‘?’ symbol.

In even years, the maze of “Stardew Valley” version 1.6 introduces a new twist: following the path leads to a fork where only the middle way takes you to the maze’s core. At this point, players are given a Prize Ticket as a reward. However, during odd years, the reward is replaced by a Golden Pumpkin, which boasts an impressive selling price of 2,500g. The Spirit’s Eve festival in these updates becomes even more captivating with unique interactions and enthralling items. This event stands out as one of the most engaging and enjoyable festivals within the game.

4 Catch Fall Season Fish

Focus on Catching Unique Fish

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

During the Fall season, two distinct fish species can be found. The first is the salmon, which can be caught in the town’s river or forest. Catching hours extend from early morning at 6 A.M. until evening at 7 P.M. The second elusive fish is known as angler, which presents a challenge to fishermen. While it can be reeled in at any time during the day, it can only be found north of JojaMart, specifically on the wooden plank bridge. Moreover, to successfully catch the angler, one must have advanced their fishing skill level to at least three.

Other fish that can be caught in Fall include:

  • Shad
  • Midnight carp
  • Albacore
  • Sardine
  • Tilapia
  • Tiger trout
  • Super cucumber
  • Sea cucumber
  • Red snapper
  • Eel
  • Catfish
  • Walleye
  • Smallmouth bass
  • Anchovy

3 Prepare Gifts For Eight Birthdays

Pay Attention to What the Locals Love

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

Eight individuals have autumn birthdays: Penny, Elliot, Jodi, Abigail, Sandy, Marnie, Robin, and George. Taking the time to plan thoughtful gifts for their birthdays is a worthwhile endeavor.

Penny has a fondness for melons, sandfish, and emeralds. Elliot is drawn to lobsters, duck feathers, and pomegranates. Jodi is particularly fond of fried eel, pancakes, and diamonds. Abigail adores pumpkins, amethysts, and chocolate cake. Sandy is captivated by daffodils, crocuses, and sweet peas. Marnie is enamored with diamonds, pumpkin pie, and pink cake. Robin has a weak spot for goat cheese, spaghetti, and peaches. George takes pleasure in fried mushrooms and leeks.

2 Produce And Gather As Much Hay As Possible

Stock Up on Animal Food

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

As a long-time farmer, I can tell you that hay is an essential resource for all livestock on our farm. From my experience, animals get quite grumpy and unhappy when they run out of this vital food source. Be it Sheep, Chickens, or Cows, their mood swings and decreased productivity can put a significant strain on your farming operation.

Being a long-time farmer, I’ve experienced my fair share of ups and downs when it comes to crop profits. Hay, unfortunately, hasn’t been one of my most profitable ventures. But, as someone who raises livestock, its importance in my operation cannot be overstated. It’s a staple food source for my cattle, and since it’s relatively cheaper to buy seeds for in bulk during the off-season, I make sure to stock up on hay seeds every winter.

1 Cultivate Rare Seeds

Collect Special Produce

Stardew Valley: Best Things To Do In Fall

As a long-time farmer, I’ve learned that working with rare seeds can be quite the challenge without the luxury of a greenhouse. You see, these precious gems are only available for purchase during spring and summer from the traveling cart. But here’s the twist – they’re actually meant for planting in the fall!

The seeds yield Sweet Gem Berries worth a minimum of 3,000 gold each. It’s profitable to sell them, but remember to keep one for Old Master Cannoli in the Hidden Forest. In exchange, you’ll receive a Stardrop, which grants a permanent boost to your energy level.

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2024-07-25 12:55