Starfield Almost Had A Completely Different Ship Building System

Starfield Almost Had A Completely Different Ship Building System

Key Takeaways

  • Starfield’s ship builder was originally based on an outpost resource system, but it was cut due to feature creep.
  • Ship parts in Starfield can be obtained with credits, making ship customization popular with players.

As a long-time fan of Bethesda games and space simulators, I was both intrigued and saddened to learn about the scrapped ship-building system in Starfield. Having spent countless hours customizing my starship in Elite Dangerous, the modular design of Starfield’s spaceships seemed like a dream come true.

In a recent conversation with Bruce Nesmith, who once worked at Bethesda, we learned that originally, Starfield was intended to feature an entirely distinct ship-construction mechanism. This system would have been resource-based, relying on outposts rather than credits for resources. Despite facing some criticism, Starfield’s ship builder has garnered unanimous acclaim from the gaming community due to its ability to empower players by offering them the liberty to create unique designs as well as recreate iconic ships from popular franchises.

In the game ‘Starfield’, the design of the shipbuilder allows for flexibility, meaning not all ship components may be found in every dock, but with sufficient funds, they can be acquired. Earning credits within ‘Starfield’ is less challenging compared to gathering resources, which are primarily utilized for creating outposts and manufacturing equipment or upgrades. During its creation, the shipbuilder and outpost system were initially more interconnected.

According to Bruce Nesmith in his interview with Kiwi Talkz, one significant aspect of the game Starfield that didn’t make it to the final version involved its ship building mechanism. Instead of players buying parts directly from ship manufacturers in Starfield, they would have had a more immersive experience interacting with the outpost system. The vision was for players to mine materials, send them to factories on different planets that would then construct spacecraft modules, which players could use to build their own spaceships.

Former Starfield Designer Discusses Cut Ship Building Feature

Nesmith continued by explaining that the Bethesda team initially intended to construct the entire economic structure of Starfield around this system, but in the end, it led to excessive features and the developers had to remove it from the game. Given that players found the process of collecting rare resources in Starfield laborious, this decision might have been a wise one by Bethesda. The ship builder, however, has become incredibly popular among Starfield players due to its convenience.

While a Starfield mod could bring back the original ship building system, it would likely face a challenge in how to make the process of establishing a network of interstellar factories engaging. Outposts in Starfield are an optional feature, and an argument could be made that the ship builder isn’t a mandatory mechanic either. Starfield players have engaged with these features precisely because they’re fun, rather than forced. Though it remains to be seen how Bethesda’s post-launch support will continue, the upcoming Shattered Space expansion is set to be the team’s biggest attempt at addressing player feedback.

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2024-09-21 02:33