Steam User Baffles Community After Experiencing Bizarre Glitch

Steam User Baffles Community After Experiencing Bizarre Glitch


  • Steam users are left puzzled by a strange glitch causing playtime to decrease, possibly affecting refund eligibility for games.
  • The glitch is not limited to a single game, affecting all titles tested by some users on the Steam platform, even offline on Steam Deck.
  • Despite possible refund implications, the glitch is likely visual and won’t affect actual playtime stored in Valve’s database.

As an old-timer in the Steam community, I’ve seen it all – from server crashes to game-breaking bugs. But this latest glitch has left even the most seasoned gamers scratching their heads. It’s like the hours I spent mastering Portal’s intricate puzzles were just… vanishing into thin air!

The Steam gaming community has been puzzled following a user’s report of an unusual bug where the playtime recorded in a game decreases every time they play it. Although visual glitches on Steam are not unprecedented, this particular issue could pose an issue for Valve due to one specific reason.

Ever since its debut in 2003, Steam has consistently been a go-to digital marketplace for PC gaming enthusiasts. While some users mainly use it to buy and enjoy fresh games, Valve, the platform’s developer, also creates and publishes their own games. Titles like Portal and Left 4 Dead, which have garnered high praise on Steam, are examples of these in-house productions. Despite numerous attempts by other studios, such as Epic Games, to challenge Steam with their own platforms in recent times, none has managed to displace this colossal marketplace yet.

Although Steam is widely used as the main platform for PC gamers, it sometimes experiences occasional glitches. On the Steam subreddit, a user named TheSibyllineBooks has left fellow enthusiasts puzzled by posting pictures of an unusual glitch. As described by the user, instead of accumulating playtime hours when starting a game, the total hours displayed decreases. This peculiar issue seems to affect all games played, not just one specific title.

Steam Users Left Baffled by Weird Glitch

The Reddit post from an anonymous user displays a screenshot of the game Nova Drift, a space combat rougelike. Interestingly, the playtime dropped by approximately four hours after the user engaged with it. Various Redditors speculated potential reasons for this malfunction, including a temporary internet disconnection during gameplay. However, another Reddit user named TuckerMyau added to the discussion, stating that they too experienced this peculiar glitch while playing offline on their Steam Deck.

But what really left the community stumped was what would happen if the user experiencing the glitch attempted to refund it once it dipped below a certain threshold. If a user wants to refund a game on Steam, there are a few requirements that they must meet. The first is that the refund request must be placed within fourteen days of the game’s purchase, and the second is that it must be played for less than two hours. While attempting to take advantage of this glitch is not advised due to it breaking Steam’s terms of service, but it’s likely only a visual one, meaning Valve would have the actual play time stored in its database.

Occasionally, games like “Helldivers 2” have been refunded by Steam, even though players may have played for more than two hours. These instances are typically unusual situations beyond the player’s control. For instance, in the case of “Helldivers 2”, refunds were granted because Sony required players to link their Steam and PSN accounts. However, this policy was reversed following a strong backlash from the gaming community.

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2024-08-08 17:13