Steam Users Curate “Anti-Woke” List & It’s Dividing Opinion

Steam Users Curate "Anti-Woke" List & It's Dividing Opinion

Key Takeaways

  • Steam users created a group to review games for “woke” aspects.
  • Majority of the approved games are Anime games.
  • The list is garnering mixed opinions from the gaming collective.

As a long-time gamer and a strong advocate for diversity and representation, I find myself intrigued by this “Woke and Censored Games Alert” group on Steam. On one hand, I appreciate the idea of empowering gamers with information about the content they’re consuming, especially when it comes to representation in games. However, on the other hand, I believe their definition of “woke” is far too broad and reductive.

Approximately 1,600 Steam users have chosen to rate games as “inclusive” or “not inclusive,” in response to debates over game launches and closures that some claim are driven by certain ideologies.

Founded in 2023, the “Woke and Censored Games Alert” boasts a little south of 9,000 followers.

The team intends to keep you informed about games that include socially aware or modified content, so you can make an informed decision about which creators to back.

Despite the lack of an official definition, Steam’s approach to identifying “woke” content seems to be centered around games that carry these common tags: Role-Playing Games (RPG), Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPG), Anime, Female Lead Characters, and titles focusing on LGBTQ+ themes.

Games are split into three categories: “recommended,” “Informational,” and “not recommended,” with short blurb-style reviews. As of this writing, the group has reviewed 211 games, but only 27 are recommended—the majority of which are Anime games.

Typically, games marked as “not recommended” come with clear reasons behind the decision. These reasons often involve issues such as inappropriate content like pronouns, political symbols, or agendas, as well as poor translations or localizations.

In the trailer for Dustborn, they were given the item because a character was shown knitting.

The tag labeled as “‘informative’” is particularly engaging. The intriguing character design with contemporary elements in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor caught our attention and placed it within this category. Similarly, the height restriction for players in Dragon’s Dogma 2, set at 160cm to 5’3″, earned its place here as well. This is noteworthy given that the average height for Japanese women is approximately 154cm, or about 5’0″.

Multiple titles within the Assassin’s Creed series have faced criticism for incorporating what some consider a forced representation of diversity and featuring a female protagonist who is both powerful and unattractive.

More recently, the team has hailed Concord’s shutdown as a triumph. Yet, it’s more probable that Concord closed due to being just another generic hero shooter with cumbersome controls, rather than the victory they are celebrating.

Mixed Reception Among Gamers

Steam Users Curate "Anti-Woke" List & It's Dividing Opinion

In light of the various sectors within the gaming world, it’s not unexpected to find both strong opponents and advocates among its audience.

Critics argue that the group’s understanding of “woke” is often overly inclusive and oversimplified. In this context, being “woke” could encompass everything from geographically inaccurate portrayals and revised narratives in remakes to merely featuring non-white characters in fantasy realms.

The labels are inconsistent because some games with comparable political commentary to those deemed unsuitable receive exemptions if they avoid contemporary contentious themes.

Critics claim that some industries are excessively catering to a supposed “contemporary audience” that seems elusive. The shutdown of Concord and the unfavorable responses to games like Forspoken, Saints Row, among others, are frequently pointed out as strong examples supporting this argument.

They also state that it’s a consumer’s right to know exactly what they’re buying.

There’s a third faction, often referred to as the moderates, who find themselves somewhere between the two opposing viewpoints. These individuals have expressed concerns about the inconsistencies and illogicality in some of their arguments, but they believe that the ultimate objective isn’t entirely flawed.

As a dedicated gamer, I believe that keeping fellow enthusiasts updated on minor and possibly politically-charged adjustments is not only acceptable but essential. Consistency is key in maintaining an informed community.

In contrast to most political online forums, this particular group welcomes a variety of opinions, even those that might be critical or negative. Although some users have expressed dissatisfaction or disapproval in the comments section, these comments have not been deleted.

Fundamentally, games serve as a medium for expressing ideas. Game developers shouldn’t hesitate to communicate their messages, but it’s equally important that players have the freedom to scrutinize and engage critically with the stories and mechanics presented in these games.

Beneath a few surprising critiques, it could be intriguing to delve deeper and uncover potential insights hidden within modern video games.

Create such an outstanding game, similar to Baldur’s Gate 3, that even those who have differing political views can’t help but play it and acknowledge its greatness.

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2024-09-09 13:08