Steamworld Heist 2: How To Get & Use Reputation

Steamworld Heist 2: How To Get & Use Reputation

As a seasoned Steamworld Heist 2 gamer with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the introduction of Reputation has added a new layer of strategy to this already engaging game. While it may seem like just another currency at first glance, its daily-use nature makes it crucial to manage wisely.

In Steamworld Heist 2, there are various types of in-game currencies players will accumulate to enhance their team and vessel. Unlike Fragments and Gallons which can be saved for an extended period, Reputation functions uniquely as it can only be gathered and utilized on the same day.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can attest that the rewards for Reputation are truly some of the best weapon options you’ll encounter at that stage in the game. Given my own playstyle, I’ve found it essential to beef up my crew’s numbers and capitalize on every bit of earned Reputation. However, let me caution you – while Reputation can be farmed, there are certain daily limits to how much you can amass. Here’s a breakdown of how to acquire and utilize Reputation effectively.

How To Get Reputation In Steamworld Heist 2

As a gamer, I rack up reputation by successfully completing missions alongside my crew. Each task we tackle offers a substantial chunk of the possible Reputation for that specific mission, clearly displayed on the mission preparation screen. During the actual gameplay, an additional objective pops up in the top right corner, which, if achieved, further boosts the Reputation I earn upon finishing the mission. Oh, and let’s not forget the fun part: trying to knock off hats from our enemies!

You’re welcome to attempt as many missions as you wish daily to accumulate Reputation. However, keep in mind that each team member can only participate in one mission per day. This restriction may affect the amount of Reputation you can gather in a single day. Also, be aware that any unused Reputation will be converted into Gallons at a relatively low exchange rate at the end of the day.

  • Recruit more crew members to increase the number of missions you can complete in a day.
  • Always complete the bonus objective in a mission to get more reputation.

How To Use Reputation In Steamworld Heist 2

By the close of each day, you’ll find yourself back at a bartender and rest to move onto the following day. Prior to this rest, you must utilize all the accumulated reputation, with the compensation differing based on where you are cashing in. These reputation rewards have a limit, and once they’ve been exhausted, you’ll need to seek alternative ways to spend your reputation. The number of dots next to a reward signifies how many times that specific reward can be claimed.

Each day starts fresh without carrying over previous reputation, meaning you’ll need to exchange any leftover reputation for gallons if not used. Many reward options for gallons are in larger quantities, so it’s advisable to spend your reputation on rewards rather than being compelled to trade it under the forced system.

Unused Reputation is traded for only 3 Gallons a piece.

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2024-08-11 23:03