Stranger Things Season 5 Needs To Focus On One Neglected Relationship

Stranger Things Season 5 Needs To Focus On One Neglected Relationship


  • Season 4 of Stranger Things left Jonathan and Will’s sibling relationship unresolved, highlighting unspoken truths and missed opportunities for connection.
  • Jonathan is the only one who knows Will’s secret, his unspoken identity as a gay man, which adds depth and complexity to their dynamic.
  • Fans hope Stranger Things Season 5 will finally provide closure and a happy ending for Will, with Jonathan playing a crucial role in his rehabilitation.

As a dedicated Stranger Things fan who has grown up alongside the characters on screen, I can confidently say that Jonathan and Will’s storyline deserves more attention. The bond between these two brothers has always been special, but it seems to have taken a backseat in recent seasons. Their heart-to-heart at Surfer Boy Pizza in Season 4 left me with a sense of unfulfilled potential – it was like they were dancing around the elephant in the room without ever really addressing it head-on.

In the series “Stranger Things,” you’ll find a wealth of significant friendships, ranging from platonic to romantic, as well as touching parent-child ties. The show also highlights strong sibling connections, such as Mike and Nancy, Lucas and Erica, and Jonathan and Will. Unfortunately, at the end of Season 4, the bond between Jonathan and Will seems to have been neglected or overlooked following their emotional conversation at Surfer Boy Pizza.

In the eighth episode of Stranger Things Season 4, Will speaks extensively to Mike in the back of Argyle’s van. His speech revolves around Eleven’s sense of isolation but also her deep affection for Mike that remains unwavering. To illustrate his point, Will shows Mike a painting he created, depicting Mike as the core or heart of their group (consisting of Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas) as they bravely confront a dragon-like creature from Dungeons & Dragons, specifically a Dzalmus dragon or a three-headed beast for those unfamiliar with the game. Despite Mike failing to recognize that the speech is more about himself than Eleven, it’s Jonathan who catches on to Will’s discomfort and discerns the true meaning behind his words.

In a heartfelt monologue, Will subtly expresses his long-standing affection for Mike, but it is only understood by Jonathan. Later on, at Surfer Boy Pizza, both Jonathan and Will are tasked with building Eleven’s sensory deprivation tank, a role they had assumed in Season 1 using a kiddie pool. To ease the tension, Jonathan shares a light-hearted anecdote from their past. In a hint that he supports and appreciates Will, Jonathan mentions that their bond has never been stronger, implying that they need each other now more than ever. As a sign of acceptance, Jonathan underlines that nothing can alter the fact that he cherishes Will deeply. With Noah Schnapp hinting at Season 5 as the best season yet, we hope it brings some resolution for Will regarding his relationships with Jonathan, Mike, Joyce, and possibly other members of the Hawkins group.

Jonathan Knows Something About Will That No One Else Knows

Stranger Things Season 5 Needs To Focus On One Neglected Relationship

In the world of Stranger Things, I’m eagerly anticipating Season 5, where we delve deeper into Jonathan and Will’s bond. Last season, Jon was off chilling with Argyle, while I felt like Will was drifting apart from our group as his feelings for Mike deepened. But here’s the thing: their relationship needs more attention in Season 5. It’s crucial not just for the overall narrative of the show, but also for fans who root for characters like Will and those within the LGBTQ+ community. Let’s see how they mend their friendship and maybe even find resolution in this chapter of their lives.

Currently, only Jonathan seems aware that Will is gay. Joyce, his mother, and friends Mike, Lucas, and Dustin might suspect, but they’ve never discussed it openly. Jonathan, having spent more time with Will growing up, understands him better than anyone else. He realized this during their encounter in Argyle’s van, although it remains an unacknowledged truth. If Jonathan’s affection for Will is genuine and enduring, perhaps he will take steps to show it in Season 5. Fans have longed for Will Byers to experience a happy ending since the first episode of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 1.

Jonathan Could Be the Key to Will’s Happily Ever After

Stranger Things Season 5 Needs To Focus On One Neglected Relationship

In the course of Stranger Things, Will has experienced more hardships than any other character, yet he hasn’t fully resolved his past traumas, including those from his childhood and his struggle with being a closeted gay man in the ’80s. Rumors hint that Will could play a significant role in Season 5 due to his special bond with the Upside Down. It seems that Will’s story may finally reach its conclusion, but Jonathan is expected to contribute to Will’s healing process when all is said and done. An interesting tidbit: the scene featuring Jonathan and Will at Surfer Boy Pizza was not initially scripted. It was added later based on the suggestions of Noah Schnapp and Charlie Heaton.

In essence, Schnapp and Heaton believed it was crucial for Jonathan and Will’s sibling bond to receive increased focus and visibility in the series. Since Noah Schnapp revealed his own sexuality, he has discovered a stronger affinity with Will than initially perceived. This might be why he vigorously advocated for the inclusion of a scene in Season 4 that depicted Will, a gay character, receiving family support – a gesture that resonates with LGBTQ+ youth and enhances the complexity of Jonathan and Will’s relationship dynamic compared to previous seasons. Previously, there were hints indicating Will’s sexuality, such as when Mike remarked, “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls,” but it had never been a significant theme before.

In Season 2, Jonathan and Will formed an exceptionally strong bond as Jonathan aided Will in overcoming his Upside Down trauma. They spent time together playing games, listening to music, and Jonathan offered Will a comfort that not even someone like Joyce could. Moreover, their close age made their connection even stronger. If this relationship is further developed in Stranger Things Season 5, it could play a crucial role in giving Will a happy ending after nearly a decade of hardships.

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2024-08-03 17:05