Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a


  • Not all powerful beings are big – the Pods are small but mighty, providing support and firepower to YoRHa fighters.
  • Small biped robots can evolve to gain raw strength and extreme movement, making them formidable opponents.
  • Characters like A2, Eve, and Adam are powerful in their own right, showcasing unique abilities and strength in battle.

As a seasoned scholar of the digital realm, I find myself captivated by these intricate narratives spun within the world of Nier: Automata Ver.1.1a. The characters that inhabit this game are as complex and layered as any human being, if not more so.

Despite the fact that Nier: Automata’s world is dominated by countless robots called “Machine Lifeforms”, there are still significant characters who possess enough strength to resist these automatons. Similarly, some of these robots have developed into entities unlike their counterparts, exhibiting extraordinary power.

To avoid any unnecessary spoilers for the ongoing second cour of this thrilling series, this list will only focus on characters who appeared in the first cour. With that in mind, here are ten of the strongest characters in Nier: Automata Ver1.1a, ranked based on the power and unique combat abilities that they’ve shown throughout the series.

10 Pods

The All-Purpose Support Bots

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Tactical Support Unit
  • Affiliation: YoRHa Soldiers
  • First Appearance: Episode 1

Small and seemingly innocuous devices can conceal tremendous power. This idea is exemplified in the tactical aids assigned to each YoRha soldier, often referred to as Pods. For instance, 2B has Pod 042, while 9S is partnered with Pod 153.

These pods are versatile tools for the YoRHa soldiers they support, serving various functions from maintaining contact with the Bunker to temporarily transporting andrides by using their mechanical hands for brief flights over challenging terrain. They are equipped to offer fire support with their machine guns and potent beam cannons capable of swiftly demolishing a substantial iron wall.

9 Enhanced Machine Trio

A Group of Berserk Machine Lifeform

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Rampaging Small Biped
  • Affiliation: Machine Lifeform
  • First Appearance: Episode 11

The most frequently encountered form of artificial life on Earth is small, two-legged robots. Generally, they lack significant power and have restricted mobility. Yet, under exceptional circumstances, some of these small bipeds may receive an upgrade when Adam’s immense rage sweeps through the entire network of machine lifeforms.

In an unexpected upgrade, I’ve found myself endowed with an additional surge of raw power and agility that borders on the supernatural. Now, I can leap effortlessly from one building to another, and take out entire squadrons of skilled resistance fighters in a blink of an eye. It took three of them combined to even give me a challenge, but ultimately, I managed to eliminate them all with a single swift slash.

8 9S

A Highly Dependable Scanner Androids

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: YoRHa S-Type (Scanner Model)
  • Affiliation: YoRHa Soldiers
  • First Appearance: Episode 1

Each YoRHa combatant is classified into distinct roles including Attackers (Type A), Defenders (Type D), and Operators (Type O). Among them, YoRHa Unit 09-Type S, often referred to as 9S, serves as the Scanner unit. In this role, 9S primarily seeks out data, interprets it, and employs the insights to assist their partnering Attackers or Battlers.

9S, much like his battle-focused counterpart, carries a katana and a prepared flight unit, similar to his. However, compared to a fighter like 2B, 9S’ combat skills are far less developed. Yet, what truly sets 9S apart is his exceptional hacking skill. He can infiltrate any machine, including special units such as Machine Special Units or even extraordinary beings like Adam, and ultimately dismantle them from the inside over time.

7 Songstress

A Manic and Chaotic Robot

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Special Unit Machine
  • Affiliation: Machine Lifeform
  • First Appearance: Episode 4

As a fervent admirer, I’ve always been under the impression that these Machine Entities are mere automatons, devoid of emotions and solely following their pre-set instructions. However, there are intriguing moments in the narrative where certain machines appear to have transcended their programming, gaining both consciousness and genuine feelings. Among these emotionally awakened machines, some, like Pascal, choose a path of peace, while others, such as the enigmatic Songstress unit, veer towards chaos and destruction.

Originally, the Robotic Singer was just a typical two-legged mechanical entity. However, an incident involving its circuits caused an unusual fixation – it desired to resemble a captivating princess. To attain this image, the Robotic Singer began attaching various parts from other robots, including YoRHa androids, onto its own body. Interestingly, these numerous modifications not only changed its appearance but also significantly boosted its power. The Robotic Singer can now launch a barrage of strange and unpredictable assaults, making it a formidable foe to confront.

6 Goliath

A Colossal Murder Machine

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Special Unit Machine
  • Affiliation: Machine Lifeform
  • First Appearance: Episode 1

2B and 9S meet Goliath as their initial adversary in the series. Compared to other Machine Lifeforms on Earth, Goliath might not be the most intelligent, but it certainly ranks among the strongest. Its power lies primarily in its raw strength and weaponry.

One major factor contributing to his immense strength lies in his enormous physical stature, making him an actual titan or colossus. This mechanical powerhouse is constructed from various gigantic components, essentially a living structure. Yet, its most formidable asset is its humongous beam cannon. A single blast from this weapon is potent enough to obliterate a whole squad of advanced YoRHa troops.

5 A2

A Disgraced YoRHa Fighter

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: YoRHa A-Type (Attacker Model)
  • Affiliation: Former YoRHa Soldiers
  • First Appearance: Episode 7

Prior to the appearance of YoRHa B-Type (commonly known as 2B), it was the YoRHa A-Type, or A2 for short, that was initially deployed. This android model served as an Attacker and was tasked with battling Machine Lifeforms. While 2B boasts significantly greater power in comparison to A2, the latter is no pushover. A2 is quite capable of annihilating numerous Machine Lifeform foot soldiers effortlessly.

Initially believed to be annihilated long ago, it was later discovered that A2 not only survived, but had turned against YoRha and defected from their ranks. Over the years, she relentlessly eliminates any Machine Lifeform that comes within her reach, as well as every YoRha soldier sent to capture her. In the first season of Nier: Automata Ver1.1a, A2 makes a fleeting appearance, but fans can look forward to seeing more of her in the upcoming season.

4 Eve

An Evolved Machine Lifeform with Unrealized Potential

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Humanoid Machine
  • Affiliation: Machine Lifeform
  • First Appearance: Episode 5

Over an extended period, the Machine Lifeform has steadily progressed, becoming significantly stronger and wiser than its earlier forms. Adam and Eve, his most advanced creations, embody this evolution, boasting not just immense power but an extraordinary resemblance to humans in appearance.

As a gamer, let me tell you, both Adam and Eve possess an incredible strength that can effortlessly launch 2B, the YoRHA android, through solid concrete walls with just one punch. Tragically, Eve met his end prematurely due to self-sacrifice to shield his brother. If he had chosen to engage 2B in a full-blown fight, our mechanical adversary would’ve faced some serious trouble.

3 Adam

A Curious Humanoid Killer Machine

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Humanoid Machine
  • Affiliation: Machine Lifeform
  • First Appearance: Episode 5

Adam is Eve’s elder sibling. They are advanced Machine Lifeforms with superior intellect and abilities compared to their peers. While Eve prefers playful destruction without any particular regard, Adam has a strong curiosity for knowledge. Interestingly, his favorite subject of study happens to be humans themselves.

Adam enjoys engaging in playful banter with his adversaries, particularly those who intrigue him. He finds pleasure in conversing and gaining knowledge about them while battling. Much like an obsessive scientist, he’s drawn to dissect anyone who catches his eye. With his abilities, he should be able to overcome 2B single-handedly without taking significant damage. However, his eagerness to uncover a new challenge often causes him to become distracted, leading to his eventual defeat by 2B.

2 2B

A Loyal and Relentless Battle Android

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: YoRHa B-Type (Battle Model)
  • Affiliation: YoRHa Soldiers
  • First Appearance: Episode 1

As a gamer embodying 2B, it’s hard to believe that I’m just another YoRHa B-type android on paper. Despite sharing the same combat capabilities with my fellow androids, there’s something unique about me that sets me apart. Some even argue that I outshine them all within our army. After all, I’ve faced down countless formidable foes, many of whom are listed here, and emerged victorious each time.

The unique aspect of 2B lies primarily in her personality and battle strategies. She’s a cool, collected android, always ready to maximize the potential of every resource at her disposal. In combat, she charges fearlessly against enemies while simultaneously assessing their actions and motives. She leverages any intelligence gathered by her Pod or through 9S’ scanning and hacking skills to adapt her approach accordingly. This makes her a formidable and lethal fighter, even with just a katana as her weapon.

1 Berserk Adam

A Mindless Mass of Raging Machine

Strongest Characters In NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
  • Type: Machine Leader
  • Affiliation: YoRHa Soldiers
  • First Appearance: Episode 11

Following Eve’s passing, Adam’s mental state started to rapidly decline. He encountered profound feelings of grief and remorse that his highly developed mind found difficult to handle. Given that he has authority over the entire Machine Lifeforms network on Earth, this mental deterioration resulted in the network also becoming compromised and corrupted.

In a brief moment, a corrupted system triggers a global rampage among Earth’s many artificial lifeforms. However, Adam swiftly gains control over these mindless machines and merges their physical forms with his own, creating a colossal, roaming entity composed of numerous machines. This enraged Adam, fueled by unbridled anger, wreaks havoc wherever it goes. 9S’ hacking efforts and 2B’s persistent assaults momentarily hinder its progress, but it is ultimately the Bunker’s Satellite Laser Cannon that brings about its demise.

Though each character on this list is remarkably striking in their unique ways, remember that they’re just some of the robust characters from the initial season of Nier: Automata Ver.1.1a. Stronger and more formidable characters will emerge in the subsequent season, so don’t forget to catch up with the ongoing second season as well!

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2024-07-31 11:04