Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail


  • Water Magic is versatile and powerful in Fairy Tail, from support abilities to devastating offensive spells.
  • Even weak Water Magic users like Lisanna can still provide valuable support in battle.
  • Mercphobia’s status as the Water Dragon God solidifies his position as the strongest water magic user.

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the enchanting world of Fairy Tail, I have come to develop a deep appreciation for its diverse cast of water magic wielders. Each character brings their unique strengths and abilities to the table, making the element of water all the more fascinating.

In the captivating world of Fairy Tail, the intricate power system is richly textured with a diverse range of magical abilities. Some powers are scarcely found, like the elusive God Slayers and Dragon Slayers. In contrast, magic derived from the four fundamental elements is relatively prevalent. Among them, Water Magic is one of the most frequently encountered types in the story.

In the realm of Fairy Tail, I’ve come across numerous Water Magic users, but their power levels are surprisingly diverse, from run-of-the-mill mages to mighty dragon deities. Given its inherent qualities of transformation and flexibility, Water Magic is undeniably one of the most versatile forces at play, and the potency of its wielders mirrors the raw, unpredictable power hidden within this seemingly modest element.

7 Lisanna Strauss

Uses Water Spells Through Animal Takeover Magic

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 79 “Fairy Hunting”
Affiliation Fairy Tail

It might be unexpected for some that Lisanna’s abilities include using water, given her main power is Takeover Magic. In contrast to her siblings, Lisanna’s unique form of Takeover Magic allows her to transform into various animals, thereby acquiring the specific powers those creatures possess.

As a gamer, I can tell you that when I control Lisanna in her Mermaid form, I have the power of water at my command. In the anime, I haven’t seen her use any aggressive water-based attacks, but in the game adaptation, she has some spells for water magic. Since her main role in the series is to provide support and utilities with her water magic, it’s safe to assume that Lisanna’s Water Magic isn’t very powerful.

6 Lucy Heartfilia

Capable Of Using Her Celestial Spirits’ Magic

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 1 “Fairy Tail”
Affiliation Fairy Tail

Lucy’s main power lies in using Celestial Spirits, but she can also cast water spells. This ability comes from her Star Dress spell, which enables Celestial Spirit mages to momentarily harness their spirits’ powers by pinning the corresponding gate key on their chest. The origin of Lucy’s water magic is her Aquarius Form Star Dress, meaning that whenever she puts on this dress, she inherently taps into Aquarius’ water magic.

Despite being able to harness only a small portion of her spirit’s Water Magic power, Lucy’s Aquarius Form of the Star Dress remains a crucial asset. It has rescued her in numerous battles and enabled her to join forces with her spirit and assist her friends.

5 Erza Scarlet

A Multifaceted Mage With Elemental Armor

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 4 “Dear Kaby”
Affiliation Fairy Tail

In the world of magical elements, Water Magic is frequently manifested by mages, not only directly but also indirectly via tools or derived magic. This is evident in the case of Erza, whose main ability, Requip Magic, often involves the application of Water Magic.

1. With the donning of her Sea King Armor, Erza’s blade takes on water magic properties, enabling her to launch a series of water-based attacks. As her sword now possesses the capacity for water magic, her armor offers substantial water resistance, often neutralizing Juvia’s rapid succession of Water Slicer attacks.

4 Pieces

Celestial Spirit Of The Sea

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 164 “Kagura vs. Yukino”
Key Owner Yukino Agria

With mythological connections to the sea and its tumultuous currents, Pieces represents the mighty forces of the tides in the form of two spirits. In their fish manifestation, these spirits transform into colossal Koi fish, while they assume human forms as a mother and her son.

The mother spirit in this mythical duo is capable of performing water spells and emitting beams of water. In contrast, its other half utilizes Water Magic exclusively via a magical trident. Due to the minor role of Pieces, which belongs to Yukino Agria, a secondary character within the storyline, this Celestial Spirit pairing has experienced limited exposure in the series, leaving much of their abilities shrouded in enigma.

3 Aquarius

The Water Bearer

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 1 “Fairy Tail”
Key Owner Lucy Heartfilia

In the world of Fairy Tail, Aquarius is renowned for being one of the most powerful water-wielding characters, surpassing even Loke, the head of the Zodiac spirits in strength. Lucy describes Aquarius as a masterful user of water magic, and her weapon of choice is an enchanted urn. By drawing on vast quantities of water, Aquarius can unleash incredible force against her adversaries.

1. Mainly, she unleashes Torrent, a destructive stream of water against foes, and Water Pillar is another formidable ability that attacks from below. The fierce personality and combative attitude of Aquarius amplify her water powers, making them even more effective.

2 Juvia Lockser

Former S-Class Mage With Mastery Over Water Magic

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Episode 21 “Phantom Lord”
Affiliation Fairy Tail

In the magical world of Fairy Tail, Juvia Lockser stands out as one of the rare mages with genuine mastery over water. Having once held an S-class ranking, she possesses remarkable ability to manipulate this element. Her arsenal of water-based attacks includes creating razor-sharp blades for assault, encasing foes in a suffocating bubble of water, and deluging them with an endless flow.

1. Juvia’s magical powers allow her to transform into liquid form, rendering her invulnerable to physical harm. Moreover, her Water Magic intensifies in response to her emotions, causing it to drizzle or pour when she feels sad.

1 Mercphobia

The Water Dragon God

Strongest Water Users In Fairy Tail
Character Debut Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, Episode 1 “The First Guild and the Strongest Guild”
Affiliation Five Dragon Gods

In the continuation of “Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest,” a new character named Mercphobia is presented as the mighty Water Dragon God. This recently introduced figure wields significant power, commanding control over all Water Magic. Mercphobia’s abilities are impressive, allowing it to shatter oceans and lift entire seas into the sky.

Mercphobia, being the creator of Water Dragon Slayer Magic, consistently grows more powerful with devastating consequences for those around him. His presence alone causes the seas to rise and flood any settlement he dwells in. Despite Faris managing to seize a substantial portion of his abilities, Mercphobia still reigns supreme as Fairy Tail’s most formidable water magic wielder, underscoring his immense power.

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2024-07-30 16:03