Strongest Youkai In Natsume’s Book of Friends

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

Key Takeaways

  • Natsume’s Book of Friends offers a unique take on youkai by showcasing them in a gentle and human light.
  • Minor characters like Chobihige and Aoi have hidden powers that are not fully explored in the series.
  • Powerful youkai like Madara and Misuzu demonstrate their strength and abilities that rival even the strongest characters.

As a devoted fan of Natsume’s Book of Friends, I must say that the series is brimming with intriguing and powerful youkai characters that leave us spellbound! Among these captivating beings, there are three that truly stand out – Riou, Misuzu, and Madara.

Many anime and manga feature demons and youkai, often emphasizing action and dark fantasy, as seen in series like “ Nura: Rise of the Youkai Clan ” and “ Demon Slayer “. However, “ Natsume’s Book of Friends ” stands out by adopting a more tranquil approach and portraying youkai in a friendlier, more human-like manner – an unusual contrast given the subject matter.

In Natsume’s Book of Friends, many of the yokai are depicted in a relaxed manner and occasionally appear cooperative – but remember, “almost.” This anime is primarily about everyday life and has a focus on creating a warm atmosphere rather than intense action. Consequently, viewers seldom witness the full spectrum of the yokai’s abilities. However, it’s essential to recognize that these seemingly ordinary beings possess immense, otherworldly power, with unusual magical capacities.

8 Chobihige

Funky Looking Character With A Secret

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In many Anime series, it’s common to find characters who initially appear weak or ordinary but prove to be incredibly powerful and tough-as-nails. Natsume’s Book of Friends loosely follows this trend as well. A character embodying this archetype within the show is Chobihige.

In its regular appearance, Chobihige resembles a peculiar humanoid figure, characterized by an oversized head and a petite mustache. He appears comical, relatively calm, and lacks a dominant personality. However, in Manga Chapter 108, Chobihige unveils his true form as a magnificent, snowy-white dragon with lustrous scales. Although the specifics of his abilities and talents have yet to be explored within the series, the fact that he transforms into a dragon suggests that there’s much more depth to his character and hidden powers than one might initially think.

7 Aoi

Bird Youkai With Blue Flames And Human Appearance

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In the anime and manga, Aoi emerges relatively late as a character who, due to his human-like appearance, inadvertently leads Natsume to believe he’s human. Aoi is actually an apprentice of a hawk spirit and is learning to safeguard the forests at Kagome Peak. This explains why Nyanko Sensei swiftly acknowledges his abilities and immediately deems him strong upon their first encounter.

In the series, much like many other minor Youkais, Aoi’s complete range of abilities isn’t fully understood, but Madara’s favorable opinion suggests he possesses capabilities beyond what he openly displays. Aoi is a bird-like Youkai, who sports large wings on his back for flight. He also has the ability to summon and manipulate blue flames at will, as seen when he burns his friends’ letters without any visible source of fire.

6 Sealed-Away Youkai

A Highly Destructive And Erratic Youkai With Little To No Intelligence

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

The connections among characters in Natsume’s Book of Friends are intricate and multifaceted, with even seemingly insignificant characters having significant ties to others. This interplay often shapes their actions. In retaliation against the Matoba clan, a minor female exorcist from the series attempts to resurrect an extremely powerful ancient youkai hidden within a forest.

The enclosed spirit being appears to possess extraordinary might, even managing to briefly overpower Madara. Its colossal size causes difficulties for Natori when attempting to contain it again. Regrettably, this specific spirit lacks intelligence and consciousness, making it uncontrollable. This lack of control makes it more perilous as it tends to go on destructive rampages without any ethical considerations.

5 Large Three-Eyed Youkai

A Massive Youkai With Strong Purifying Abilities

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In the series, The Three-Eyed Yokai is another brief yet impactful character who makes a short appearance but leaves a lasting impression on Natsume, Madara, and Natori. Even with a small screen time, his power and skill are evident as he swiftly overpowers a malevolent spirit trying to devour Natsume’s soul.

When Natsume accidentally frees the evil youkai Sumie by giving her name back, the Large Three-Eyed Youkai instantly steps in and dispels Sumie with only a single touch. He declares that he’ll be taking Sumie with him and will personally purify her soul as a repayment for the time Natsume helped him and his people cross a small puddle of water. After the situation has calmed down, Madara tells Natsume how strong the Three-Eyed Youkai is and even expresses surprise at him knowing someone of his stature.

4 Hinoe

Dark And Witty Recurring Character With Immense Knowledge Of Youkai And Magic Scrolls

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

As a devoted fan, I’d like to share some thoughts about Hinoe, a captivating character from the series who disguises herself as a human yet hides a more complex nature beneath. She projects an air of tranquility and harmlessness, but there’s something enigmatic about her that hints at a different story.

Without engaging in a full-blown fight or demonstrating all her abilities, it’s clear that Hinoe is one of the strongest youkai in the series. She might even be on par with characters like Madara or Misuzu. Her impressive display of power comes from her extensive knowledge about youkai, levitation, and fortune-telling skills. Moreover, she possesses a vast collection of powerful magic scrolls, suggesting she is already proficient in their use.

3 Riou

King Of The Forest With A Large Youkai Following

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In the series, Riou is among the earliest youkai introduced who appear extremely potent and capable. Initially, he appears in Chapter 9 as a black ceramic cat much like Madara, and Natsume initially perceives him as rather harmless. However, it’s later unveiled that his name had been taken away by Natsume’s grandmother, causing him to lose all his power, transforming into a simple black cat. When Natsume restores his name, Riou morphs into his true form—a magnificent being with human and bird traits. This transformation also reveals that he is far more significant than people initially believed.

In truth, Riou holds the title of the forest’s ruler, boasting a vast army of youkai at his disposal. His formidable physical prowess and magical might are such that he has attracted numerous followers by enhancing weaker, less powerful youkai with distinct abilities and talents. Remarkably, Riou remains kind-hearted and trusting towards all beings – be they youkai or humans.

2 Misuzu

Water-Horse Youkai With Powers On Par With Madara

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In the anime “Natsume’s Book of Friends,” Misuzu serves as a key secondary character, often matching the formidable power of Madara. This character is not just any youkai, but a particularly powerful water horse type. Typically, he appears in his grand black horse shape adorned with a vibrant purple kimono and several piercings. The might and high standing of Misuzu are underscored by the fact that he commands a large number of faithful followers.

This individual possesses numerous talents and often gives off an enigmatic vibe. Though he doesn’t intentionally display hostile behavior, he maintains a deceptive and elusive persona that can seem intimidating at times. He moves swiftly and has the unique ability to devour youkai with just one bite. Moreover, he can fly at incredible speeds and transform into a tall human form on command.

1 Madara

A Cat That Appears Harmless But Is Actually A High-Status Wolf Youkai, Stronger Than Anyone Else

Strongest Youkai In Natsume's Book of Friends

In the anime, Madara – frequently referred to as Nyanko-Sensei – is recognized as one of the most powerful and superior youkai. He plays a significant role in the storyline of Natsume’s Book of Friends, and though he is usually seen as a source of humor or comic relief, his true might is eventually unveiled.

As a fan, I’d put it this way: I’m all about the Japanese lucky cat spirit disguise, but don’t let my calm demeanor fool you – I’m a wolf youkai on an adventure with Natsume! My seemingly ordinary cat form can be deceiving, but enemies soon learn the hard way who they’re messing with. With an endless reservoir of spiritual energy, I can more than handle any adversary, even in my feline form. And let me tell you, some of my special skills include pushing away youkai using a powerful beam from my forehead, taking flight, and devouring entire youkai with just one mighty bite!

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2024-10-01 17:34